13 years |
rick |
Do not chdir as it confuses storing files without an prefix in the WC.
13 years |
rick |
Use gformat of yaml parsing instead of using right paths.
13 years |
rick |
Fix non-existing store.yaml
13 years |
rick |
I have done this somehow/somewhere but forgot where. Anyways...
13 years |
rick |
MultiManager dict is buggy.
13 years |
rick |
Hack the data visualisation in here as well.
13 years |
rick |
Use multiprocessing to speedup discovery and running by 10x
13 years |
rick |
Poor-mans Nagios/MRTG data gattering.
13 years |
rick |
Allow generating list from CLI.
13 years |
rick |
Make sure master is lower and slave is high.
Fix typo causing master …
13 years |
rick |
DNS name generation for attached devices, to make mgnt more easy.
13 years |
rick |
Nodes without ssh keys we ignore to be handled manually.
13 years |
rick |
Give hint what is actually going wrong.
13 years |
rick |
Cleanup; More hackable and readable script.
13 years |
richardvm |
changed the way an ap/interlink is detected. Hopefully a little less errors
13 years |
rick |
Flexible tool to allow execution single command and store output from …
13 years |
rick |
I need raw entries in wleiden.net for a special project.
13 years |
rick |
Make the rdnap parser a bit more robust
13 years |
rick |
Store file in the current calling directory…
13 years |
rick |
Extra comments is proven usefull when debugging for errors…
13 years |
rick |
Allow quick restarts.…
13 years |
rick |
Better logging and re-use of sockets to allow disconnect and re-connects.
13 years |
rick |
Show which host is causing the trouble…
14 years |
rick |
Show the current processing node for debugging (failing coordinates).
14 years |
rick |
Quick used for exporting data to other systems
14 years |
rick |
Relocate to new paths
14 years |
rick |
Do not forget about the master_ip which is still used, even if not …
14 years |
rick |
Vieze hack of kijken of wind-export goed te maken is.
14 years |
rick |
Spot duplicate usages of $master_ip as well
14 years |
richardvm |
Make obsolute reference instead of fixed reference. Checkout path …
14 years |
rick |
The pool has to be formatted smarter, else the name execed the maximum …
14 years |
rick |
Proper argument checking, as index does not exists when not defined
14 years |
rick |
Make sure all path references runs fine and allow DNS output path to …
14 years |
rick |
Get rid of to many whitespace.
14 years |
rick |
Make optional module import more robust.
14 years |
rick |
Get PATH directory right.
14 years |
rick |
Update URL to reflect new config
14 years |
richardvm |
8.2 ook
14 years |
rick |
Damm I lost my nodes on the maps and found them back in Africa…
14 years |
rick |
Location can be an empty string, so force it to be a string
14 years |
rick |
Hack to avoid using arguments to get all the configs generated.
14 years |
rick |
Get proper lib dependencies and missing functions in place.
14 years |
rick |
This hacks will make be cry one day.
14 years |
rick |
- Node directory is now relative to root.
- Allow CTRL+C to close …
14 years |
rick |
Make the stuff working again, including the checks.
14 years |
rick |
Make sure the relative directory is correct again.
14 years |
richardvm |
14 years |
richardvm |
8.1 is allow too
14 years |
richardvm |
why did it work before?
14 years |
richardvm |
only allow nodes that are status=up
14 years |
rick |
- reflections of genesis file location move
- Hack thingy I use for …
14 years |
richardvm |
nagios config generator
14 years |
richardvm |
duplicate entry
14 years |
rick |
- Haasje over tussen verschillende functies in files om ze op de …
14 years |
rick |
Make sure path is set correctly
14 years |
rick |
Move nodemap to proper location
14 years |
rick |
Bezempje door alle files. Rommel weg. Tooljes op de juiste locatie.
14 years |
rick |
Moving,moving,moving …
14 years |
rick |
Trying new layout scheme
14 years |
richardvm |
path was invalid
15 years |
richardvm |
Firewall update
15 years |
richardvm |
Firewall update
15 years |
richardvm |
Enable nat and routing
15 years |
richardvm |
Port 5666 not used anymore (for a long time)
15 years |
richardvm |
Option for NAT
15 years |
rick |
- Sort ordering more logical, based on the Key and then …
15 years |
rick |
Cosmetic only
15 years |
rick |
New flag $inboundnat to allow traffic at locallan (ext interface …
15 years |
rick |
Grumble, test before commit
15 years |
rick |
DHCLIENT support on interfaces
15 years |
rick |
Typo, was assuming this needed pointing to the interface IP, but it …
15 years |
rick |
Get rid of the weird internalif subnumber assignment
15 years |
huub |
puntje achter wleiden.net in wleiden.pl - resolv.conf weggehaald
15 years |
richardvm |
Need an interface name, since we don't only use soekris 4521's
15 years |
richardvm |
So genesis doesn't require a two digit proxyid
15 years |
huub |
die vermaledijde wirelessleiden.nl in resolv.conf gecorrigeerd …
15 years |
huub |
proxylijst in wleiden.pl (resolv.conf) aangevuld
15 years |
richardvm |
trac: nodefactory#90
15 years |
richardvm |
Trac: nodefactory#90
15 years |
richardvm |
Removed Carriage returns / Windows enters
15 years |
huub |
spatie in wleiden.pl statement lo0 ipv4_addrs toegevoegd voor masterip
15 years |
huub |
oops! typevoutje in genesis.conf
15 years |
huub |
in genesis.conf filelist dhcpd.conf uitgecomment, wordt niet meer …
15 years |
huub |
update van wleiden.pl en genesis.conf voor gebruik van rc.conf.local …
15 years |
huub |
proxylijst aangevuld in wleiden.pl voor resolv.conf
15 years |
huub |
spaties toegevoegd in wleiden.pl bij create_args
15 years |
huub |
het create_args statement aangepast, dwz wlan mode moet vooraan staan
15 years |
huub |
het create_args statement aangepast, dwz up eruit geschoffeld
15 years |
ad |
een paar spaties hier en daar verkeerd
15 years |
ad |
First set mode (11b / 11g) then the channel of a wireless interface
15 years |
richardvm |
Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe) (version 2) (fix)
15 years |
richardvm |
Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe) (version 2)
15 years |
richardvm |
Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe)
15 years |
richardvm |
renamed rc.node.local to rc.conf.local (it's the standard freebds …
15 years |
rick |
Make the ifconfig 8.0 compatible
15 years |
rick |
IRIS goes 8.0 :-)
15 years |
richardvm |
Changed interface for firewall rule (typo)
15 years |
richardvm |
Added (moved from /etc/rc.conf) de filewall rules. Trac: proxyfactory#11
15 years |
richardvm |
Typo in the port number
15 years |
richardvm |
Added to posibility to automaticly create a sshtunnel to dellas. This …