Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#4 closed enhancement (wontfix)

ntpd pas starten als routering werkt

Reported by: huub Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone:
Keywords: genesis Cc:
Resource needed to fix: pc system


De flag -g heeft geen zin als ntpd meteen gestart wordt bij boot: de routering werkt nog niet en de timeservers kunnen niet gevonden worden.
Suggestie: vertraagd op laten starten.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by tim, 16 years ago

Ik kan ntpd eventueel ook, net als pen, opnieuw laten starten via het
sortproxies script ?

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by huub, 16 years ago

Replying to tim:

Ik kan ntpd eventueel ook, net als pen, opnieuw laten starten via het
sortproxies script ?

Dat lijkt me niet zo'n goed idee, want dan start ntpd ook elke 30 minuten opnieuw. Er moet wel een elegantere methode zijn te bedenken.

in reply to:  description comment:3 by rick, 16 years ago

Replying to huub:

De flag -g heeft geen zin als ntpd meteen gestart wordt bij boot: de routering werkt
nog niet en de timeservers kunnen niet gevonden worden.

-g is only in there to make sure it does not bails out in panic. What does it got to do with the startup and routing?

Suggestie: vertraagd op laten starten.

The deamon itself should handle network delay issues, not the user.

Also note, in order for routing to work properly the time need to be set correctly. So the sooner the time deamon get some working time, the better.

We could also define the direct neighbors to be the authoritative on startup, that would make it way more reliable.

comment:4 by rick, 16 years ago

component: component1general
Keywords: genesis added
Milestone: 0.2
Resource needed to fix: pc system
Type: defectenhancement

We could also define the direct neighbors to be the authoritative on startup, that would make it way more reliable.


Also note, in order for routing to work properly the time need to be set correctly. So the sooner the time deamon get some working time, the better.

ntpdate_hosts should be set to direct neighbors to make it far more efficient on boot. Needing a genesis config generator change.

No changes needed into ntpd as it will pickup the time as soon as it finds the reachable time servers.

comment:5 by rick, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Sounds tempting to do so, altough a hardcore sync of time is by many running processes not appriciated and could cause process issues. Better to leave it as is and have a nagios check running on the time later on and correct it by hand or forcefull if known issue (dead bios battery for example).

comment:6 by rick, 13 years ago

Milestone: 0.2

Milestone 0.2 deleted

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