Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#109 closed enhancement (fixed)

/var/pkg should be placed on permanent storage

Reported by: rick Owned by: rick
Priority: major Milestone: WL-9.0-RELEASE
Keywords: Cc:
Resource needed to fix:


/var/pkg is a static db of installed packages which only changes if the base OS packages changes. So it might as well could be installed an the flash disk itself.

Storing 1.5M+ at /var is a waist of valuable memory disk-space (we only got 64M sometimes).

Change History (2)

comment:1 by richardvm, 13 years ago

it is installed on flash, but when the machine boots it copies the entire /var to the memory disk including /var/pkg

comment:2 by rick, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Hybrid branch heeft nu install trucje in cfg/nanobsd.wleiden welke de /var/db/pkg naar /usr/local/var/db/pkg zet en de goede symlinks + variables aanmaakt.

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