11 years |
huub |
lvrouted port in nanobsd gewijzigd geen docs maken
11 years |
huub |
beginnetje om lvrouted aan de praat te krijgen
11 years |
rick |
Let's start breaking pkg build and installs to play around. Since I …
11 years |
rick |
Making sure right version of python gets installed, lang/python is …
11 years |
rick |
python threading is required for python to make Jinja work these days. …
11 years |
ed |
Changed the settings to optional sice we have multiple configurations …
11 years |
ed |
#595: HybridRekpark214a, b, c update crontab
De 'start' regeltjes voor …
11 years |
rick |
Typo fix
11 years |
rick |
Only seems to be a symlink to default python version, but is still …
11 years |
ed |
THIS script adds the config from GENESIS to this operating system
11 years |
rick |
Proper default for python and making sure no X11 and TK stuff gets …
11 years |
rick |
resolv.conf latest to avoid weird fall-outs
11 years |
rick |
Ports needs to be staged these days, this one is not converted yet.
11 years |
rick |
Package renamed
11 years |
huub |
pkg info command ipv pkg_info in 10.0
11 years |
huub |
cust_apply_nanobsd_patches wordt zeker beetje laat
11 years |
huub |
cust_apply_nanobsd_patches schoffel haakje vergeten
11 years |
huub |
cust_apply_nanobsd_patches uit de config geschoffeld
11 years |
huub |
patches zijn niet meer van toepassing
11 years |
huub |
nrpe2 is nu nrpe in freebsd10
11 years |
huub |
pkg-create is nu pkg create
11 years |
rick |
Going to switch to latest version.
11 years |
huub |
ip sunnysidekick toegevoegd in named.conf, ticket 358
11 years |
rick |
Een internet verbinding is vandaag de dag beter te vinden als een …
12 years |
huub |
patch voor mtr-0.84
12 years |
rick |
Make sure iperf daemon is started by default.
12 years |
rick |
Add patch for broken udav adapters.
12 years |
rick |
Ports now uses different way of setting arguments.
Also see: …
12 years |
rick |
No longer 9.0 specific following the latest release.
12 years |
rick |
File on disk is of 2011 and generating warning about new root entries.
12 years |
rick |
/usr/src/tools/tools/ath are swiss army tools when it comes of …
12 years |
rick |
Extra failback voor wl config nu die bij sunny (weer) eens stuk is.
12 years |
rick |
Make the concentrator OpenVPN work. Please do mind that it potentially …
13 years |
rick |
New version of lvrouted is deployed everywhere, so might as well …
13 years |
rick |
Was never starting as it could not find the IP:PORT configured in the …
13 years |
rick |
Takes some time to generate all the files.
13 years |
richardvm |
niet alle externe interfaces zijn vr0 (lange tijd geprobeerd, maar te …
13 years |
rick |
Inline updating does not work, that is beeing taken care as …
13 years |
rick |
You will need the variables to make sure the package name get …
13 years |
rick |
Dit niet …
13 years |
rick |
This would yield better check results.
13 years |
rick |
Make sure dependencies get tracked more properly, seems to fail to …
13 years |
rick |
Cleanups the upgrade scripts and make them more robust and readable.
13 years |
rick |
Make sure to error if ... ehm... we have errors :-)
13 years |
rick |
Grumble, _never_ link to meta-packages, this is causing pain and havoc.
13 years |
rick |
Damm I was not passing the make arguments anymore as the '-m' was only …
13 years |
lodewijk |
13 years |
rick |
Nog eentje die niet op de nodes mag ontbreken, handig voor pf monitoring.
13 years |
rick |
Handig pakket om bandbreedte gebruik van sessies te monitoring.
13 years |
rick |
Awesome! New version of lvrouted allowing us to gid rid of the -z …
13 years |
rick |
Damm meta-ports, using real port with options to avoid update issues.
13 years |
rick |
Being able to somehow kick users if they are beeing bad.
