Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#2 accepted task

check Host alive genesis

Reported by: maarten Owned by: maarten
Priority: major Milestone: Service checks collection no.1
Component: Check plugins Version: pre-exodus
Keywords: check host alive icmp snmp Cc:


Proper host check for wleiden configuration based on genesis.
specific points:

  • snmp not running on all hosts
  • all ip's are bind to an interface

Check ICMP to all host ip's with result of 1 up is host up.
Note by DWG:
SNMP uptime check is betrouwbaarder - want dan weet je dat niet alleen de kernel up is - maar ook userland

Change History (1)

comment:1 by maarten, 16 years ago

Status: newaccepted

the check_icmp on all interfaces workes nice...
when exodus configuration is roled out there is a local loopback ip that is always available. checking only this ip will speed up the host_alive check!

One problem is that the host down check is faster then the lvrouted deamon to reroute when a host is down.
If this happens you see a bunch of nodes go down and then recover.
This should be finetuned so nagios waits a bit longer before stressing out...
also the parents directive of the hosts could assist in some situations.

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