10 years |
rick |
Remove duplicated code block
10 years |
rick |
Gateway is only used if proxy_ileiden is used. Note: incoming RDR …
10 years |
rick |
Push neighbour and attached devices functions to functions, since I …
10 years |
rick |
Adding support for devices like repeaters which are specified in …
10 years |
rick |
Get rid of the formatting quircks for the tables
10 years |
rick |
Checking if keys are defined and not if they have content
10 years |
rick |
Starting listing configured neighbours in motd message to make …
10 years |
rick |
HTTPS implementation is flawed/broken/vunrable (POODLE attack) and …
10 years |
rick |
Use diffrent open providers to spread risks
10 years |
rick |
The comment line stating in detail what changed is causing ansible to …
10 years |
rick |
Reverting lvrouted -z implementation, since it does not seems to …
10 years |
rick |
Removing old fixed IP configuration used by lvrouted and replacing …
10 years |
rick |
Fix listing of systems for CLI purposes
10 years |
rick |
Enable PNP (graphing) on certain set of nodes
10 years |
rick |
root node is a dummy node, so ignore at parent listings.
10 years |
rick |
* Same depth nodes should also be travered
* Deal with unknown IP …
10 years |
rick |
PoC: Nagios Network Map based on lvrouted tree.
10 years |
rick |
* Document how-to fix bloken/missing plugins
* Remove duplicate disk check
10 years |
rick |
Remove warnings from nagios template generations
10 years |
huub |
key repeater_ip toegevoegd voor faciliteren repeater configuratie in …
10 years |
huub |
met dank aan Niels: gformat lijstje proxies in rc.conf.local alleen …
10 years |
rick |
Quick to define bridge interfaces, example:
comment …
10 years |
huub |
cm9_mac vervangen door wlan_mac en dus hardware-onafhankelijke naam, …
10 years |
huub |
extra iface key toegevoegd voor mac address cm9-kaartje, met dank aan Niels
11 years |
rick |
Try to generate current nagios configuration file as seen at sunny
11 years |
rick |
Tijd om het script wat om te gaan bouwen
11 years |
rick |
Maak het linkje klikbaar.
11 years |
rick |
beheer:ticket:367 - fixing host checking
11 years |
rick |
Vieze 'truc' op static IP voor een MAC uit te delen.
11 years |
rick |
Missende bridge_type entries toegevoegd
11 years |
rick |
Sommige hadden geen monitoring_group
11 years |
rick |
No more rdnap remote fetching using python module instead.
11 years |
rick |
Workaround quick for different version of notation
11 years |
rick |
Zorg dat locale keys ook weer mogen
12 years |
rick |
Initial configuration of automatic nanostion configuration
12 years |
rick |
Making sure all iLeiden proxies will have lvrouted -g flag configured …
12 years |
rick |
Could exists at multiple locations
12 years |
www |
Path to binary needs to be absolute
12 years |
rick |
Quick hack to generate $HOME/.ssh/config, allowing me to login faster …
12 years |
rick |
Making sure that 11g actually gets set, not sure why to hard-code it …
12 years |
rick |
Grumble aliases on DHCP interfaces proved to be a interesting challenge.
12 years |
rick |
Allign at channels to match the 801.11g recommendations.
12 years |
rick |
Make DHCP flagging persistent, allowing static aliases on a DHCP interface.
12 years |
rick |
MAC in lowercase please, standard system format.
12 years |
rick |
Slaves should checkin' every 15m as file get frequently updated.
12 years |
rick |
Cleared locked race-condition on HTTP error output, caused by a …
12 years |
www |
Running as webprocess does not find /usr/local/bin/svn as proper path …
12 years |
rick |
status in verplicht voor een interface, controleer hier dus op.
12 years |
rick |
Non-existing interface and no IP is really not making it happy, making …
12 years |
rick |
Technically speaking is the concentrator only an extention of an …
12 years |
rick |
Concentrator requires an working VPN connection for course.
