15 years |
ronald |
actuele config Roomburgh1
15 years |
huub |
config roomburgh1 gewijzigd
15 years |
huub |
config roomburgh3,2,1 gewijzigd
15 years |
huub |
link Roomburgh1 Graficall verplaatst naar JVC
15 years |
ronald |
Roomburgh1: updated OS version to what's actually running on the node
15 years |
rick |
$genesis_control is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$node_config_version is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$gw_open variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$OS variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$labelpos variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
BEAMWIDTH variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
DIRECTION variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
HEIGTH variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
CABLE variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
GAIN variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
ANTENNA variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
POLAR variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
SPEED is not used anywhere
15 years |
huub |
status Plantsoen is nu obsolete
16 years |
huub |
config Roomburgh1 kanalen
16 years |
ad |
added WI3 channel number
16 years |
huub |
lokatiegegevens roomburgh
17 years |
huub |
correctie wleiden.conf roomburgh1 in sync met situatie te velde
19 years |
eddy |
19 years |
eddy |
Typo in config
19 years |
dirk |
config aanpassingen voor spoortje
19 years |
dirkx |
Fix missing semi colons
19 years |
dirkx |
Add flags to specific OS release, wether a node is under genesis …
19 years |
jorg |
alle nodes hebben een EOL gekregen achter de laatste regel.
dit was …
19 years |
ruben |
kleine aanpassing in coordinaten
19 years |
ruben |
Alle edugis coordinaten zijn vanaf nu actief
Voor Node's waarvan er …
19 years |
hans.s |
Edugis x.y toegevoegd voor div. nodes
20 years |
jorg |
and more interlink typos and deprecated links
20 years |
dirk |
configuratie voor Rosmolen
20 years |
lodewijk |
20 years |
rick |
Ethernet kant netjes gezet
20 years |
rick |
Fixed wat configs
20 years |
jasper |
coordinaten roomburg iets aangepast
20 years |
rick |
Link Roomburgh -> Graficall
20 years |
rick |
Link Ruben Lorentzhof niet mogelijk ivm bomen en flatgebouw
20 years |
jasper |
essids interlinks ruben-roomburg en zijloever-roomburg
20 years |
rick |
Namen van de conifih waren niet correct
modified …
20 years |
rick |
Config Roomburgh[1|2]