Opened 16 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#51 closed task (fixed)

Wireless Leiden node webinterface aka as wlweb

Reported by: rick Owned by: nobody
Priority: major Milestone: WL-9.0-RELEASE
Keywords: Cc:
Resource needed to fix: pc system


To mimic behavior of old web interface and have some new cool features included.


  • Simple log viewer of common log files
  • Button to reboot processes
  • Landing page for the user with some basic information included

Current code to be found at source:nanobsd/files/usr/local/wlweb

Change History (5)

comment:1 by rick, 16 years ago

(In [7013]) Python hacking is actually real fun, actually already a start of new webinterface see #51

comment:2 by huub, 13 years ago

De output van 'ps aux' op de wlweb pagina is te breed, zou ook wel 'ps ax' mogen zijn lijkt me.

comment:3 by rick, 13 years ago

Milestone 0.3 deleted

comment:4 by rick, 13 years ago

Milestone: WL-9.0-RELEASE

Een overview van de diensten die zouden moeten draaien en op het moment niet draaien zou zeer wenselijk zijn.

comment:5 by huub, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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