16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Forgotton function fixes
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Renamed functions
for FILE in *.py; do sed -e …
16 years |
roland |
Modified model so that public ap is now accespoint and a boolean in …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Commit syntax changes
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* syntax fixes
* ssid length bigger to support larger node names
* …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Replaced tabs to spaces
16 years |
roland |
modified plain_admin
16 years |
roland |
added /plain-admin/ to use a admin which has full acces.
16 years |
roland |
forgot to add contrib.py
16 years |
roland |
Import from exodus-roland.
16 years |
maarten |
16 years |
roland |
16 years |
roland |
Modified license to contain the year 2008.
Fixed type in credits.txt
16 years |
huub |
tekst van index-pagina wat uitgebreid
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Changed Licence on request of huub, explanation on the techniek@ lijst …
16 years |
huub |
README Exodus aangevuld
16 years |
roland |
added comment
16 years |
roland |
fixed free_masterip
16 years |
roland |
fixed paths in settings.py
16 years |
roland |
renaming functions and classes to be in line with python naming
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
os.path.join, requires trailing slash, to be affective
16 years |
roland |
Fixed spelling error
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Import of initial presentation to Exodus, present it to the world :-)
16 years |
roland |
Fixed some really awfull bugs in AddTest.
All posts silently failed …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests, rewrote a small part of freeMasterIP and made …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests
Made Exception error for netmask2subnet in wllogic
16 years |
roland |
Updated makefile for buildout
16 years |
roland |
added documentation
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Hardcoding path to all calling via mod_python
* Sample working …
16 years |
roland |
Worked on unittests for wllogic
16 years |
roland |
removed link to pareto
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Various fixes on issues reported by Maarten, remove node, delete …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Imported tickets into new trac ticket system at …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Hacked a simple model -> overview to edit/delete list to allow viewing …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Made some additional symlinks/entries in the Makefile to allow …
16 years |
roland |
removed old file about install Django
16 years |
roland |
merge -r6328:6339, some files didn't merge correctly and have been …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Fixed all templates to match to the more logical naming 'standard' …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Document descripion some basic of the 'framework' emplemented
16 years |
roland |
added wrong files in previous svn check in
16 years |
roland |
added files that I shouldn't have added, they have been removed
16 years |
roland |
Fixed missing file problem
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* exodus/views.py:
* Extended GenericHandler to allow custom response …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Cosmatic changes in templates
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Voila, the initial framework is completed, next will be the tweaking …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Mamma, without bloat code! Finally got rid of all the different …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Took my changes and as part of DRY principe created a 'global' …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Rewrote code to match the DRY principel, which should be a framework …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Use combination of default/javascript to allow a more logical workflow …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Parsing the right URL to the corresponding object turned out to be a …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* Makefile: Allow calling batch to make automatic re-inet and reload …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
On special request of one of our beta testers, inclusion of example …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
First attempt of embedding public accesspoints
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* exodus/views.py,
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* trunk/Makefile: help was missing one line, re-write to a even more …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* trunk/Makefile
new command was missing it comment, leaving it out …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
* trunk/exodus/sql/dnsserver.sql: allow DNS to be imported properly …
16 years |
RIck van der Zwet |
Suggestion DW: Use 'official' structure: …