Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#58 closed defect (fixed)

test of 7.2 on nodehuub: routing problem

Reported by: huub Owned by: rick
Priority: major Milestone:
Keywords: Cc:
Resource needed to fix:


CNodeHuub# uname -a
FreeBSD CNodeHuub.wLeiden.NET 7.2-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jul 14 15:58:12 CEST 2009 root@fab:/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden/usr/src/sys/kernel.wleiden i386

From nodehuub I can ping various hosts on the network. However, the other way around, neighbour vosko1 has no route to huub. Reboot at vosko1 doesnot help. Same with stadhuis1: no route to huub.
Note: vosko1 is running old software, version FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE #0
But same with nodejoost. Joost is running the new software: FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE (kernel.wleiden) #0: Sat Jul 11

From nodehuub I can ping joost, but joost has no route to huub. Note that the interlink joost-huub is using nanostations. Link is loss free:
CNodeJoost# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.753 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.728 ms

Change History (5)

comment:1 by huub, 16 years ago

From joost I can ping hermes, but -although I can ping joost from huub - I cannot ping hermes from huub.
Reboot of lvrouted on Joost doesnot help.
On Joost the lvrouted-tree for the interface to huub remains missing.

comment:2 by rick, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from nobody to rick
Status: newaccepted

comment:3 by huub, 16 years ago

On rumors that the routing problem might be related to the use of relatively large subnets I have changed the local subnet to proxy62 form a /27 to a /28. With surprising success!
From my local 192.168.1.* network I can now reach the entire wleiden network (did not work before: NodeHuub did not route for the local subnet).
Also: from other nodes in the network I can reach NodeHuub.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by huub, 16 years ago

Replying to huub:

On rumors that the routing problem might be related to the use of relatively large subnets I have changed the local subnet to proxy62 form a /27 to a /28. With surprising success!
From my local 192.168.1.* network I can now reach the entire wleiden network (did not work before: NodeHuub did not route for the local subnet).
Also: from other nodes in the network I can reach NodeHuub.

Alas, this was not sustainable: after some time no longer working :-( . I will now first upgrade the node image, after making the local subnet /30 in genesis.

comment:5 by rick, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Fixed by updating lvrouted on a remotely connected host to the right version/release.

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