# # ChangeLog for nodes in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 5, 2025, 5:56:53 PM Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:49:20 GMT rick [12481] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) whitelist is handled by captive portal, where-as no_portal is (going ... Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:46:19 GMT rick [12480] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Vieze 'truc' op static IP voor een MAC uit te delen. Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:10:20 GMT rick [12479] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/make-network-graph.py (modified) Correcties om graph van nodes te maken. Fri, 18 Oct 2013 19:40:49 GMT rick [12478] * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCarlton/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Missende bridge_type entries toegevoegd Fri, 18 Oct 2013 14:17:10 GMT huub [12477] * nodes/network.kml (modified) update van de network kml file Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:31:37 GMT rick [12475] * nodes/ProxyKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Sommige hadden geen monitoring_group Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:29:21 GMT rick [12474] * nodes/HybridCatwalk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHeineken/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeeuwenhorst/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStationsplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStenhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStenhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTEYBestuurscentrum/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTUDelft/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK5/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWulp/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWvdSterre/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) Automatic cleanups Thu, 17 Oct 2013 18:45:28 GMT rick [12470] * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Start making port access consistent by using an odd port Thu, 17 Oct 2013 18:41:06 GMT rick [12469] * nodes/HybridRickVPN (deleted) VPN dead for a while Wed, 16 Oct 2013 21:01:27 GMT rick [12465] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Ehm... dubbele IP nummertjes. Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:31:56 GMT rick [12461] * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus/wleiden.yaml (modified) Missing subnet Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:54:31 GMT rick [12460] * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Wat een luxe gewoon een vast IP Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:04:42 GMT wouter [12459] * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus/wleiden.yaml (modified) config-update Bartholomeus Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:36:16 GMT wouter [12458] * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus (added) * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus/wleiden.yaml (added) Bartholomeus yaml v.0 toegevoegd Sun, 13 Oct 2013 20:03:58 GMT rick [12449] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTEYBestuurscentrum/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Static IP aircam Sun, 13 Oct 2013 12:44:13 GMT huub [12448] * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) configs stbavo bijgewerkt Sun, 13 Oct 2013 10:12:35 GMT huub [12447] * nodes/HybridHeineken/wleiden.yaml (modified) config van Heineken link west op vr1 is nu naar Meerburgkerk ipv ... Fri, 11 Oct 2013 20:46:41 GMT rick [12446] * nodes/HybridRustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Dynamisch IP, zucht ... Fri, 11 Oct 2013 13:08:54 GMT huub [12445] * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) config vr0 van stbavo1 dchp client Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:57:03 GMT huub [12444] * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) correcties aanvullingen configs stbavo1 en 2 Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:51:03 GMT huub [12443] * nodes/HybridStBavo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) correcties aanvullingen configs stbavo1 en 2 Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:19:47 GMT rick [12442] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Making sure DNS is generated again Thu, 10 Oct 2013 11:25:12 GMT rick [12440] * nodes/HybridStBavo2/wleiden.yaml (copied) Config StBavo Kerk Thu, 10 Oct 2013 11:04:47 GMT rick [12439] * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStBavo1 (moved) * nodes/HybridStBavo1/wleiden.yaml (added) * nodes/HybridStBavo2 (copied) Initial config Wed, 09 Oct 2013 18:43:27 GMT rick [12438] * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) Technically the NS-client of LIACS need to be at .131 to follow ... Sat, 05 Oct 2013 19:06:23 GMT huub [12436] * nodes/HybridBartholomeus (added) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMcDonalds (added) * nodes/HybridStBavo (added) config kwvdekaag aangepast Sat, 05 Oct 2013 18:35:48 GMT rick [12435] * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) Herman nieuw ip? Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:09:02 GMT rick [12434] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/authorized_keys (modified) snytax Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:08:15 GMT rick [12433] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/authorized_keys (added) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Zorg dat locale keys ook weer mogen Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:07:53 GMT rick [12432] * nodes/global_keys (modified) Fix formatting wrong key Fri, 04 Oct 2013 08:36:37 GMT huub [12431] * nodes/HybridSpoortje (deleted) hybridspoortje is niet meer onder ons Fri, 04 Oct 2013 08:32:56 GMT huub [12430] * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) config som2 comment aangevuld met ip van wirelessantwerpen speeltje Thu, 03 Oct 2013 17:17:19 GMT huub [12429] * nodes/network.kml (modified) nieuwe network kml Thu, 03 Oct 2013 17:16:20 GMT huub [12428] * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) link zijloever roc1 is up, config gecorrigeerd Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:00:54 GMT huub [12427] * nodes/network.kml (modified) nieuwe network kml Thu, 03 Oct 2013 13:00:25 GMT huub [12426] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie config Henk vr1 status regel Thu, 03 Oct 2013 12:58:07 GMT huub [12425] * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie config som2, link naar psycho is up Wed, 02 Oct 2013 20:07:59 GMT rick [12424] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) Sidekick link Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:59:14 GMT rick [12423] * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) Do not configure a static gateway if we should not be using it Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:55:59 GMT rick [12422] * nodes/retired (deleted) I always include stuff from retired nodes when doring recursive ... Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:48:39 GMT rick [12421] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Disable incoming rdr for time beeing, when using NAT, etc this might ... Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:35:53 GMT rick [12420] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) Typo Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:07:56 GMT rick [12419] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/retired/HybridMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) beheer#356 - Proxies niet meer nodig Mon, 30 Sep 2013 20:09:25 GMT huub [12418] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) config link WBRotary Henk gecorrigeerd, nu standaard 29 subnet Sun, 29 Sep 2013 13:04:26 GMT huub [12416] * nodes/network.kml (added) networkkaart toegevoegd Sun, 29 Sep 2013 13:03:09 GMT huub [12415] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) configs ztwgemeentehuis en meerburg links naar meerburgkerk zijn up Sat, 28 Sep 2013 11:51:29 GMT huub [12414] * nodes/HybridTUDelft/wleiden.yaml (modified) dhcpd aangezet op link van TUDelft naar Anthurium Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:16:02 GMT huub [12413] * nodes/HybridHeineken/wleiden.yaml (modified) config Heineken: link naar TUDelft ipv vdSterre Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:06:48 GMT huub [12412] * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTUDelft/wleiden.yaml (modified) config tudelft aangevuld Sat, 21 Sep 2013 10:58:44 GMT huub [12408] * nodes/HybridTUDelft (added) * nodes/HybridTUDelft/wleiden.yaml (added) eerste aanzet config voor HybridTUDelft voor commentaar Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:14:01 GMT huub [12407] * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) config wbrotary aangepast ivm up van nodehenk Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:12:30 GMT huub [12406] * nodes/global_keys (modified) ssh key van Michiel de Vries toegevoegd ivm beheer Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:36:34 GMT henkjan [12405] * nodes/global_keys (modified) Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:19:08 GMT wouter [12404] * nodes/global_keys (modified) Key toegevoegd Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:32:56 GMT huub [12403] * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe config local interface plantsoen Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:21:18 GMT rick [12402] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTEYBestuurscentrum/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Setting new rules for Rustdam Camera Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:56:49 GMT huub [12401] * nodes/retired/ProxyPlantsoen (moved) proxyplantsoen nu geintegreerd in hybrdplantsoen Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:53:42 GMT huub [12400] * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) update config plantsoen, de proxy nu geintegreerd in de node zoals de ... Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:29:18 GMT huub [12399] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) een tabje in de config oeps Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:15:11 GMT huub [12398] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) update config zwaluwak Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:08:47 GMT huub [12397] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) update config zwaluwak Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:12:23 GMT huub [12396] * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) ZwaluwAK link verlegd van UniGor1 naar Vosko2 vanwege superieure ... Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:27:48 GMT rick [12395] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) Is nog een extra accespoint geplaatst. Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:24:35 GMT huub [12394] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) nodehuub geconfigureerd voor rdr Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:31:21 GMT huub [12392] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutje in ipadress config Meerburgkerk Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:37:52 GMT huub [12391] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) details in config Meerburgkerk Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:32:31 GMT huub [12390] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) config meerburgkerk aangevuld Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:51:21 GMT huub [12387] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (added) eerste aanzet voor config Meerburgkerk v.h. OLVOO Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:51:05 GMT