{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (13 matches)

List tickets accepted, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

maarten (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#3 check interface usage Check plugins Service checks collection no.2 enhancement 16 years ago

Checks the up and down traffic of the interfaces. This check can be used to:

  • Detect abnormal data traffic usage
  • Draw usage statistics for trend analysis

#2 check Host alive genesis Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

Proper host check for wleiden configuration based on genesis. specific points:

  • snmp not running on all hosts
  • all ip's are bind to an interface

Check ICMP to all host ip's with result of 1 up is host up. Note by DWG: SNMP uptime check is betrouwbaarder - want dan weet je dat niet alleen de kernel up is - maar ook userland

#5 check interlink wireless Check plugins Service checks collection no.2 task 16 years ago

Checks the wireless connection between 2 nodes Can detect drops in signal strength also performance data could be handy to see trends in signal strength.

#6 check uptime / SNMP service dependency Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

Simple SNMP check to ensure snmp is active on the node. This could/should be the service dependecy of all service checks that use SNMP.

#7 check AP associations Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

checks active users on an Public AP interface. Performance data would be nice to see trends in network usage.

#8 check PEN Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

checks if the service PEN is running properly.

#9 check DHCP Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

Checks if the dhcp service is running properly on the public AP interface.

#10 check DNS Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

Checks if DNS is running properly.

#11 check lvRouted Check plugins Service checks collection no.2 task 16 years ago

Checks if the lvRouted deamon is running properly on the node. Maybe performance data can be retrieved of the number of active/known routes.

#13 check proxy Check plugins Service checks collection no.2 task 16 years ago

Checks if the proxy on the edges of wleiden and internet is alive and kicking. Performance data of cache /traffic would be nice

#14 check date/time Check plugins Service checks collection no.1 task 16 years ago

Checks if the time on the nodes are ok and the ntp deamon is running properly. lvRouted wants all nodes to sync their watches!

#15 import nagios hosts config from genesis Nagios config Nagios config from genesis task 16 years ago

Import all nodes currently in genesis to a hosts configuration for nagios.

#16 import nagios service config from genesis Nagios config Nagios config from genesis task 16 years ago

Generate form the current nodes in genesis an as complete as possible service configuration.

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