Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (201 - 245 of 245)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Resolution
#230 configuratie pf.hybrid.conf uit wleiden.yaml captive portal interfaces nobody defect major WL-10.1-RELEASE fixed
#231 Vervangen NS5 IL Herman - Watertoren nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE invalid
#232 disable soft-updates on embedded image rick defect major WL-11.2-RELEASE wontfix
#233 geen unbound rc.d file nobody enhancement major WL-10.2-RELEASE fixed
#234 Unbound erg traag; nobody defect major WL-10.2-RELEASE wontfix
#235 Rustdam lvrouted niet ge-update nobody defect major WL-10.2-RELEASE fixed
#238 Alix3D: NanoBSD 10 spontane bridge0, AP's werken niet, geen DHCP. nobody defect major WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#240 Cron <root@Houtmarkt> /tools/nameserver-shuffle cron errorlog nobody enhancement major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#241 Cron <root@Houtmarkt> /tools/update-nsd-zones cron output nobody enhancement major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#242 Growing /var/mail/root nobody enhancement major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#245 nsd schrijft /tmp vol nobody enhancement major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#249 lvrouted crasht lodewijk defect major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#250 test url voor /tools/check-inet-alive nobody enhancement major WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#21 definition of memory disks in fstab tim enhancement minor fixed
#24 Adjusting named.conf configuration for newer bind versions tim enhancement minor fixed
#44 apache configuration warning on first boot nobody defect minor fixed
#53 use of 7.2 host fails on build packages rick enhancement minor fixed
#55 installation of package screen fails nobody defect minor fixed
#56 test 7.2 op nodehuub: snmpd warnings nobody enhancement minor fixed
#61 default password desirable nobody enhancement minor wontfix
#66 Login with private key not possible (Server refused our key) nobody defect minor fixed
#80 Fout in hostname proxyservers rc.node.local perlscript ad defect minor invalid
#81 Node Factory 8 build probleem nobody defect minor fixed
#91 partities niet op track boundaries; geometry does not match label nobody defect minor fixed
#96 ntp.conf verkeerd ip-adres voor proxy4 nobody defect minor fixed
#100 compass variabele in wleiden.yaml niet correct defect minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#101 motd niet correct nobody defect minor fixed
#104 if_mos driver niet 8.3 nobody defect minor WL-9.0-RELEASE worksforme
#107 check_inet_alive zou ook lvrouted kunnen checken nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#111 watchdogd voor sshd? nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#117 ap-wds in yaml file ronald enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#123 trage redirect vanuit portal nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#138 hybrid ileiden proxy makes extra hop in lvrouted -z rick enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE wontfix
#170 HybridHuub tinypproxy boodschappen nobody defect minor WL-9.0-RELEASE worksforme
#178 cfedit loopt vast op reload pf rules huub enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#179 bij editen image verwarrende prompt nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#185 melding nagios mbt disk-root nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#196 configuratie externe if bij 'normal proxy' nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#202 md size bij Soekris nodes te groot nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE fixed
#204 gformat: wireless wi-interface niet geconfigureerd nobody enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE worksforme
#205 alternatief voor thttpd? nobody enhancement minor WL-10.1-RELEASE wontfix
#218 geheugengebruik var partitie nobody enhancement minor WL-10.1-RELEASE wontfix
#236 test-node-configuration rvanswol defect minor WL-10.2-RELEASE fixed
#239 LogLevel apache nobody enhancement minor WL-11.2-RELEASE fixed
#22 WARNING: Dump device does not exist. Savecore not run tim enhancement trivial fixed
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