5 years |
rick |
Stadhuis will be renovated, no service for 1,5 year
6 years |
rick |
Update dynamic IP change of stadhuis.gw
6 years |
huub |
node onsbuiten3 met link naar onsbuiten1 geconfigureerd
6 years |
rick |
Fix typo in default gateway configuration
6 years |
huub |
node software geupdate naar 11.2
6 years |
rick |
Reveive old AP oost at Stadhuis
7 years |
huub |
ipadressen voor nieuwe config van link geluidsnet2 naar stadhuis
7 years |
rick |
Added new hardware at geluidsnet nodes
- USB dongles to VLAN switches …
7 years |
rick |
Fix overlapping IP networks
The syntax checker did not check for …
8 years |
rick |
Allow inbound camera feeds
8 years |
rick |
Audiolink for Marathon Leiden
Temponary link onto interlink, since …
8 years |
rick |
gformat.py cleanup - cosmetic changes to sync all config files
8 years |
rick |
Alias required to locallly manage the Free-WiFi Pilot Devices
8 years |
rick |
Node can be used as proxy these days
8 years |
rick |
.24 is already claimed by bridge, using un-assigned one
8 years |
huub |
stadhuis tijdelijk geen gateway meer, nu LucasN in gebruik
8 years |
huub |
TUDelft config van niet-gebruikte ath0 gaf foutmelding van gformat.py
8 years |
huub |
externalif statement toegevoegd aan config file, helpt dat?
8 years |
rick |
Duplicate IP
8 years |
rick |
Stadhuis have own internet connection to use.
Courtesy of AnyWi …
8 years |
huub |
mac adressen M5s bij Stadhuis gecorrigeerd
8 years |
huub |
mac adressen M5s bij Stadhuis gecorrigeerd
8 years |
rick |
Replacements NanoStationM5
8 years |
huub |
config voor DimIns gateway met link naar Stadhuis
9 years |
rick |
./tools/gformat.py cleanup
9 years |
rick |
Hybrid was a hack back in the days to show technical differences …
copied from nodes/HybridStadhuis
10 years |
huub |
visitorcentre1 is nu dekijker