
Oct 8, 2014:

7:18 PM Changeset in hybrid [12952] by henkjan
nieuwe index.html file voor portal (met autoredirect)

Oct 6, 2014:

1:16 PM Changeset in genesis [12950] by wouter
Soekris-versie van HybridTienThuis gemaakt.
1:04 PM Changeset in genesis [12949] by wouter
Soekris-versie van HybridTienThuis gemaakt.

Oct 5, 2014:

9:42 AM Changeset in hybrid [12948] by huub
test.cgi perl script toegevoegd
9:39 AM Changeset in hybrid [12947] by huub
python cgi script moet kennelijk rechtstreeks naar python2.7 verwijzen (?)
8:28 AM Changeset in hybrid [12946] by huub
httpd.conf verhuisd naar /usr/local/etc/apache24/ directory
8:13 AM Changeset in hybrid [12945] by huub
probeersel voor httpd.conf

Oct 4, 2014:

6:37 PM Changeset in hybrid [12944] by huub
httpd.conf aangepast maar cgi-script werkt nog niet

Oct 3, 2014:

7:45 PM Changeset in hybrid [12943] by huub
named uit var verwijderd nu we unbound gaan gebruiken
7:41 PM Changeset in hybrid [12942] by huub
rc.d script nu voor unbound configuratie in /usr/local/etc/unbound
7:38 PM Changeset in hybrid [12941] by huub
unbound nu geconfigureerd in /usr/local/etc/unbound
9:24 AM Changeset in hybrid [12940] by huub
forward-zone sample voor unbound config

Oct 2, 2014:

2:34 PM Changeset in genesis [12939] by wouter
Alternatieve yamls verwijderd
2:32 PM Changeset in genesis [12938] by wouter
Nieuwe indeling nodes AkzoNobel

Oct 1, 2014:

8:58 AM Changeset in zoeterwoude [12937] by rick
Verzoek van Annabel om haar naam te verwijderen.

Sep 28, 2014:

8:40 AM Changeset in hybrid [12936] by huub
pid file op de goede plek in rc.d/unbound
8:30 AM Changeset in hybrid [12935] by huub
deze versie van unbound.conf zou moeten werken ook met Google

Sep 26, 2014:

7:21 PM Changeset in hybrid [12934] by huub
syslog.conf aangepast in factory 10.1
3:30 PM Changeset in hybrid [12933] by huub
kleine config wijzigingen unbound.conf
1:02 PM Changeset in genesis [12932] by huub
config gemaakt voor test node FreeBSD10-versie

Sep 23, 2014:

3:49 PM Changeset in hybrid [12931] by huub
rcvar statement ook uit unbound rc.d script uiteraard
3:40 PM Changeset in hybrid [12930] by huub
rc.conf aangepast voor unbound enabling
3:38 PM Changeset in hybrid [12929] by huub
startup script voor unbound in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
2:41 PM Changeset in hybrid [12928] by huub
apache httpd.conf file gemaakt
11:36 AM Changeset in hybrid [12927] by huub
statische portal paginas in wlportal directory gekopieerd van portalDesign
11:26 AM Changeset in hybrid [12926] by huub
cleanup: nrpe wordt niet meer gebruikt
11:17 AM Changeset in hybrid [12925] by huub
removed rcvar=set_rcvar statement from starup scritps in …

Sep 22, 2014:

7:00 PM Changeset in hybrid [12924] by huub
enkele aanpassingen in rc.conf ivm gebruik apache24 en unbound
6:47 PM Changeset in hybrid [12923] by huub
cleanup rc.d remove named
6:47 PM Changeset in hybrid [12922] by huub
cleanup rc.d remove rcvar statements and named

Sep 21, 2014:

9:45 AM Changeset in hybrid [12918] by huub
in hybrid/branches/releng-10 de index.html uit releng-9 toegevoegd, …

Sep 20, 2014:

8:40 PM Changeset in genesis [12917] by huub
extra ap M2-loco bij Joris de Witte op nano5 ethernetpoort

Sep 19, 2014:

7:51 AM Changeset in genesis [12916] by wouter
Nieuwe link Leeuwenhorst2 naar TeyBartholomeus

Sep 16, 2014:

7:04 AM Changeset in hybrid [12913] by rick
In the process of finding out why Huubs' build does fail every time, …

Sep 15, 2014:

3:35 PM Changeset in genesis [12912] by ed
update van de KML file

Sep 14, 2014:

10:08 AM Changeset in hybrid [12910] by huub
drill vervangt dig in snmpd.conf
10:06 AM Changeset in hybrid [12909] by huub
drill vervangt dig in nameserver-shuffle

Sep 12, 2014:

9:17 PM Changeset in hybrid [12908] by rick
This nastly hack will make sure that the WL portal behind thttpd does …
9:10 PM Changeset in genesis [12907] by rick
Innitiele configuratie voor Groene Hart Recreatie

Sep 11, 2014:

9:07 AM Changeset in hybrid [12906] by huub
nano directory is weer standaard

Sep 10, 2014:

4:00 PM Changeset in genesis [12905] by wouter
Interlink naar noordwest (richting Noordwijk) aangesloten via switch.
11:21 AM Changeset in hybrid [12904] by huub
commentregeltje dat was blijven hangen weggehaald voor de esthetiek

Sep 9, 2014:

2:50 PM Changeset in hybrid [12903] by rick
pkg_install is not longer included in ports and completely replaced by …
2:11 PM Changeset in hybrid [12902] by huub
ca-root-nss pakje erbij
1:36 PM Changeset in hybrid [12901] by huub
apache2.4 toegevoegd

Sep 8, 2014:

7:59 PM Changeset in hybrid [12900] by huub
beginnetje met unbound configuratie
7:53 PM Changeset in hybrid [12899] by huub
bind-tools toch niet nodig: gebruik drill ipv dig
6:26 PM Changeset in hybrid [12898] by huub
vim-lite uit packagelist
3:01 PM Changeset in hybrid [12897] by rick
Not used in 10 anymore.
2:59 PM Changeset in hybrid [12896] by rick
We want good old dig and nslookup back
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.