14 years |
richardvm |
No iris nodes
14 years |
richardvm |
nieuwe watertoren3, nog niet klaar
14 years |
richardvm |
nieuwe watertoren1, nog niet klaar
14 years |
richardvm |
nieuwe watertoren1, nog niet klaar
14 years |
huub |
configuratie vr2 en ue0 gewijzigd, webcam nu op vr2
14 years |
huub |
mac adressen van ns2 aps toegevoegd
14 years |
rick |
Voorbeeld automatische implementatie van Naamgeving node SSID.
14 years |
huub |
lokaal ethernet rosmolen is down
14 years |
huub |
ongebruikte link naar noordoost correctie
14 years |
huub |
status interlinks cam gecorrigeerd
14 years |
richardvm |
Something went wrong with getrange, got a range which was already in use
14 years |
richardvm |
I want to be able to access the bullit based on their ip from anywhere …
14 years |
huub |
interface naar lokaal ap is down
14 years |
richardvm |
Richard wasn't in this world for ages!
14 years |
huub |
struykverwo1 down
14 years |
huub |
regenboog down
14 years |
huub |
lmkempers down
14 years |
huub |
lmkempers down
14 years |
huub |
lmdorp down
14 years |
huub |
struykverwo is down
14 years |
huub |
ap naam aangepast
14 years |
huub |
node is down
14 years |
richardvm |
Needed for joomla testing
14 years |
ad |
changed configuration for new iris node
14 years |
richardvm |
data is retrieved via snmp, so no ssh required
14 years |
huub |
ap-atrium en ap2-atrium repeater gegevens toegevoegd aan config stadhuis
14 years |
richardvm |
bdboom is not iris
14 years |
richardvm |
rabo's are ileiden nodes
14 years |
huub |
unused interface op rustenborch status is down
14 years |
richardvm |
public execution for this kind of mistakes: +1
14 years |
huub |
config hofland aangepast: is down
14 years |
huub |
config cam aangepast benaming unigor
14 years |
huub |
status lokale interface nodeBCSte is down
14 years |
huub |
status nodeAster is down
14 years |
richardvm |
not 8.0
14 years |
richardvm |
extra variables, needed for nagios
14 years |
huub |
interlink psycho unigorn is up
14 years |
huub |
typo in ip node psycho config file
14 years |
rick |
Add common used usersnames in () for script automation purposes
14 years |
rick |
One format for coordinates will do the trick (make editing more easy …
14 years |
rick |
Bezempje door alle files. Rommel weg. Tooljes op de juiste locatie.
14 years |
rick |
Little hack to generate DNS entries again.
XXX: Should more to a more …
14 years |
huub |
mac adressen toegevoegd in config file node psycho
14 years |
richardvm |
Hoop changes
14 years |
huub |
configuratie NodePsycho
14 years |
rick |
Hack to generate DNS using the 'yaml' files.
14 years |
rick |
Python friendly name (does not like the dashes)
14 years |
rick |
Compass direction name got dodgy formatted (empty), causing syntax …
14 years |
rick |
MaraDNS compatible zone files
14 years |
rick |
First hacks in trying to get some decent automatic DNS generation …
14 years |
richardvm |
iris node
14 years |
richardvm |
iris node
14 years |
richardvm |
14 years |
richardvm |
revert back to an old version
14 years |
richardvm |
iris node
14 years |
richardvm |
two other nodes are going to be created
14 years |
richardvm |
Hackish entries blame Rick (always)
14 years |
rick |
Some more user friendly format
14 years |
huub |
interlink lijtweg2 naar unigorn in genesis gezet
14 years |
huub |
kleine aanpassingen configs grip en unigorn
14 years |
huub |
kleine wijzigingen unigor2 config file
14 years |
huub |
kleine wijzigingen unigor1 config file
14 years |
huub |
camimplants heet nu cam, ook in config UniGor2
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
nieuwe nodes UniGor1 en 2 vervangen UniGor
14 years |
huub |
node UniGor splitsen in UniGor1 en UniGor2
14 years |
karlo |
Revert previos changes; these were test changes
14 years |
tom |
De zooi van Carlo weggehaald
14 years |
richardvm |
Nieuw link tussen twee nodes
14 years |
tom |
verbinding Grip <> Zwaluwak
by Tom and Ad
14 years |
karlo |
Link between CNodeDeClercq and CNodeSOM2 because the cow is out of the way
14 years |
huub |
config nodegrip mac-adres nanostation toegevoegd
14 years |
huub |
mac-adressen bullets toegevoegd
14 years |
huub |
iris config Grip en link naar vosko1 gemaakt
14 years |
rick |
Key of Karlo Luiten (new VV)
14 years |
rick |
Exact location of the omni antennes of nodes. Coordinates taken from …
14 years |
rick |
Broke the DNS build.
14 years |
rick |
Exception handling to a yet unknown error.
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down
14 years |
huub |
status down ils Haagwijk
14 years |
huub |
status down il naar Lebkov
14 years |
huub |
status down il-no cetim1
14 years |
huub |
status down broekplein lokaal
14 years |
huub |
status down bcste-zwaluwak
14 years |
richardvm |
Added status info
14 years |
richardvm |
New and corrected channels's
14 years |
huub |
MACadressen en IPs nanos Leythenrode noordzijde