
Aug 15, 2009:

10:02 AM Changeset in genesis [7123] by rick
Initial setup off dnsmasq configuration

Aug 13, 2009:

9:41 PM Ticket #34 (named out of swap space (test of image-r6873)) reopened by huub
Running revision nr 7121 on testnode huub named crashes after some …
8:04 PM Ticket #59 (test of nodehuub: no routing no nameservice for users) closed by huub
fixed: routing works in present version
8:03 PM Ticket #28 (Iris-node test DirkLos2: dhcpd niet opgestart; luistert op interlinks?) closed by huub
fixed: deze configuratie (van Tim) is inmiddels achterhaalt.
8:02 PM Ticket #64 (test op nodehuub: no captive portal) closed by huub
fixed: werkt in huidig versie
10:05 AM NanoBSD edited by huub
8:19 AM NanoBSD edited by huub
8:08 AM NanoBSD edited by huub

Aug 12, 2009:

10:29 PM Ticket #65 (sync small changes using rsync) created by rick
Syncing a 400MB to 80+ nodes over wireless is not going to be a speedy …
10:10 PM KnownErrorMessages created by rick
9:54 PM NanoBSD edited by rick
9:53 PM NanoBSD edited by rick
9:38 PM Ticket #58 (test of 7.2 on nodehuub: routing problem) closed by rick
fixed: Fixed by updating lvrouted on a remotely connected host to the right …
9:37 PM Ticket #57 (test of 7.2 on nodehuub: pen not running correctly) closed by rick
invalid: Pen has gone a major overhaul. Could you recheck whether still valid …
9:36 PM Ticket #56 (test 7.2 op nodehuub: snmpd warnings) closed by rick
fixed: (In [7116]) Fixes ticket:56 as all disks will now be checked, while …
9:24 PM Ticket #49 (Port of lvrouted) closed by rick
fixed: Port created
9:24 PM Ticket #48 (port of tproxy) closed by rick
fixed: Port created, altough software is not so usefull as it turned out, as …
9:22 PM Ticket #4 (ntpd pas starten als routering werkt) closed by rick
wontfix: Sounds tempting to do so, altough a hardcore sync of time is by many …
9:19 PM Ticket #62 (test 7.2 op nodehuub: local routing not working) closed by rick
fixed: Fixed by lvrouted update on remote host.
7:32 PM NanoBSD edited by huub
7:19 PM Ticket #64 (test op nodehuub: no captive portal) created by huub
connecting to nodehuub r7085 as a user (i.e. to the omni) I should get …
9:58 AM Changeset in genesis [7115] by huub
aanpassing configuratie Leythenrode node en proxy7. De lokale aps …

Aug 10, 2009:

2:40 PM Changeset in genesis [7108] by huub
lokaal subnet veranderd ivm bridging van wandys
2:37 PM Changeset in genesis [7107] by huub
lokaal subnet veranderd ivm bridging van wandys

Aug 9, 2009:

8:45 PM Changeset in genesis [7104] by huub
ep0 bij Grip verwijderd, die bestaat namelijk niet

Aug 6, 2009:

9:44 AM TestMatrix edited by rick
9:44 AM TestMatrix created by rick
9:31 AM NanoBSD edited by rick
9:06 AM Changeset in genesis [7092] by rick
Some perl hacker, fancy to write an interactive genesis configurator?
8:27 AM Changeset in genesis [7091] by rick
/30 Turned out not to be needed after all
7:39 AM Changeset in genesis [7090] by rick
Made a /30 between Rabo and Joost, to please lvrouted
7:37 AM Changeset in genesis [7089] by rick
Beeing lacy, saves me from typing python getrange.py, but use …

Aug 5, 2009:

5:18 PM NanoBSD edited by rick

Aug 1, 2009:

12:00 PM Ticket #63 (test NodeHuub 7.2 svn version 7085: no boot) created by huub
I have rebuild the nodefab from scratch based on svn version 7085, …

Jul 31, 2009:

3:32 PM Ticket #62 (test 7.2 op nodehuub: local routing not working) created by huub
I have changed the local connection (to proxy62) to a /30 link and …
8:40 AM Ticket #61 (default password desirable) closed by rick
wontfix: It is also kind of safe this way :-). Most easy way is by setting the …

Jul 30, 2009:

9:00 PM Ticket #61 (default password desirable) created by huub
If you forget to setenv the password variable before building the …
8:57 PM Ticket #60 (test NodeHuub 7.2: no boot on first use of cf card) created by huub
Funny problem found twice so far: the Soekris hangs when trying to …

Jul 28, 2009:

4:01 PM Changeset in genesis [7084] by huub
local ethernet NodeHuub is now 30 subnet

Jul 27, 2009:

10:43 AM Changeset in genesis [7082] by huub
SUBTYPE toegevoegd voor a-links van LvLn2, Stadhuis2, 4, Plantsoen2
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.