Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#831 closed incident (wontfix)

HybridHoutmarkt: routering instabiel?

Reported by: huub Owned by:
Keywords: Leiden Cc:
Location: Generiek


Gebruiker Elsbeth laat weten:
De laatste weken valt de verbinding met Wifi steeds even weg. Het herstelt zich wel gelijk weer.
Is hier iets aan te doen?

Ik heb ook gemerkt dat bijv. een ssh-verbinding nogal eens eventjes weg is.

Internetverbinding van Houtmarkt gaat via SOM1 naar JorisdeWitte. Die verbinding is op dit moment wel stabiel:

                             My traceroute  [v0.82] (                 Fri Jan 16 10:49:07 2015
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                       Packets               Pings
 Host                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. 2hybridhoutmarkt.hybridsom1.wlei  0.0%   206    2.2   2.0   1.7   4.9   0.4
 2.    0.0%   206    4.4   4.7   3.0   7.5   0.6

Change History (3)

comment:1 by huub, 10 years ago

Summary: routering instabielHybridHoutmarkt: routering instabiel?

Ruim een uur de routering naar internet getest vanaf Houtmarkt:

                             My traceroute  [v0.82] (                 Fri Jan 16 12:07:54 2015
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                       Packets               Pings
 Host                                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. 2hybridhoutmarkt.hybridsom1.wlei  0.0%  4501    1.8   1.7   1.6  79.6   2.0
 2. 2hybridsom1.hybridjorisdewitte.w  0.0%  4500    4.6   4.1   2.9  70.3   2.1
 3. ???

Ik zie geen probleem.

comment:2 by huub, 10 years ago

Scan resultaat op de omni:

