Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#891 closed incident (fixed)

HybridKempers hakkelende internetverbinding

Reported by: huub Owned by:
Keywords: westeinder Cc:
Location: Generiek


HybridWatertoren3, internet vanaf Kempers:

HybridKempers# fetch -vvv -o /dev/null
scheme:   [http]
user:     []
password: []
host:     []
port:     [0]
document: [/]
looking up
connecting to
(en hangt)

en soms wel succes:

HybridKempers# fetch -vvv -o /dev/null
scheme:   [http]
user:     []
password: []
host:     []
port:     [0]
document: [/]
looking up
connecting to
>>> GET / HTTP/1.1
>>> Host:
>>> User-Agent: fetch libfetch/2.0
>>> Connection: close
<<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<<< Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 19:49:10 GMT
<<< Expires: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 19:50:11 GMT
<<< Vary: Accept-Encoding
<<< Cache-Control: max-age=60
<<< Last-Modified: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 19:49:11 GMT
<<< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
last modified: [2015-03-23 19:49:11]
<<< Age: 3
<<< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<<< Connection: keep-alive
<<< Accept-Ranges: bytes
<<< Via: 1.1 sanin508.ixa
offset 0, length -1, size -1, clength -1
fetch: size of remote file is not known
/dev/null                                                0  B    0  Bps<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (32768)
<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (65536)
<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (98304)
/dev/null                                               68 kB  332 kBps<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (131072)
/dev/null                                              116 kB   70 kBps<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (163840)
<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (196608)
<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (229376)
<<< 008000
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 32768 (262144)
<<< 004c66
http_new_chunk(): new chunk: 19558 (281702)
<<< 0
http_new_chunk(): end of last chunk
/dev/null                                              275 kB  134 kBps

De bandbreedte van de interlink (iperf van watertoren naar kempers) is 8 - 14 Mbps;

Change History (1)

comment:1 by huub, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Uiteindelijk is de oorzaak door Rick gevonden:bij Watertoren3: op de externe interface staat ook een lokaal ip en in NAT roundrobin.dus soms wel en soms niet internet.
Firewall pf.hybrid.conf aangepast op watertoren3. Dus Kempers en Kudelstaart weer internet OK. Nog wel ook andere nodes aanpassen.

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