Custom Query (111 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 111)

1 2

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#184 lvrouted nobody defect blocker wontfix 13 years
#192 lvrouted packetje komen niet terug nobody defect blocker wontfix 12 years
#134 HybridHuub default route probleem rick defect critical fixed 13 years
#142 geen pf en services regels voor gewone Hybrid nodes in rc.conf.local huub defect critical fixed 13 years
#155 geen lvrouted vlaggetjes in Hybrid voor 'gewone' node nobody defect critical fixed 13 years
#161 /var loopt vol: error in cleanup script rick defect critical fixed 13 years
#176 na reboot lvrouted herstart nodig op buurnode nobody defect critical fixed 13 years
#51 Wireless Leiden node webinterface aka as wlweb nobody task major fixed 15 years
#52 Watchdog functionality nobody task major fixed 15 years
#65 sync small changes using rsync nobody enhancement major fixed 15 years
#102 In tinyproxy.conf moet 'listen' interface gedefinieerd worden nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#105 authorized_keys file is oude versie nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#106 geen automatische update van config files nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#108 All logs should go via syslog nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#109 /var/pkg should be placed on permanent storage rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#110 pen_wrapper enhancements nobody enhancement major duplicate 13 years
#113 nog oude newsyslog.conf in 9.0 nodefabriek nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#114 Error pagina indien geen inet beschikbaar nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#115 interne interface (proxy) van pf dichtzetten nobody enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#116 syslogd start niet nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#118 lvrouted flags op twee plaatsen nobody enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#119 verschil ileiden-proxylijst in 8.2 en 9.0 versie rick task major fixed 13 years
#120 lvrouted.conf ontbreekt in 9.0 node en ileiden-proxy nobody defect major wontfix 13 years
#121 hybrid/proxy/node setup rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#122 wlportal geeft error rick defect major fixed 13 years
#124 ipfw rules voor captive portal interfaces rick enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#125 Hybrid is INode? nobody enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#126 : pf_enable moet zijn 'no' voor gewone proxies nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#127 Hybrid: tinyproxy start niet, foutje in config nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#128 Oude proxy-ipadres toevoegen aan Hybrid configuratie ? nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#129 Hybrid: geen lvrouted z-vlaggetjes rick defect major fixed 13 years
#130 Hybrid configuratie captive portal interfaces rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#131 HybridHuub: snmpd start niet op nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#132 HybridHuub: interlink cetim2 'not permitted'? nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#133 HybridHuub kan niet bij ntp servers rick defect major fixed 13 years
#135 HybridHuub arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for rick defect major wontfix 13 years
#136 HybridHuub: pf: state key linking mismatch! nobody defect major wontfix 13 years
#137 HybridHuub: disable ACPI? rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#139 NTP Architectuur. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#140 tinyproxy boodschappen nobody defect major wontfix 13 years
#141 rc.conf.local voor Hybrids: tproxy_enable nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#143 dns shuffle rick defect major fixed 13 years
#144 jinja2 niet correct geinstaleerd rick defect major fixed 13 years
#145 files op standaard locatie rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#146 wlportal error display. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#147 nagios checks voor hybrid-cnode nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#148 geen internet backdoor op HybridHuub nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#149 updating naar hybrid: geen update van fstab rick defect major worksforme 13 years
#150 geen hybrids in nagios - script ..../genesis/tools/ nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#151 mos(4) USB chipset lijkt te verdwijnen uit USB stack. rick defect major invalid 13 years
#152 wleiden.yaml config voor NAT regels. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#153 only route reachable subnets in rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#154 mogelijk tot zetten van sponsor url in gformat rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#156 dhcpd.conf niet geldig voor meerdere interfaces at FAT nodes. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#157 /etc/pf.node.conf heeft incorrecte referenties naar externe iface nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#158 Service port_forwarding nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#159 geen check_inet nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#160 geen nauwkeurige tijd na boot nobody enhancement major invalid 13 years
#162 /var size from 8M to 50M on ALIX2 boards nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#163 regular /tmp cleanup nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#164 captive portal pagina server %(portalroot)s not found nobody enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#165 captive portal nobody enhancement major invalid 13 years
#166 wlportal debug message nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#167 wlportal via non-local host = KeyError nobody enhancement major wontfix 13 years
#168 defaultrouter nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#169 check-inet-alive does function properly nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#171 hybridherman geen defaultrouter nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#172 Handmatig dhclient op een normale proxy draaien set de default route niet goed. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#173 command history not saved nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#174 motd should list IP of remote side as well. nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#175 ext_if does not allow using as WL node link & uplink. rick enhancement major fixed 13 years
#177 convert alias on network to real subnets rick defect major fixed 13 years
#180 Hybrid Huub Routing nobody enhancement major invalid 13 years
#181 lvrouted pikt 'nieuwe' default route niet op nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#182 geen tap support in kernel nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#183 externe interface edge nodes nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#186 Toestaan sommige external IPs buiten de captive portal om. nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#187 som geen proxy nobody enhancement major fixed 13 years
#188 remote update perikelen met /tools/image script: authentication error nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#189 geen internet via HybridWBRotary nobody defect major fixed 13 years
#190 gateway op rdr only hybrids gaat niet goed. nobody enhancement major fixed 12 years
#191 Beter managen van HTTP/HTTPS stromen op de proxies nobody enhancement major wontfix 12 years
#193 ipfw instead of pf firewall nobody enhancement major fixed 12 years
#194 No buffer space available nobody enhancement major worksforme 12 years
#195 image deploy on .... script werkt niet voor 8.2 nobody defect major worksforme 12 years
#197 gateway op 'normal proxy' werkt niet goed nobody enhancement major fixed 12 years
#198 pen_wrapper not starting nobody defect major fixed 12 years
#199 out of swap (named killed) nobody enhancement major worksforme 12 years
#200 Link-Layer discovery op de nodes rick enhancement major fixed 12 years
#201 /usr/local/bin/http302 - log access rick enhancement major wontfix 12 years
#203 lvrouted-9413 package build error nobody defect major fixed 12 years
#207 package mtr build error nobody defect major fixed 11 years
#209 Bridgen van accesspoint interfaces nobody enhancement major fixed 11 years
#216 10-STABLE installatie lvoruted nobody defect major fixed 10 years
#223 motd mist bridges nobody defect major fixed 10 years
#231 Vervangen NS5 IL Herman - Watertoren nobody enhancement major invalid 9 years
#238 Alix3D: NanoBSD 10 spontane bridge0, AP's werken niet, geen DHCP. nobody defect major fixed 9 years
#100 compass variabele in wleiden.yaml niet correct defect minor fixed 13 years
#104 if_mos driver niet 8.3 nobody defect minor worksforme 13 years
#107 check_inet_alive zou ook lvrouted kunnen checken nobody enhancement minor fixed 13 years
(more results for this group on next page)
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