HybridHoutmarkt# ifconfig wlan0 scan
Starducks       00:0c:f6:e2:30:90   11   54M -89:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
H220N88D8CE     fc:c8:97:88:d8:ce   11   54M -93:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WPA WME
Pedster-net     ec:55:f9:9c:3b:47   11   54M -89:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Ziggo           ee:55:f9:9c:3b:48   11   54M -89:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
HuizeBrughw...  a0:ec:80:44:9d:90   11   54M -90:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WPA WME
Experiabox      00:24:d2:c9:ca:48   11   54M -91:-96  100 EP   RSN WPS WPA WME
SDMnet-private  80:1f:02:a4:9b:c4   11   54M -90:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
NU              6c:fd:b9:53:cf:08   11   54M -95:-96  100 EPS  RSN WPA WME HTCAP ATH WPS
anwarhuizing    00:0c:f6:83:c1:18   11   54M -96:-96  100 EPS  MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA WME
Wimpiesnek      6c:fd:b9:26:06:66   12   54M -92:-96  100 EPS  RSN WPA WME HTCAP ATH WPS
Wessel Juri...  e8:de:27:f5:eb:8d   11   54M -92:-96  100 EPS  HTCAP WME ATH WPS RSN WPA
Zy_private_...  fc:f5:28:7e:0a:5c   11   54M -95:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
ap-Wireless...  00:1b:b1:04:ff:4b   11   54M -92:-96  100 ES   WME
Maria2          00:16:0a:10:ae:8a    6   54M -88:-96  100 EP   RSN
Ziggo29292      20:25:64:d3:9c:1e    6   54M -87:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Ziggo           22:25:64:d3:9c:1f    6   54M -86:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
sleepboot kees  8a:dc:96:19:df:8e    6   54M   0:0    100 EPS  WPA WME ATH
'Tele2-modem'   00:23:54:74:23:87    6   54M -92:-96  100 EP   RSN WPA
Speeddevil      9c:c1:72:21:02:00    6   54M -93:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPA
ap-Wireless...  00:15:6d:30:28:4e    8   11M -75:-96  100 ES  
Thoth           20:aa:4b:45:bf:7f    6   54M -94:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Ziggo36494      60:02:92:36:bb:f4    6   54M -95:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
linksys-wal...  00:25:9c:bd:b6:bb    6   54M -93:-96  100 EPS  RSN WPA WME HTCAP ATH WPS
SpeedTouch0...  00:90:d0:e7:73:2d    6   54M -92:-96  100 EP   RSN WPA WME
Poepieschee...  20:cf:30:14:6a:39    6   54M -95:-96  100 EP   RSN WPA
Ziggo           22:25:64:32:9c:88    1   54M -90:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
Snakes          20:25:64:32:9c:87    1   54M -90:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Ziggo31598      7c:05:07:a0:15:b2    1   54M -89:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Ziggo           7e:05:07:a0:15:b3    1   54M -89:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
Ziggo           7e:e9:d3:71:27:4f    1   54M -93:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
ARV7519883D96   7c:4f:b5:88:3d:96    1   54M -92:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
Koekiemonster   e8:94:f6:2a:7e:a2    1   54M -91:-96  100 EPS  RSN HTCAP WME ATH WPS
Sekhnet A       bc:ae:c5:88:5a:c4    1   54M -93:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
ZiggoA7DF0      7c:e9:d3:71:27:4e    1   54M -93:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
Internetje      bc:05:43:8d:ef:87    1   54M -92:-96  100 EPS  HTCAP WME ATH RSN WPA WPS
Ziggo           4e:72:b9:2a:27:0d    1   54M -96:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
KPN Fon         62:f5:37:54:ce:01    1   54M -92:-96  100 E    HTCAP WME
ap-Wireless...  00:1b:b1:05:03:05    1   54M -93:-96  100 ES   WME
H220N54CE00     98:f5:37:54:ce:00    1   54M -92:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WPA WME
Ziggo17865      60:02:92:02:46:43    1   54M -94:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
VGV7519480582   84:9c:a6:48:05:82    2   54M -91:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
KPN Fon         84:9c:a6:48:05:83    2   54M -91:-96  100 E    MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WME
HG655D-875B63   82:1d:67:87:5b:60    3   54M -87:-96  100 EPS  MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
HG655D-CC870D   72:2b:c1:cc:87:0c    3   54M -91:-96  100 EPS  HTCAP RSN WME WPS
VGV751931E928   4c:09:d4:31:e9:28    4   54M -87:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
Thomson3098C3   00:26:b6:30:98:c3    3   54M -93:-96  100 EP   HTCAP WME
Sarike          1c:c6:3c:cb:68:6c    3   54M -90:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
tele2-982B      c6:25:06:21:68:7d    3   54M -95:-96  100 EPS  RSN WME HTCAP ATH
HG655D-89D639   82:1d:67:89:d6:38    3   54M -91:-96  100 EPS  MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
Sitecom1F422F   64:d1:a3:1f:42:2f    8   54M -84:-96  100 EP   HTCAP WME ATH RSN WPS
VGV7519798BFD   84:9c:a6:79:8b:fd    8   54M -93:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
ICIDU           6c:fd:b9:82:40:f0    8   54M -86:-96  100 EPS  RSN WPA WME HTCAP ATH
Intercatnet     88:03:55:94:8f:23    9   54M -93:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
KPN Fon         50:7e:5d:6a:68:5b    9   54M -89:-96  100 E    MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WME
VGV75196A685A   50:7e:5d:6a:68:5a    9   54M -91:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
VGV7519C341E6   88:03:55:c3:41:e6    9   54M -95:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
Leiden WiFi     ec:43:f6:28:69:d4    9   54M -95:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF HTCAP RSN WME
VGV75199720BE   50:7e:5d:97:20:be   10   54M -92:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WPA RSN WME
KPN Fon         50:7e:5d:97:20:bf   10   54M -92:-96  100 E    MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP WME
Ziggo6E76B      70:18:8b:68:31:a3   11   54M -87:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WPS WME
VGV75198EEDEA   88:03:55:8e:ed:ea   10   54M -91:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF WPS HTCAP RSN WME
Thomson11A218   00:26:b6:11:a2:18   10   54M -94:-96  100 EP   RSN WPS WPA WME
HG655D-15437D   7a:08:8b:15:43:7c   10   54M -89:-96  100 EPS  HTCAP RSN WME WPS
Ziggo           72:18:8b:68:31:a4   11   54M -89:-96  100 EP   RSN HTCAP WME
Zy_private_...  cc:5d:4e:06:cd:a4   11   54M -93:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF HTCAP RSN WME
Qnet            fc:f5:28:81:e1:64   11   54M -94:-96  100 EP   MESHCONF MESHCONF HTCAP RSN WME
Icke            00:23:54:53:23:2d   11   54M -95:-96  100 EP   RSN
Dali Bakkerij   00:1b:fc:c8:3c:2d   13   54M -95:-96  100 EP   RSN

comment:3 by huub, 10 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Ik geloof niet dat we dit probleem op korte termijn op kunnen lossen. Oorzaak onduidelijk.

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