coreboot-unknown Tue Dec 24 11:13:00 MST 2013 booting...
PCI: Left over static devices:
PCI: 00:15.1
PCI: 00:15.2
PCI: 00:15.3
PCI: Check your devicetree.cb.
APIC: 00 missing read_resources
APIC: 01 missing read_resources
Start bios (version ?-20131224_111227-ubuntubuilderx64)
CPU Mhz=1000
Found 28 PCI devices (max PCI bus is 04)
Found 2 cpu(s) max supported 2 cpu(s)
Copying PIR from 0x7e16f000 to 0x000fdb40
Copying MPTABLE from 0x7e170000/7e170010 to 0x000fda10
Copying ACPI RSDP from 0x7e171000 to 0x000fd9f0
Copying SMBIOS entry point from 0x7e17c400 to 0x000fd9d0
Scan for VGA option rom
EHCI init on dev 00:12.2 (regs=0xfeb08420)
EHCI init on dev 00:13.2 (regs=0xfeb08520)
OHCI init on dev 00:14.5 (regs=0xfeb06000)
EHCI init on dev 00:16.2 (regs=0xfeb08620)
Found 1 lpt ports
Found 2 serial ports
ATA controller 1 at 1f0/3f4/4010 (irq 14 dev a1)
ATA controller 2 at 170/374/4018 (irq 15 dev a1)
AHCI controller at 11.0, iobase feb08000, irq 0
Searching bootorder for: /rom@img/sortbootorder
Searching bootorder for: /rom@img/memtest
Searching bootorder for: /pci@i0cf8/usb@16,2/storage@1/*@0/*@0,0
Searching bootorder for: /pci@i0cf8/usb@16,2/usb-*@1
USB MSC vendor='Multiple' product='Card  Reader' rev='1.00' type=0 removable=1
USB MSC blksize=512 sectors=3813376
All threads complete.
Scan for option roms
Running option rom at c000:0003

iPXE ( 00:00.0 C000 PCI2.10 PnP PMMpmm call arg1=1
pmm call arg1=0
+7E13F330pmm call arg1=1
pmm call arg1=0
+7E09B470 C000

Searching bootorder for: /rom@genroms/pxeboot.rom
Press F12 for boot menu.

drive 0x000fd960: PCHS=0/0/0 translation=lba LCHS=945/64/63 s=3813376
Space available for UMB: 000c1000-000ee800
Returned 49152 bytes of ZoneHigh
e820 map has 6 items:
  0: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 = 1 RAM
  1: 000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 = 2 RESERVED
  2: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 = 2 RESERVED
  3: 0000000000100000 - 000000007e16ac00 = 1 RAM
  4: 000000007e16ac00 - 000000007efffc00 = 2 RESERVED
  5: 00000000f8000000 - 00000000f9000000 = 2 RESERVED
enter handle_19:
Booting from Hard Disk...
Booting from 0000:7c00

SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 2012-10-23 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 H. Peter Anvin et al

SYSLINUX 4.06 2012-10-23 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 H. Peter Anvin et al
Loading vmlinuz.....
Loading core.gz................ready.

  ____   ____   _____             _                 
 |  _ \ / ___| | ____|_ __   __ _(_)_ __   ___  ___ 
 | |_) | |     |  _| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
 |  __/| |___  | |___| | | | (_| | | | | |  __/\__ \
 |_|    \____| |_____|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|\___||___/

apu testing system based on Core

checking BIOS version ...                    : old BIOS found
                                             : flashing new BIOS 03/21/2014

                                             : !!! DO NOT POWER OFF !!!

flashrom v0.9.7-r1711 on Linux 3.8.13-tinycore (i686)
apu flashrom wrapper
flashrom v0.9.7-r1711 on Linux 3.8.13-tinycore (i686)
flashrom is free software, get the source code at

