Opened 12 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#258 closed incident (wontfix)

named: error sending response

Reported by: huub Owned by:
Keywords: Cc:
Location: Generiek


Op sommige nodes komen in /var/log/messages hele series boodschappen voor als:

"Aug 25 08:21:54 HybridPlantsoen2 named[1781]: client error sending response: host unreachable"
Aug 25 09:27:28 HybridPlantsoen2 last message repeated 3 times"

Deze client is (althans soms) verbonden met de omni (wlan0).

lease {

starts 6 2012/08/25 09:15:23;
ends 6 2012/08/25 09:25:23;
cltt 6 2012/08/25 09:15:23;
binding state active;
next binding state free;
rewind binding state free;
hardware ethernet 60:33:4b:57:6c:61;
uid "\001`3KWla";

Het MAC adres schijnt te horen bij Acuity Imaging (?)
RVSI Acuity Imaging manufactures equipment to monitor product quality using camera systems. Verification of product levels, label verification/positioning, and visual item counting are some of the tasks that their equipment accomplishes.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by rick, 10 years ago

Location: Generiek

comment:2 by huub, 10 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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