8 years |
rick |
Weed out unused and obsolete entries.
8 years |
rick |
8 years |
rick |
DNS entry for new WL servers
9 years |
rick |
Weed out old and obseleted entries
10 years |
rick |
Adding vmon monitoring (VPN inbound based).
10 years |
rick |
Buzz is no more (since a long time, planning a replacement).
10 years |
huub |
opruiming in staticDNS
12 years |
rick |
Vergeet altijd die IPs
13 years |
rick |
Pool entries are generated in gformat.py these days.
13 years |
rick |
Needs a reverse.
13 years |
rick |
I like stuff like the sunny IP to have an single PTR record.
13 years |
rick |
Cannot be CNAME because of IN NS record.
13 years |
rick |
Those entries should actually just be CNAMEs
13 years |
rick |
More easy maintenance for static DNS entries.
Q: Why not just use a …
13 years |
rick |
What will be more nice than having your the captive portal speak to …
13 years |
richardvm |
pentaho jail
13 years |
rick |
New entry as I provide smarthost services for limited mail domains on WL.
13 years |
richardvm |
eduroam termination point
13 years |
rick |
This weird entry is special, not in WL range, so migrating to raw …
13 years |
rick |
Weed some MaraDNS errors, get rid of obsolete entries.
13 years |
richardvm |
loghost again
13 years |
rick |
Dynamic DNS resolver service.
13 years |
rick |
13 years |
rick |
I need raw entries in wleiden.net for a special project.
13 years |
rick |
Entry is autogenerated these days, causes the whole DNS update to stall..
14 years |
rick |
Gemak dient de mens, static entries voor sunfire en buffy …
14 years |
richardvm |
Needed for joomla testing
14 years |
richardvm |
duplicate entry
14 years |
rick |
- Haasje over tussen verschillende functies in files om ze op de …
14 years |
rick |
Trying new layout scheme
14 years |
richardvm |
My little node factory (qemu based)
14 years |
rick |
Give the monitoring server an wleiden.net name as well.
15 years |
rick |
Cleanup of old obsolete entries
15 years |
rick |
Deleted some old curft
15 years |
rick |
Merged CNodeZwet with CnodeDuivenhok, as we removed CNodeZwet hardware …
15 years |
rick |
Super 'secret' proxy server, for 'testing purposes' only
16 years |
rick |
Buildbot (called richard.wleiden.net)
16 years |
rick |
We got ourself a ntp pool :-)
16 years |
maarten |
Replaced chucky by hermes for names: monitor and loghost
16 years |
rick |
Included HSL-dev swej machine into 'own' network
16 years |
rick |
Typo's in confs leading DNS not beeing able to generate
16 years |
rick |
Proxy[45] -> IP
17 years |
richard |
Updated zonefile for wAlphen.NET
17 years |
rick |
Gatver een nieuw ip address :-(
18 years |
rick |
Modified 1st/2nd nameserver wleiden.net
19 years |
eddy |
19 years |
mvn |
retry booTcamp
19 years |
mvn |
dns for boot camp
19 years |
eddy |
Ipnummer van wok.wleiden.net omgzet
19 years |
eddy |
geen .wleiden.net in de dns zetten...is natuurlijk al een wleiden.net zone
19 years |
eddy |
Statish nummer toegevoegd in DNS voor WOK project.
19 years |
rick |
Timelord ipv bij cope, bij mij thuis draaien
19 years |
mvn |
oelichting op bijeenkomsten zal ik over nadenken.
Kan je die …
19 years |
eddy |
PCtje waar Eddy.wleiden.net op draait is verhuisd.
19 years |
mvn |
kobus dns for lcpl is obsolete
19 years |
eddy |
blerbler ipnummer .69 gegeven en wolf ipnummer .68
19 years |
mvn |
tweede ip voor lvp
19 years |
mvn |
tweede ip voor lvp
19 years |
mvn |
voor lvp ==> 00:50:da:69:56:9c + lvp in dns
20 years |
eddy |
Invoegen van de audio server op Apotherkersdijk
20 years |
eddy |
Ipnummer van blop verhuist van LCPL naar Centrum
20 years |
eddy |
Ipnummer van Nagios/monitor en chuck aangepast
20 years |
rick |
Kleine aanpassing cope-vpn -> vpn-cope
20 years |
rick |
Modified dns entries of services at cope
20 years |
eddy |
20 years |
eddy |
Voor het goude spike event een wleiden domain aangemaakt ! (tijdelijk)
20 years |
mvn |
toegevoed kovijn
is ipsec tunnel naar marten
20 years |
eddy |
Eerste timelord terug gezet 'timelord1=rambo'
20 years |
rick |
Cope server renamed
20 years |
dirkx |
Fixing line types
20 years |
rick |
Fixed error control
20 years |
rick |
Eigen naam maar eens aan de dns toegevoegd ;-)
20 years |
rick |
Tango update
20 years |
rick |
LCPL dns addon's
20 years |
rick |
Request Roland
20 years |
rick |
cetim -> cetim1 (op verzoek van Roland)
20 years |
rick |
DNS the new way. Checks are intergrated in the dns_generator
20 years |
rick |
DNS update (jabber)
20 years |
rick |
Updated more generic header
20 years |
rick |
More generic
20 years |
rick |
20 years |
rick |
Update dns scriptje
20 years |
rick |
Dirk likes include ;-)
20 years |
rick |
named.conf (rambo)
20 years |
rick |
Rambo is geen geadverteerde master
20 years |
rick |
New way to add dns entries
20 years |
rick |
Fixed some path's
20 years |
dirkx |
Place to cpature configs
20 years |
dirkx |
Typo network huub
20 years |
piet |
aanpassing benaming in de interlinks
20 years |
eddy |
Ook maar even de DNS files geupdated voor CNodeBurcht
20 years |
dirkx |
Added jabber conference rooms
20 years |
jasper |
update dns jabber server
20 years |
jasper |
dns aanpassingen lcpl voor rudi
20 years |
jasper |
typo camimplants in dns fixed
20 years |
eddy |
NodeBizet in de DNS files gezet
20 years |
eddy |
CnodeCamimplants in de DNS files gezet ; SOA nummers aangepast
20 years |
jasper |
update dns roomburg
20 years |
eddy |
Ipnummer van eddy.wleiden goed gezet
20 years |
jasper |
Update v. brucht