Related-To: …
13 years |
richardvm |
extra info needed for monitoring the node's status.
13 years |
rick |
Reduce update hacking only when needed, saves some potential race …
13 years |
rick |
Should be enough warnings to warn user why this many times the …
13 years |
richardvm |
required when the external interface has internal functions
13 years |
rick |
Horible broke update script for 8.x -> 9.x. Do reverse and apply …
13 years |
richardvm |
oops it was moved
13 years |
richardvm |
don't know why this file was deleted, but it is required to configure …
13 years |
richardvm |
als vpn er uit mag, moet het ook ergens in mogen
13 years |
rick |
I guess not awake during rewrite. Did it right now.
Related-To: …
13 years |
rick |
mtr is vrij handig om bij de hand te hebben.
13 years |
rick |
Should be normal machine_readable list.
Related-To: nodefactory:ticket:187
13 years |
rick |
This kind of hacks makes me cry, but are needed for the normal_proxy …
13 years |
rick |
Migrate to special commands file to avoid clutter and allow re-use.
13 years |
rick |
POST_CMD is a bit to advanced for our good, make sure to have the user …
13 years |
rick |
Make dryrun default as I always forget the type the command.
13 years |
richardvm |
nieuwe hybrid heeft een veel vollere root disk, zit in de weg met de …
13 years |
rick |
Start generating an whole bunch of statistics on login to make …
13 years |
rick |
History opslaan.
Fixes nodefactory:ticket:173
13 years |
rick |
Find het knap vervelend als je tijdens het hoppen elke keer de …
13 years |
rick |
external (vr0) kan twee IP of meer (1 x extern en meerdere intern) …
13 years |
rick |
Fixes nodefactory:ticket:182
13 years |
rick |
ipfw support met NAT is erg handig om er uberhaupt in te hebben ivm …
13 years |
rick |
Set the prompt to avoid confusion. While here merge to ./image …
13 years |
rick |
This files should not longer be here, exspecially ./etc/rc.d/lvrouted …
13 years |
rick |
Directory should not exists in file template tree, files should just …
13 years |
rick |
Part of nodefactory:ticket:177
13 years |
rick |
Do not use interface wildcards as they are highly confusing.
13 years |
rick | is alleen WL net en kan nooit gebruikt worden als …
13 years |
rick |
Op het moment dat je inlogt met SSH op een normale proxy is je FIB=1, …
13 years |
rick |
Make sure to umount in case of failure which normally uses exit 1 to …
13 years |
rick |
Make sure it can find check_inet and friends again.
Fixes …
13 years |
rick |
Just a failsafe, in trying to debug why the new packages do not get a …
13 years |
rick |
Clean all files from /tmp older unused for 3 days .
fixes …
13 years |
rick |
Merge config into tools/image
13 years |
rick |
Control the right daemons with the right function.
13 years |
rick |
Use an seperate /tmp var disk to provide an more robust system. A full …
13 years |
rick |
Make sure to load the wleiden.yaml from the proper location.
While …
13 years |
rick |
Anders heten de allebei index.cgi in de syslog en dat is wat …
13 years |
rick |
De /tmp bevuilen is niet zo'n best plan. Gooi het maar naar de syslog, …
13 years |
rick |
Quirck to ensure we are upgrading the right way.
Related-To: …
13 years |
rick |
Superseded by image deploy
13 years |
rick |
Als we dan ook nog de goede IP addressen teruggeven gaat het helemaal …
13 years |
rick |
[1:-1] is voor het IP address en niet voor het mac adress. Zorg ervoor …
13 years |
rick |
Houdt rekening met clients die af-en-toe disconnecten, je ziet hiervan …
13 years |
rick |
Not so many boot-up noice please. I know the network is not available, …
13 years |
rick |
Nog zo'n oude rakker gevonden, wegwezen!.
13 years |
rick |
Make sure to start lvrouted as a real routing daemon and give it some …
13 years |
rick |
Default search domain will give the right domain to use (keep it standard).