Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#174 closed change (fixed)

proxy name ipv van nummer

Reported by: ronald Owned by: ronald
Keywords: Cc:
Location: Generiek


ipv van proxy13 zou het veel makkelijker zijn om er ProxyRick van te maken, dit maakt het beheer een stuk makkelijker.

Besproken in techniek@ vergadering.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by rick, 13 years ago

In 10363:

Laten we maar eens kijken hoeveel stuk gaat als er een naam gebruikt wordt.

Related-To: beheer#174

comment:2 by rick, 13 years ago

In 10364:

Add the named proxies in the list as well.

While here, make sure we can call standalone from any path location.

Related-To: beheer#174

comment:3 by rick, 13 years ago

In 10365:

Ugly hack needed to fix the odd behaviour around proxy naming.

This is fixed the moment only names will be used.

Related-To beheer#174

comment:4 by rick, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from rick to ronald
Reporter: changed from roland to ronald
Status: newassigned

All prep-work done. Feel free to start replacing the entries and update the 9.0 proxies.

comment:5 by richardvm, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Dank aan Roland en Rick

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