Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#137 closed enhancement (fixed)

HybridHuub: disable ACPI?

Reported by: huub Owned by: rick
Priority: major Milestone: WL-9.0-RELEASE
Keywords: Cc:
Resource needed to fix:


In dmesg van HybridHuub (Alixbordje):

ACPI Error: A valid RSDP was not found (20110527/tbxfroot-237)
ACPI: Table initialisation failed: AE_NOT_FOUND
ACPI: Try disabling either ACPI or apic support.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by rick, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to rick
Status: newaccepted

ACPI is in principe niet beschikbaar op onze doosjes, ik zal het uit zetten.

comment:2 by huub, 13 years ago

in versie 10664, met opnieuw gebouwde kernel:
May 3 17:39:14 HybridHuub kernel: ACPI Error: A valid RSDP was not found (20110527/tbxfroot-237)

comment:3 by rick, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

In 10767/hybrid:

ACPI is niet nodig voor onze bordjes.

Nu we hier toch zijn maar even wat andere kernel vlaggetjes ook goed gezet.

fixes nodefactory:ticket:137

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