huub [12386] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk (added) eerste aanzet voor config Meerburgkerk v.h. OLVOO Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:05:06 GMT huub [12384] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) config veranderingen cetim1 livinglab en stadhuis om directe link van ... Sat, 03 Aug 2013 18:16:18 GMT huub [12383] * nodes/HybridCatwalk/wleiden.yaml (modified) catwalk is now up Sat, 03 Aug 2013 09:25:28 GMT huub [12382] * nodes/HybridCatwalk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStenhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWulp/wleiden.yaml (modified) kabelnrs toegevoegd catwalk en stenhuis Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:28:25 GMT huub [12379] * nodes/HybridStenhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) ip stenhuis1 teruggezet Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:11:50 GMT huub [12378] * nodes/HybridStenhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWulp/wleiden.yaml (modified) config wulp zonder ue0 voorlopig Thu, 01 Aug 2013 07:51:37 GMT huub [12377] * nodes/HybridCatwalk/wleiden.yaml (added) mac adressen in config catwalk Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:46:33 GMT huub [12376] * nodes/HybridCarlton/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCatwalk (added) * nodes/HybridRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWulp (added) * nodes/HybridWulp/wleiden.yaml (added) configs voor catwalk en wulp Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:22:15 GMT huub [12375] * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) LucasN geen internetverbinding meer, helaas Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:27:16 GMT huub [12374] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHeineken/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre2/wleiden.yaml (modified) link cope rabo2 nu cope visitorcentre2 Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:30:04 GMT huub [12372] * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) config livinglab aangepast aan het afsluiten van de plaatselijke, ... Sat, 22 Jun 2013 16:19:05 GMT huub [12368] * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) ipvan link kempers-kudelstaart stond nog op watertoren2 config Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:58:15 GMT huub [12367] * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK5/wleiden.yaml (modified) config correcties voor de WEK-jes: geen normal-proxies Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:53:00 GMT huub [12366] * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) link kudelstaart kempers in de configs Thu, 20 Jun 2013 12:22:30 GMT huub [12365] * nodes/HybridStenhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) detail in config stenhuis2 Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:28:07 GMT huub [12364] * nodes/HybridStenhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) config stenhuis2 deze node heeft geen internetaansluiting Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:20:57 GMT huub [12363] * nodes/HybridStenhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) config Stenhuis1 ap verhuisd van ue0 naar vr1 e.a. node is up Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:09:34 GMT huub [12362] * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK5/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassingen voor de WEK-jes Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:34:09 GMT huub [12361] * nodes/HybridWEK5 (added) * nodes/HybridWEK5/wleiden.yaml (added) config voor de vijfde WEK-node Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:04:09 GMT rick [12354] * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) Nodename fixes. Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:31:42 GMT huub [12353] * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adressen toegevoegd aan configs WEK Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:31:15 GMT huub [12352] * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adressen toegevoegd aan configs WEK Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:44:46 GMT huub [12351] * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adressen toegevoegd Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:22:15 GMT rick [12350] * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) P Q S .. alfabet Wed, 12 Jun 2013 18:33:24 GMT rick [12348] * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK4 (copied) * nodes/HybridWEK4/wleiden.yaml (modified) 4th node. Wed, 12 Jun 2013 18:28:18 GMT rick [12347] * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK2 (copied) * nodes/HybridWEK2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWEK3 (copied) * nodes/HybridWEK3/wleiden.yaml (modified) Second locations Wed, 12 Jun 2013 18:14:18 GMT rick [12346] * nodes/HybridWEK1 (copied) * nodes/HybridWEK1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Get new node configuration for Wireless Event Setup Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:49:16 GMT huub [12344] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) default gwatewwy toegevoegd bij config huub Thu, 06 Jun 2013 21:27:16 GMT huub [12343] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) link naar extra extern is down Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:35:39 GMT huub [12342] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) kleine config correcties ivm nagios checks Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:21:32 GMT huub [12341] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) link boterhuis naar kaag2 down, slechte link Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:14:26 GMT huub [12340] * nodes/HybridKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeeuwenhorst/wleiden.yaml (modified) enkele interfaces in de configs naar down gezet ivm nagios checks en ...