13 years |
rick |
Tell when and when not to debug properly.
13 years |
rick |
Nice motd example.
13 years |
rick |
Do not edit headers on the config files in indead a whee bit …
13 years |
rick |
Text based workers needs a better overview.
13 years |
rick |
Makes the configuration production ready.
Related-To: ticket:117
13 years |
rick |
Include proxy configuration in gformat generation
Related-To: ticket:117
13 years |
rick |
Serious hacking and cleanups to get all keys in the right format and …
13 years |
rick |
Whoops clashing keys namespace.
Related-To ticket:117
13 years |
rick |
Gave getrange.py use gformat instead of parsing the wleiden.conf …
13 years |
rick |
Allow single quotes to be used as aprostof, disallow using ".
13 years |
rick |
Do not chdir as it confuses storing files without an prefix in the WC.
13 years |
rick |
Allow generating list from CLI.
13 years |
rick |
Make sure master is lower and slave is high.
Fix typo causing master …
13 years |
rick |
DNS name generation for attached devices, to make mgnt more easy.
13 years |
rick |
I need raw entries in wleiden.net for a special project.
13 years |
rick |
Extra comments is proven usefull when debugging for errors…
13 years |
rick |
Allow quick restarts.…
13 years |
rick |
Better logging and re-use of sockets to allow disconnect and re-connects.
13 years |
rick |
Show which host is causing the trouble…
14 years |
rick |
Show the current processing node for debugging (failing coordinates).
14 years |
rick |
Quick used for exporting data to other systems
14 years |
rick |
Vieze hack of kijken of wind-export goed te maken is.
14 years |
rick |
The pool has to be formatted smarter, else the name execed the maximum …
14 years |
rick |
Proper argument checking, as index does not exists when not defined
14 years |
rick |
Make sure all path references runs fine and allow DNS output path to …
14 years |
rick |
Get rid of to many whitespace.
14 years |
rick |
Get PATH directory right.
14 years |
rick |
This hacks will make be cry one day.
14 years |
rick |
- Node directory is now relative to root.
- Allow CTRL+C to close …
14 years |
richardvm |
duplicate entry
14 years |
rick |
- Haasje over tussen verschillende functies in files om ze op de …
14 years |
rick |
Bezempje door alle files. Rommel weg. Tooljes op de juiste locatie.
copied from nodes/gformat.py
14 years |
rick |
Little hack to generate DNS entries again.
XXX: Should more to a more …