12 years |
rick |
Magical concentrator 'trick'
Def concentrator: Route all traffic to …
12 years |
rick |
Damm dry-coding, time to go to sleep I guess.
12 years |
rick |
Do not use function which are not defined yet.
12 years |
rick |
Make cache re-loading penalty part of update process, this will avoid …
12 years |
rick |
Now with proper caching and shared memory.
13 years |
rick |
Quick om export te maken van nodeplanner applicatie.
13 years |
rick |
Now also print the header if you generate it.
13 years |
rick |
Some rocket science to hack wsgi support info gformat, this speedsup …
13 years |
rick |
Poor mans one-click-nagios-solution-for-light-based-systems.
13 years |
rick |
Should make an API for this kind of stuff…
13 years |
rick |
Quirk for getting all IPs from the hosts only.
13 years |
rick |
The whole idea of an NTP pool is that hosts resolv to _different_ …
13 years |
rick |
Named cannot resolv ifself on nodes, only the edges can.
13 years |
rick |
dnsmasq does not like the fact that we returning 10+ zones and refuses …
13 years |
rick |
Adding some new nameservers internally.
13 years |
rick |
Only the known up please.
13 years |
rick |
Fixed ordering please, prefer the Good Hybrids first.
13 years |
rick |
Whoops select the right hybrids please.
13 years |
rick |
Make the nameserver a seperate call as we need it later on.
13 years |
rick |
None is not a empty dict item.
13 years |
rick |
Ik ben die lange en verwarrende pool dns namen meer dan zat, zoals:
13 years |
rick |
Make the motd output look more pretty.
While here: Sync up motd …
13 years |
rick |
Cosmetic; sigh seems to be the only way of adding an space without the …
13 years |
rick |
Show which rev is dying.
13 years |
rick |
Doe een import van de bridge unit dmv een scan.
13 years |
rick |
interface: <iface>:<alias> is nu in de iface_<iface>_alias<alias> …
13 years |
rick |
Basic dhcp flag validation.
13 years |
rick |
Weg met die vervelende dhcpclient flag, merge in de dhcp vlag.
Fixes …
13 years |
rick |
Handmatig(!) opruimen van alle conflict keys.
Related-To: …
13 years |
rick |
Ruim er nog een paar op die we automatisch konden vinden.
While here; …
13 years |
rick |
Whoops, geef aan dat een heel stapel keys toch echt automatisch …
13 years |
rick |
Make the interface keys wat meer standaard.
13 years |
rick |
Tot ziens 'desc' veld.
Related-To: beheer:ticket:218
13 years |
rick |
Bouw een paar debug trucjes in.
13 years |
rick |
Related-To: nodefactory:ticket:177
13 years |
rick |
Use some basic caching to speedup generation of config files while …
13 years |
rick |
Sigh, coffee before commit (or unit-test, properly).
13 years |
rick |
13 years |
rick |
Whoops typo.
Related-To nodefactory:ticket:168
13 years |
rick |
No dhcp defined = No DHCP. Having the explicit dhcp : False …
13 years |
rick |
richard rightfully mentioned that it should not matter which role if …
13 years |
richardvm |
incoming nat hosts also need gateway
13 years |
rick |
Setup for boxes which are _only_ incoming portforward and NAT units.
13 years |
rick |
Aliases moeten in shared-network groups gezet worden.
Related-To: …
13 years |
rick |
Oeps flaggetje vergeten.
Related-To: nodefactory#156
13 years |
rick |
Als je goede interfaces opgeeft dan loopt die over de andere niet te …
13 years |
rick |
'Gewone' Hybrid nodes hebben ook lvrouted vlaggetjes nodes.
Fixes: …
13 years |
rick |
DNS name for external configured addresses.
13 years |
rick |
Verbeter alle compass waardes, door het uit te rekenen met …