# # ChangeLog for tools in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 10, 2025, 6:53:36 AM Thu, 21 Apr 2011 06:44:42 GMT rick [9095] * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (modified) Make optional module import more robust. Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:02:50 GMT rick [8948] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Get PATH directory right. Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:00:36 GMT rick [8947] * tools/update-wlconfig (modified) Update URL to reflect new config Tue, 08 Mar 2011 21:25:59 GMT richardvm [8913] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) 8.2 ook Wed, 02 Mar 2011 19:43:15 GMT rick [8872] * tools/rdnap.py (modified) Damm I lost my nodes on the maps and found them back in Africa... Wed, 02 Mar 2011 18:48:28 GMT rick [8871] * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (modified) Location can be an empty string, so force it to be a string Wed, 02 Mar 2011 18:43:53 GMT rick [8870] * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (modified) Hack to avoid using arguments to get all the configs generated. Wed, 02 Mar 2011 18:43:22 GMT rick [8869] * tools/rdnap.py (modified) Get proper lib dependencies and missing functions in place. Wed, 02 Mar 2011 18:09:48 GMT rick [8867] * tools/gformat.py (modified) This hacks will make be cry one day. Tue, 01 Mar 2011 22:19:32 GMT rick [8860] * tools/gformat.py (modified) - Node directory is now relative to root. - Allow CTRL+C to close ... Tue, 01 Mar 2011 21:59:22 GMT rick [8859] * nodes/CNodeAMKudelstaart/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMSchiphol/wleiden.conf (modified) * tools/dubbelipcheck.sh (modified) Make the stuff working again, including the checks. Tue, 01 Mar 2011 21:37:19 GMT rick [8858] * tools/before-commit.sh (modified) Make sure the relative directory is correct again. Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:31:59 GMT richardvm [8810] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) typo Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:31:38 GMT richardvm [8809] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) 8.1 is allow too Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:28:45 GMT richardvm [8808] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) why did it work before? Tue, 30 Nov 2010 22:26:31 GMT richardvm [8686] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) only allow nodes that are status=up Wed, 03 Nov 2010 08:18:23 GMT rick [8646] * tools/oneliners.sh.inc (added) - reflections of genesis file location move - Hack thingy I use for ... Wed, 03 Nov 2010 00:55:55 GMT richardvm [8644] * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (modified) * tools/yaml2nag.py (added) nagios config generator Tue, 02 Nov 2010 19:51:07 GMT richardvm [8636] * dns/staticDNS.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) duplicate entry Sun, 31 Oct 2010 21:24:42 GMT rick [8622] * dns/staticDNS.yaml (moved) * tools/cardgen.sh (deleted) * tools/gformat.py (modified) * tools/rdnap.py (added) - Haasje over tussen verschillende functies in files om ze op de ... Sun, 31 Oct 2010 21:22:36 GMT rick [8621] * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (modified) Make sure path is set correctly Sun, 31 Oct 2010 20:33:19 GMT rick [8618] * tools/autorun.sh (deleted) * tools/get-network-status.py (deleted) * tools/make_map.py (deleted) Move nodemap to proper location Sun, 31 Oct 2010 19:59:34 GMT rick [8615] * nodes/README (deleted) * nodes/nodemap.html (deleted) * nodes/ruler_off.png (deleted) * nodes/ruler_on.png (deleted) * tools/autorun.sh (moved) * tools/before-commit.sh (moved) * tools/cardgen.sh (moved) * tools/config-node.sh (deleted) * tools/configcleaner.pl (deleted) * tools/dubbelipcheck.sh (moved) * tools/fresh-dns.sh (moved) * tools/gen2nag.pl (moved) * tools/generate-config.py (moved) * tools/genesis-to-py.pl (moved) * tools/genesis-to-yaml.pl (moved) * tools/get-a-ils.pl (moved) * tools/get-network-status.py (moved) * tools/getrange.py (moved) * tools/gformat.py (moved) * tools/gindent.py (moved) * tools/ip2node.py (moved) * tools/ip2node.sh (moved) * tools/make-network-graph.py (moved) * tools/make_map.py (moved) * tools/rogue.py (moved) * tools/syntax-checker.py (moved) * tools/update-wlconfig (moved) Bezempje door alle files. Rommel weg. Tooljes op de juiste locatie. Sun, 31 Oct 2010 19:38:34 GMT rick [8613] * config/iris/node/FreeBSD/7-STABLE/IP.pm (moved) * config/iris/node/FreeBSD/8.0-RELEASE/IP.pm (copied) * config/iris/proxy/FreeBSD/8.0-RELEASE/IP.pm (copied) * config/pcbased/node/FreeBSD (moved) * config/pcbased/node/FreeBSD/5-STABLE/IP.pm (copied) * config/pcbased/node/FreeBSD/6-STABLE/IP.pm (copied) * config/pcbased/node/FreeBSD/7-STABLE/IP.pm (copied) * tools/genesis.conf (deleted) * tools/proxy-8.0 (deleted) * tools/run.sh (deleted) Moving,moving,moving ... Sun, 31 Oct 2010 19:29:26 GMT rick [8611] * areas.conf (deleted) * config (added) * config/iris (added) * config/iris/FreeBSD (added) * config/iris/FreeBSD/7-STABLE (moved) * config/iris/FreeBSD/8.0-RELEASE (moved) * tools/iris-8.0/INSTALL.txt (deleted) * tools/iris-8.0/g_list.pl (deleted) * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (deleted) * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf.local.tmpl (deleted) * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (deleted) * config/pcbased (added) * config/pcbased/FreeBSD (added) * config/pcbased/FreeBSD/5-STABLE (moved) * config/pcbased/FreeBSD/6-STABLE (moved) * config/pcbased/FreeBSD/7-STABLE (moved) * dns/dnsheader.conf (deleted) * dns/wirelessleiden.nl (deleted) * tools/configcleaner.pl (modified) Trying new layout scheme Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:57:36 GMT richardvm [8605] * tools/iris-8.0/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) path was invalid Thu, 26 Aug 2010 20:37:35 GMT richardvm [8398] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Firewall update Thu, 26 Aug 2010 20:36:06 GMT richardvm [8397] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Firewall update Tue, 03 Aug 2010 22:37:17 GMT richardvm [8223] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Enable nat and routing Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:11:09 GMT richardvm [8213] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Port 5666 not used anymore (for a long time) Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:09:53 GMT richardvm [8212] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Option for NAT Tue, 25 May 2010 17:30:26 GMT rick [8034] * tools/proxy-8.0/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/proxy-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) Cosmetic: - Sort ordering more logical, based on the Key and then ... Tue, 25 May 2010 17:07:07 GMT rick [8033] * tools/proxy-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) Cosmetic only Tue, 25 May 2010 15:31:06 GMT rick [8030] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) New flag $inboundnat to allow traffic at locallan (ext interface ... Tue, 25 May 2010 15:10:28 GMT rick [8024] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Grumble, test before commit Tue, 25 May 2010 14:56:28 GMT rick [8023] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) DHCLIENT support on interfaces Tue, 25 May 2010 14:44:17 GMT rick [8020] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Typo, was assuming this needed pointing to the interface IP, but it ... Tue, 25 May 2010 14:41:37 GMT rick [8019] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Get rid of the weird internalif subnumber assignment Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:36:45 GMT huub [7743] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) puntje achter wleiden.net in wleiden.pl - resolv.conf weggehaald Wed, 07 Apr 2010 16:41:02 GMT richardvm [7696] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Need an interface name, since we don't only use soekris 4521's Tue, 23 Mar 2010 20:23:48 GMT richardvm [7600] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) So genesis doesn't require a two digit proxyid Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:43:51 GMT huub [7591] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) die vermaledijde wirelessleiden.nl in resolv.conf gecorrigeerd ... Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:09:25 GMT huub [7574] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) proxylijst in wleiden.pl (resolv.conf) aangevuld Sun, 14 Mar 2010 18:30:13 GMT richardvm [7571] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) trac: nodefactory#90 Sun, 14 Mar 2010 14:32:46 GMT richardvm [7570] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Trac: nodefactory#90 Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:18:19 GMT richardvm [7535] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Removed Carriage returns / Windows enters Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:16:35 GMT huub [7534] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) spatie in wleiden.pl statement lo0 ipv4_addrs toegevoegd voor masterip Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:49:38 GMT huub [7523] * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) oops! typevoutje in genesis.conf Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:45:56 GMT huub [7522] * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) in genesis.conf filelist dhcpd.conf uitgecomment, wordt niet meer ... Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:29:09 GMT huub [7521] * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) update van wleiden.pl en genesis.conf voor gebruik van rc.conf.local ... Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:14:09 GMT huub [7519] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) proxylijst aangevuld in wleiden.pl voor resolv.conf Sun, 21 Feb 2010 13:51:09 GMT huub [7512] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) spaties toegevoegd in wleiden.pl bij create_args Sat, 20 Feb 2010 13:13:21 GMT huub [7509] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) het create_args statement aangepast, dwz wlan mode moet vooraan staan Sat, 20 Feb 2010 12:40:56 GMT huub [7508] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) het create_args statement aangepast, dwz up eruit geschoffeld Sun, 14 Feb 2010 13:27:33 GMT ad [7484] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) een paar spaties hier en daar verkeerd Sun, 14 Feb 2010 13:13:33 GMT ad [7483] * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) First set mode (11b / 11g) then the channel of a wireless interface Fri, 05 Feb 2010 15:08:45 GMT richardvm [7468] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe) (version 2) (fix) Fri, 05 Feb 2010 15:07:51 GMT richardvm [7467] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe) (version 2) Fri, 05 Feb 2010 15:01:55 GMT richardvm [7466] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Multiple ports will be forwarded (added nrpe) Sun, 31 Jan 2010 09:09:58 GMT richardvm [7452] * tools/proxy-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) renamed rc.node.local to rc.conf.local (it's the standard freebds ... Thu, 28 Jan 2010 16:05:44 GMT rick [7441] * tools/iris-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/iris-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Make the ifconfig 8.0 compatible Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:14:23 GMT rick [7439] * tools/iris-8.0 (copied) IRIS goes 8.0 :-) Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:18:30 GMT richardvm [7431] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Changed interface for firewall rule (typo) Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:17:02 GMT richardvm [7430] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Added (moved from /etc/rc.conf) de filewall rules. Trac: proxyfactory#11 Sat, 23 Jan 2010 19:29:26 GMT richardvm [7411] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Typo in the port number Sat, 23 Jan 2010 19:26:23 GMT richardvm [7410] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Added to posibility to automaticly create a sshtunnel to dellas. This ... Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:56:53 GMT richardvm [7396] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Changed dns server to a public dns server (dellas does not resolv ... Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:27:07 GMT richardvm [7393] * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Added internal route (so the internal network wil be reachable) Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:29:47 GMT ad [7385] * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) forgot to delete comment Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:21:19 GMT ad [7384] * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) delete all-server option in dnsmasq.conf Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:24:43 GMT huub [7382] * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) dnsmasq.conf de bogus-priv optie eruit; resolv.conf alleen proxies ... Wed, 20 Jan 2010 19:31:19 GMT richardvm [7380] * tools/proxy-8.0/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/proxy-8.0/wleiden.pl (modified) Added GATEWAY var Wed, 20 Jan 2010 19:27:50 GMT richardvm [7379] * tools/proxy-8.0 (copied) Proxy specific genesis tree Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:43:28 GMT rick [7306] * tools/svn-hook/genesis-check.sh (modified) Provide a neat error messages Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:29:27 GMT rick [7301] * tools/svn-hook/genesis-check.sh (modified) genesis-stop-stupid-people-from-committing-errors-pre-commit-hook Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:22:31 GMT rick [7300] * tools/svn-hook (added) * tools/svn-hook/README (added) * tools/svn-hook/genesis-check.sh (added) * tools/svn-hook/pre-commit (added) genesis-stop-stupid-people-from-committing-errors-pre-commit-hook Wed, 02 Dec 2009 19:03:57 GMT rick [7294] * tools/IP.pm (copied) Whoops, deleted some crusial stuff, revered. Wed, 02 Dec 2009 18:47:14 GMT rick [7293] * tools/IP.pm (deleted) * tools/conf2inc.pl (deleted) * tools/firewall (deleted) * tools/g_list.pl (deleted) * tools/gps_graden_omrekening.xls (deleted) * tools/inc2minimal.pl (deleted) * tools/netmask (deleted) * tools/nodechk (deleted) * tools/nofirewall (deleted) * tools/pencontrl (deleted) * tools/wl-runlvl (deleted) * tools/wleiden.pl (deleted) Delete bunch of old curft of directory Sat, 21 Nov 2009 15:08:35 GMT rick [7273] * tools/iris/genesis.conf (modified) User relative path Fri, 09 Oct 2009 21:22:30 GMT rick [7148] * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) Dnsmasq fixes in configuration Sun, 27 Sep 2009 10:42:01 GMT rick [7141] * tools/iris/genesis.conf (modified) Typo, causing authorized_keys not to be generated. Fixes ticket:66 Sat, 15 Aug 2009 10:02:26 GMT rick [7123] * tools/iris/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) Initial setup off dnsmasq configuration Sun, 26 Jul 2009 21:19:07 GMT rick [7076] * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) Reverted nameserver order to previous variant which is a bit more ... Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:17:30 GMT rick [7037] * tools/iris/g_list.pl (modified) Make the update button work again (not live output anymore, but ... Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:16:51 GMT rick [7036] * tools/iris/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/iris/wleiden.pl (modified) Bind configuration is going to the next level Sat, 11 Jul 2009 09:12:34 GMT rick [7035] * tools/iris (copied) Genesis configuration for the use of ... Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:36:56 GMT rick [6965] * tools/FreeBSD7_x/g_list.pl (modified) If I want spaces, I will specify myself inside the function call, not ... Sat, 13 Jun 2009 16:13:56 GMT rick [6964] * tools/FreeBSD7_x/g_list.pl (modified) * Tired of all warnings in httpd log. Fixed a few and disabled the ... Wed, 10 Jun 2009 20:55:21 GMT rick [6958] * tools/FreeBSD7_x/g_list.pl (modified) Made output buffered, allowing Content-Header to be set correctly, ... Wed, 25 Feb 2009 11:32:23 GMT rick [6711] * tools/FreeBSD7_x/genesis.conf (modified) New directory, new version number Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:00:07 GMT huub [6665] * tools/FreeBSD7_x/wleiden.pl (modified) voor 7.1 aangepaste wleiden.pl Fri, 13 Feb 2009 12:34:05 GMT huub [6664] * tools/FreeBSD7_x (added) * tools/FreeBSD7_x/INSTALL.txt (added) * tools/FreeBSD7_x/g_list.pl (added) * tools/FreeBSD7_x/genesis.conf (added) * tools/FreeBSD7_x/genesis.conf.local.tmpl (added) * tools/FreeBSD7_x/wleiden.pl (added) beginnetje van genesis tools voor FreeBSD 7.1 Mon, 28 Jan 2008 20:52:13 GMT rick [5881] * tools/FreeBSD5_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/wleiden.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/wleiden.pl (modified) Genesis config cleanups Mon, 26 Nov 2007 19:53:00 GMT rick [5722] * tools/FreeBSD6_x/INSTALL.txt (added) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf.local.tmpl (added) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/wleiden.pl (modified) Made the genesis configuration machine independed and documented how- ... Mon, 26 Nov 2007 19:09:27 GMT rick [5721] * tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf (modified) Made config more global Mon, 26 Nov 2007 19:06:53 GMT rick [5720] * tools/FreeBSD6_x/wleiden.pl (modified) Rewrite named.conf syntax Wed, 05 Jul 2006 21:33:54 GMT roland [5277] * tools/nodechk/configip1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/configs1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/configs2.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/nodechk (modified) * tools/nodechk/outputs1.csv (modified) a missing semicolon Sun, 21 May 2006 19:37:43 GMT rick [5230] * tools/FreeBSD5_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf (modified) Made more generic /filelist will be filelist /nodelist will return ... Sun, 12 Feb 2006 19:49:25 GMT rick [5157] * tools/FreeBSD5_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD6_x/g_list.pl (modified) Security: Renamed $home -> $ndir, only update node dir, not actual script Sun, 06 Nov 2005 00:01:08 GMT dirkx [5004] * tools/config-node.sh (modified) Checks version and diff details - vrsion numer bfix