Calibrating delay loop... OK.
coreboot table found at 0x7e17cc00.
Found chipset "AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0". Enabling flash write... OK.
Found Macronix flash chip "MX25L1605A/MX25L1606E" (2048 kB, SPI) at physical address 0xffe00000.
Reading old flash chip contents... done.
Erasing and writing flash chip... Erase/write done.
Verifying flash... FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0x4c, Found=0xcc, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x001fffff: 0xe55e
Your flash chip is in an unknown state.
Get help on IRC at (channel #flashrom) or
mail with the subject "FAILED: <your board name>"!
                                             : REBOOTING NOW ...
[+40.1 C][root@box:~]$ PC Engines APU board rev ID = 0/0
Reading data from file [bootorder]
SeaBIOS (version ?-20140321_160418-frink)
SeaBIOS (version ?-20140321_160418-frink)
Found coreboot cbmem console @ 7e150400
Found mainboard PC Engines APU
Relocating init from 0x000e8e71 to 0x7e1065e0 (size 39259)
Found CBFS header at 0xfffffb90
found file "bootorder" in cbmem
CPU Mhz=1000
Found 30 PCI devices (max PCI bus is 05)
Copying PIR from 0x7e160400 to 0x000f27a0
Copying MPTABLE from 0x7e161400/7e161410 to 0x000f25c0 with length 1dc
Copying ACPI RSDP from 0x7e162400 to 0x000f25a0
Copying SMBIOS entry point from 0x7e16d800 to 0x000f2580
Using pmtimer, ioport 0x808
Scan for VGA option rom
EHCI init on dev 00:12.2 (regs=0xf7f04420)
Found 1 lpt ports
Found 2 serial ports
AHCI controller at 11.0, iobase f7f04000, irq 11
EHCI init on dev 00:13.2 (regs=0xf7f04520)
EHCI init on dev 00:16.2 (regs=0xf7f04620)
Searching bootorder for: /rom@img/setup
Searching bootorder for: /rom@img/memtest
OHCI init on dev 00:12.0 (regs=0xf7f00000)
OHCI init on dev 00:13.0 (regs=0xf7f01000)
OHCI init on dev 00:14.5 (regs=0xf7f02000)
OHCI init on dev 00:16.0 (regs=0xf7f03000)
Searching bootorder for: /pci@i0cf8/usb@16,2/storage@1/*@0/*@0,0
Searching bootorder for: /pci@i0cf8/usb@16,2/usb-*@1
USB MSC vendor='Multiple' product='Card  Reader' rev='1.00' type=0 removable=1
USB MSC blksize=512 sectors=3813376
All threads complete.
Scan for option roms
Running option rom at c000:0003

iPXE ( 00:00.0 C000 PCI2.10 PnP PMMpmm call arg1=1
pmm call arg1=0
+7E0DA4C0pmm call arg1=1
pmm call arg1=0
+7E03A4C0 C000

Searching bootorder for: /rom@genroms/pxeboot.rom

Build date: Mar 21 2014
System memory size: 2017 MB

Press F12 for boot menu.

Searching bootorder for: HALT
drive 0x000f2530: PCHS=0/0/0 translation=lba LCHS=945/64/63 s=3813376
Space available for UMB: c1000-ee800, f0000-f2530
Returned 245760 bytes of ZoneHigh
e820 map has 6 items:
  0: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 = 1 RAM
  1: 000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 = 2 RESERVED
  2: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 = 2 RESERVED
  3: 0000000000100000 - 000000007e14c000 = 1 RAM
  4: 000000007e14c000 - 000000007f000000 = 2 RESERVED
  5: 00000000f8000000 - 00000000f9000000 = 2 RESERVED
enter handle_19:
Booting from Hard Disk...
Booting from 0000:7c00

SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 2012-10-23 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 H. Peter Anvin et al

SYSLINUX 4.06 2012-10-23 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 H. Peter Anvin et al
Loading vmlinuz.....
Loading core.gz................ready.

  ____   ____   _____             _                 
 |  _ \ / ___| | ____|_ __   __ _(_)_ __   ___  ___ 
 | |_) | |     |  _| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
 |  __/| |___  | |___| | | | (_| | | | | |  __/\__ \
 |_|    \____| |_____|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|\___||___/

apu testing system based on Core

checking BIOS version ...                    : PASS, correct BIOS found 03/21/2014
CPU                                          : AMD G-T40N Processor
System Memory                                : 1994MiB System memory

counting number of NICs                      : PASS, 3 NICs found
checking MAC addresses                       : PASS
checking network traffic
failed to bring interface eth0 up            : FAIL
failed to bring interface eth1 up            : FAIL
failed to bring interface eth2 up            : FAIL
traffic on eth0                              : FAIL eth0
traffic on eth1                              : FAIL eth1
traffic on eth2                              : FAIL eth2
testing mSATA presence                       : FAIL, NO SATA DEVICE FOUND!
checking number of SATA ports                : PASS, 6 SATA PORTS AVAILABLE
checking USB devices
retrying USB again in 1 s
retrying USB again in 1 s
retrying USB again in 1 s
retrying USB again in 1 s
USB devices not found                        : FAIL
USB Nr.1 not found                           : FAIL
USB Nr.2 not found                           : FAIL
USB Nr.3 not found                           : FAIL
USB Nr.4 not found                           : FAIL

#######    #      ###   #
#         # #      #    #
#        #   #     #    #
#####   #     #    #    #
#       #######    #    #
#       #     #    #    #
#       #     #   ###   #######

[+37.2 C][root@box:~]$ ~.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Nov 9, 2014, 12:21:33 PM
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.