Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#158 closed enhancement (fixed)

Service port_forwarding

Reported by: rick Owned by: nobody
Priority: major Milestone: WL-9.0-RELEASE
Keywords: Cc:
Resource needed to fix:


Some units have an external connection, but are _only_ allowed to have (incoming) port forwarding, like ProxyHerman en HybridRund. We currently do not have a special template for this.

Deze service zou ook impliciet geactiveerd kunnen worden op het moment dat rdr_rules present is, omdat dit een voorwaarde is voor configuratie.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by rick, 12 years ago

In 10760/genesis:

HybridRund is _not_ an generic iLeiden proxy, only serves as external->WL port redirector.

gebruik van nieuwe vlaggetjes zoals geimplementeerd in nodefactory:ticket:158

comment:2 by rick, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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