Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#9 closed task (fixed)

check DHCP

Reported by: maarten Owned by: maarten
Priority: major Milestone: Service checks collection no.1
Component: Check plugins Version: pre-exodus
Keywords: Cc:


Checks if the dhcp service is running properly on the public AP interface.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by maarten, 16 years ago

Owner: set to maarten
Status: newaccepted

There is a DHCP MIB

this could be added to the nodeFactory mib dir and be auto loaded

other optios is to check if the dhcp daemon is running as process via check_snmp_process

comment:2 by maarten, 16 years ago

Looks like the previous link to the MIB is designed for MS Windows only

Use this MIB instead:

comment:3 by richardvm, 15 years ago

fine with me, but how are we going to test this?, do leases doesn't mean problems (just a very quite neighborhood).

comment:4 by richardvm, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

I don't think dnsmasq publishes this information, if so can someone drop a note here so we can make a check for this.

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