8 years |
rick |
8 years |
rick |
More sure file can be parsed.
8 years |
rick |
Allow fixed addresses
8 years |
rick |
Add ability to provide comments for tracking.
8 years |
rick |
Make rdr_rules global for multi-access use.
Allowing them to be used …
8 years |
rick |
Fix generation & cleanup of config files
8 years |
rick |
It was a shame FreeBSD requirements where not listed over here.
8 years |
rick |
Instead of 32 spaces, use 2 spares, since unbound does not seems to …
8 years |
rick |
Redundency support, in case local DNS server is not running/responding …
8 years |
rick |
autogen_ifname is ambigious since introduction of vlans.
dhcpd …
8 years |
rick |
Keep equal interfaces together, more easy debugging
8 years |
rick |
Keep equal interfaces together, more easy debugging
8 years |
rick |
Level3 became an ad-supported DNS server, replace with Verisign.
An …
8 years |
rick |
No dhcp allowed when interface is bridge member.
Added pre-checking …
8 years |
rick |
Implement named replacement for FreeBSD 11.
Unbound via ports, …
8 years |
rick |
Control gateway routing using 'flagged' IP.
The use of specialized …
8 years |
rick |
Quick and dirty hack to support VLANs
8 years |
rick |
No duplicated vlan entries and stable output.
8 years |
rick |
Use reverse, since no other reverse is defined
8 years |
rick |
Deal with interfaces without IP numbers (vlan masters)
8 years |
rick |
Extra spacing is confusing when using grep for filtering
8 years |
rick |
Not all interfaces has IP addresses anymore.
Checking whether IP is …
9 years |
rick |
Re-do bridge configuration to support VLAN administation.
The current …
9 years |
rick |
Fix for vlan(4) and bridge(4) interfaces causing ARP issues.
In a …
9 years |
rick |
Update network.kml and provide pointer on how-to create it.
9 years |
rick |
Introduction of new key requires definition
9 years |
rick |
Introduced typo in prev commit
9 years |
rick |
Typo ether and inet have a different syntax
9 years |
rick |
Workaround for USB NIC w/o MAC address.
Some USB dongles do not have …
9 years |
rick |
Quirk to enable DHCP shared-network again in case an interface has …
9 years |
rick |
When interface is DHCP client, there is not setting of static interfacing
9 years |
rick |
Support spaces in SSID, by using hex encoding, since escaping is a …
9 years |
rick |
We moved away from hybrid naming prefixes, so no need to generate …
9 years |
rick |
Convert to autobridge, since addm will fail if interface is missing …
9 years |
rick |
Quirck to group DHCP interfaces into newly defined bridge0 interface …
9 years |
rick |
Supporting spaces within SSIDs to create names like "WiFi Zoeterwoude".
9 years |
rick |
* Members of interfaces should be included into the creating of the …
9 years |
rick |
Major Change: Combine accesspoint interfaces to a shared bridge …
9 years |
rick |
All IP ranges of shared network should be combined into a shared …
9 years |
rick |
Whoops reverting r13421, turned out this is required, since we have …
9 years |
rick |
Removing the shared-network definitions from the equation since no …
9 years |
rick |
rc.conf requires parent interfaces without specific interfaces to be …
9 years |
rick |
APU board requires 'fat' daemons to run.
Note: Since this are …
9 years |
rick |
Weed out CNode legacy code
9 years |
rick |
Hybrid* will also be removed from references to in FQDN
9 years |
rick |
Removing references to old CNode and Hybrid prefixes
9 years |
rick |
Innitial support for vlan configurations, while here get rid of a) …
9 years |
rick |
defaultrouter= should also be used for iLeiden proxies.
10 years |
rick |
Remove duplicated code block
10 years |
rick |
Gateway is only used if proxy_ileiden is used. Note: incoming RDR …
10 years |
rick |
Push neighbour and attached devices functions to functions, since I …
10 years |
rick |
Adding support for devices like repeaters which are specified in …
10 years |
rick |
Get rid of the formatting quircks for the tables
10 years |
rick |
Checking if keys are defined and not if they have content
10 years |
rick |
Starting listing configured neighbours in motd message to make …
10 years |
rick |
Cosmetics move cache generation to new function
10 years |
rick |
HTTPS implementation is flawed/broken/vunrable (POODLE attack) and …
10 years |
rick |
Use diffrent open providers to spread risks
10 years |
rick |
The comment line stating in detail what changed is causing ansible to …
10 years |
ed |
Already adding the new Freebsd wlnodes release
10 years |
rick |
Reverting lvrouted -z implementation, since it does not seems to …
10 years |
rick |
Removing old fixed IP configuration used by lvrouted and replacing …
10 years |
rick |
Fix listing of systems for CLI purposes
10 years |
rick |
Enable PNP (graphing) on certain set of nodes
10 years |
rick |
root node is a dummy node, so ignore at parent listings.
10 years |
rick |
* Same depth nodes should also be travered
* Deal with unknown IP …
10 years |
rick |
PoC: Nagios Network Map based on lvrouted tree.
10 years |
rick |
* Document how-to fix bloken/missing plugins
* Remove duplicate disk check
10 years |
rick |
Remove warnings from nagios template generations
10 years |
huub |
key repeater_ip toegevoegd voor faciliteren repeater configuratie in …
10 years |
huub |
met dank aan Niels: gformat lijstje proxies in rc.conf.local alleen …
10 years |
rick |
Quick to define bridge interfaces, example:
comment …
10 years |
huub |
cm9_mac vervangen door wlan_mac en dus hardware-onafhankelijke naam, …
10 years |
huub |
extra iface key toegevoegd voor mac address cm9-kaartje, met dank aan Niels
11 years |
rick |
Try to generate current nagios configuration file as seen at sunny
11 years |
rick |
Neem ook masterip mee in de checks.
Fixes beheer:ticket:411
11 years |
rick |
Tijd om het script wat om te gaan bouwen
11 years |
rick |
Maak het linkje klikbaar.
11 years |
rick |
Allow link specific features
11 years |
rick |
beheer:ticket:367 - fixing host checking
11 years |
rick |
Vieze 'truc' op static IP voor een MAC uit te delen.
11 years |
rick |
Correcties om graph van nodes te maken.
11 years |
rick |
Missende bridge_type entries toegevoegd
11 years |
rick |
Sommige hadden geen monitoring_group
11 years |
rick |
No more rdnap remote fetching using python module instead.
11 years |
rick |
Workaround quick for different version of notation
11 years |
rick |
Zorg dat locale keys ook weer mogen
12 years |
rick |
Make it no newlines, for readability.
12 years |
rick |
Do not annoy to much
12 years |
rick |
Better connection handling.
12 years |
rick |
Notify we are done
12 years |
rick |
Nanostation automatic configuration script (AP mode only).
12 years |
rick |
* Alias IP
* Syslog
* NTP client
12 years |
rick |
Initial configuration of automatic nanostion configuration
12 years |
rick |
Multiple ranges to be ignored, using prefixes making syntaxing more easy.
12 years |
rick |
Making sure all iLeiden proxies will have lvrouted -g flag configured …
12 years |
rick |
Could exists at multiple locations
12 years |
www |
Path to binary needs to be absolute
12 years |
rick |
Quick hack to generate $HOME/.ssh/config, allowing me to login faster …
12 years |
rick |
Automatic Nanostation MAC discovery to be put into genesis.