Custom Query (33 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Created
#61 default password desirable nobody enhancement minor 16 years
#138 hybrid ileiden proxy makes extra hop in lvrouted -z rick enhancement minor WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#205 alternatief voor thttpd? nobody enhancement minor WL-10.1-RELEASE 12 years
#218 geheugengebruik var partitie nobody enhancement minor WL-10.1-RELEASE 11 years
#4 ntpd pas starten als routering werkt somebody enhancement major 16 years
#11 php scripts van webserver aanpassen somebody defect major 16 years
#12 remote logging naar loghost rick defect major 16 years
#16 vollopen /var: log rotation and named slave zones somebody defect major 16 years
#25 wi1 'busy bit won't clear' tim defect major 16 years
#27 Iris-node test DirkLos2: traceroute interlink stadhuis2 tim defect major 16 years
#38 Jail boot envirionment for node images nobody task major 16 years
#42 named unable to write to directory nobody defect major 16 years
#60 test NodeHuub 7.2: no boot on first use of cf card nobody defect major 16 years
#115 interne interface (proxy) van pf dichtzetten nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#118 lvrouted flags op twee plaatsen nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#120 lvrouted.conf ontbreekt in 9.0 node en ileiden-proxy nobody defect major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#124 ipfw rules voor captive portal interfaces rick enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#125 Hybrid is INode? nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#135 HybridHuub arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for rick defect major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#136 HybridHuub: pf: state key linking mismatch! nobody defect major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#140 tinyproxy boodschappen nobody defect major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#164 captive portal pagina server %(portalroot)s not found nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#167 wlportal via non-local host = KeyError nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#191 Beter managen van HTTP/HTTPS stromen op de proxies nobody enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#201 /usr/local/bin/http302 - log access rick enhancement major WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#220 Apache24 default met Perl nobody enhancement major WL-10.2-RELEASE 11 years
#227 10-STABLE port dnsmasq build fails nobody enhancement major WL-10.1-RELEASE 10 years
#232 disable soft-updates on embedded image rick defect major WL-11.2-RELEASE 10 years
#234 Unbound erg traag; nobody defect major WL-10.2-RELEASE 10 years
#36 Partition selection broken on old machines rick defect critical 16 years
#69 boot problem with PC nobody defect critical 15 years
#184 lvrouted nobody defect blocker WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
#192 lvrouted packetje komen niet terug nobody defect blocker WL-9.0-RELEASE 13 years
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