Jun 20, 2011, 3:14:40 PM (14 years ago)

Filled in info page.
Experimented with getting filter names and showing and deleting filters. Right now, you can't delete your own custom filters (except the mass-add ones), but with this it might be possible to create a custom layer switcher where you can.

1 edited


  • TabularUnified src/django_gheat/website/templates/home.html

    r9267 r9270  
    2323    </div>
    2424    <div id="info">
    25        This might need some work done.
     25       <h1>Info</h1>
     26       <p>Welcome to Wireless Leiden's Heatmap. Here you can check for the coverage of (open) wifi connections in Leiden.</p>
     27       <p>On the right, you will find a layer selection panel. Here you can turn layers on or off, depending on what you would like to see displayed on the map.</p>
     28       <p>Above you will see a 'filter' button. Here you can set your own filters.</p>
     29       <p>Below you will see a textfield and a slider. The textfield displays Wireless Leiden nodes on the position where you clicked with your mouse. With the slider you can set the range of the signal strength you would like to have. Based on these values, a new layer will appear showing only the connections within your chosen range.</p>
    2630    </div>
    2731    <div id="filter">
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.