16 years |
roland |
worked on ethernet to wifi bridges, that is complete.
Would need to go …
16 years |
roland |
Updated files to reflect the most uptodate database version.
16 years |
roland |
Made a small optimisation.
16 years |
roland |
Printed list is now sorted.
16 years |
roland |
Added some help text.
16 years |
roland |
Made a simple script that checks which antenna's we have in WL.
Added …
16 years |
roland |
Added document that has a todo list for the switch between exodus
and …
16 years |
roland |
Fixed a bug regarding hostname check.
Added debug lines in …
16 years |
roland |
Fixed bugs in regexp that checks hostnames and interface names.
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
- Google kml (maps) PoC using randomized status for nodes and links
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
- As requested during exodus presentation, CSV exports of nodes and …
16 years |
roland |
Forgot to add new template.
16 years |
roland |
Added a nagios file for Richard.
16 years |
roland |
Removed old templates that we don't use any more.
16 years |
roland |
Major code cleanup of views.py.
Changed old edit and delete links in …
16 years |
roland |
Fixed error in assigning directions for antennas.
Only the master …
16 years |
roland |
Modifed import via json. We don't need the previous
initial data …
16 years |
roland |
Better handling of direction.
16 years |
roland |
added get_direction_choices to get the full name directions from …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
- Human readable output for human readable view ;-)
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
- Pretty handy alias when testing imports and need a fresh database …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Included direction details
16 years |
roland |
Last hand on forms.py.
Static host should be working.
16 years |
roland |
Mayor work on dhcpstatic.
Need to update static ipaddresses when …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on field validation if forms. This is complete.
Except for …
16 years |
roland |
Added javascript from Rick to show and hide wireless sub menu when …
16 years |
roland |
Made a fix in models.py:
sdesc and desc were removed from the …
16 years |
roland |
Updated comments for Andrea in genesis_to_exodus.
16 years |
roland |
Updated genesis_to_exodus.py with some stuff.
Fixed a bug, and rewrote …
16 years |
roland |
Added a readme script and removed linewraps in genesis_to_exodus.
Plus …
16 years |
roland |
Fixed a small bug in my database/models.py
16 years |
roland |
Code cleanup, and working on new_ssid code.
16 years |
roland |
Code cleanup, modified admin to be nicer when showing an interface.
16 years |
roland |
Fixed a bug in which the master didn't get the lowest address.
16 years |
roland |
Adding interlinks automatically generates the correct ipaddresses. …
16 years |
roland |
Fixed bug where self.link.id was called, when self.link was null.
This …
16 years |
andrea |
- interfaces and links handling should now be correct.
Checks are …
16 years |
andrea |
- safety belts. It can happens (for ethernet interfaces for example)
16 years |
andrea |
- bugfix in InterfaceForm::clean_ip() :
when dealing with …
16 years |
roland |
Added tests, and worked on clean_ip for interfaces.
16 years |
andrea |
- increase max precision to let us store geo-coordinates values as …
16 years |
andrea |
- removed an useless and harmful line of code
16 years |
andrea |
Implementation of the migration script is quite done :
- …
16 years |
roland |
New stuff, in wlipcalc a better version and better tests, added …
16 years |
roland |
Refactored code and made more unittests.
16 years |
roland |
Added and made more generic, wlipcalc, fixed bug in models.py save …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Running using, basic sample code
$ ./bin/django runscript genesis_to_exodus
16 years |
roland |
First try for an ipcalc module for WL.
16 years |
roland |
moved new models file to exodusmodels.*
16 years |
roland |
16 years |
roland |
new graphviz models
16 years |
roland |
admin media apache conf update
16 years |
roland |
New admin media prefix
16 years |
roland |
Another update, fix path in urls.py
16 years |
roland |
fixed symbolic link of media
16 years |
roland |
New config for django admin media files.
16 years |
roland |
changed tabs to spaces in urls.py
16 years |
roland |
Fixed some bugs in forms.py
16 years |
roland |
Some fixes on the root exodus page
16 years |
roland |
Almost complete add interlink code, and a small update to the website …
16 years |
roland |
Added calc_subnet, added test, removed tests with regards to views.
16 years |
roland |
First working code for add interlink.
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
How to run script from the command line and get output
16 years |
roland |
Fixed tuple bug in admin code.
16 years |
roland |
Work in progress for interface forms.
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Forgotton function fixes
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Renamed functions
for FILE in *.py; do sed -e …
16 years |
roland |
Modified model so that public ap is now accespoint and a boolean in …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Commit syntax changes
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* syntax fixes
* ssid length bigger to support larger node names
* …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Replaced tabs to spaces
16 years |
roland |
modified plain_admin
16 years |
roland |
added /plain-admin/ to use a admin which has full acces.
16 years |
roland |
forgot to add contrib.py
16 years |
roland |
Import from exodus-roland.
16 years |
maarten |
16 years |
roland |
16 years |
roland |
Modified license to contain the year 2008.
Fixed type in credits.txt
16 years |
huub |
tekst van index-pagina wat uitgebreid
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Changed Licence on request of huub, explanation on the techniek@ lijst …
16 years |
huub |
README Exodus aangevuld
16 years |
roland |
added comment
16 years |
roland |
fixed free_masterip
16 years |
roland |
fixed paths in settings.py
16 years |
roland |
renaming functions and classes to be in line with python naming
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
os.path.join, requires trailing slash, to be affective
16 years |
roland |
Fixed spelling error
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Import of initial presentation to Exodus, present it to the world :-)
16 years |
roland |
Fixed some really awfull bugs in AddTest.
All posts silently failed …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests, rewrote a small part of freeMasterIP and made …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests
Made Exception error for netmask2subnet in wllogic
16 years |
roland |
Updated makefile for buildout
16 years |
roland |
added documentation
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Hardcoding path to all calling via mod_python
* Sample working …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests for wllogic
16 years |
roland |
removed link to pareto
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Various fixes on issues reported by Maarten, remove node, delete …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Imported tickets into new trac ticket system at …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Hacked a simple model -> overview to edit/delete list to allow viewing …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Made some additional symlinks/entries in the Makefile to allow …