15 years |
rick |
- Commented variables are kind of useless as no program will be able …
15 years |
ad |
added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses
15 years |
ronald |
actuele config Roomburgh2, met tijdelijke link naar Leythenrode
15 years |
huub |
NS5 management ip adressen bij Leythenrode verwijderd
15 years |
huub |
nieuwe config voor Graficall en extra interlink zuidoost voor Leythenrode
15 years |
rick |
$genesis_control is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$node_config_version is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$gw_open variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$OS variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$labelpos variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
POLAR variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
SPEED is not used anywhere
15 years |
richardvm |
Used standard syntax for zip codes
15 years |
huub |
config: leythenrode heeft nu interlink naar DeClercq
15 years |
huub |
release parameter updated for 7.2-RELEASE info
15 years |
rick |
As humans are to stupid to do proper end of line markings. Lets give …
15 years |
huub |
status Plantsoen is nu obsolete
15 years |
huub |
config il leythenrode - roomburgh aangepast
16 years |
huub |
aanpassing configuratie Leythenrode node en proxy7. De lokale aps …
16 years |
huub |
lokaal subnet veranderd ivm bridging van wandys
16 years |
roland |
'TYPE=ethernet' was forgotten.
16 years |
huub |
coordinaten leythenrode toegevoegd plus schema
16 years |
huub |
laatste wijzigingen config leythenrode
16 years |
huub |
aanvulling config wandys leythenrode
16 years |
huub |
configuratie leythenrode aangepast aan alix-bordje (interfaces)
16 years |
huub |
configuratie nodeleythenrode en proxy7 in genesis