8 years |
rick |
Bridged interface are by themself no DHCP server.
8 years |
rick |
Configuration for new Meerburg Node
8 years |
rick |
No duplicated vlan entries and stable output.
8 years |
huub |
mac adressen M5s bij Stadhuis gecorrigeerd
8 years |
huub |
mac adressen M5s bij Stadhuis gecorrigeerd
8 years |
rick |
Replacements NanoStationM5
8 years |
huub |
nieuw extern ipadres bij St Victor
8 years |
huub |
config voor DimIns gateway met link naar Stadhuis
8 years |
rick |
Use reverse, since no other reverse is defined
8 years |
rick |
Deal with interfaces without IP numbers (vlan masters)
8 years |
rick |
New forward host (dynamic IP).
8 years |
rick |
Extra spacing is confusing when using grep for filtering
8 years |
rick |
Not all interfaces has IP addresses anymore.
Checking whether IP is …
8 years |
huub |
configuratie update Huygens
8 years |
huub |
verhuizing van UniGor naar Huygens Lab
8 years |
huub |
mac adres nano toegevoegd aan config Klara
8 years |
huub |
aanvullingen config node TEYKlara
8 years |
huub |
tweede aanzet node Klara
8 years |
huub |
aanpassing akzo ivm link naar Klara
8 years |
huub |
eerste aanzet node Klara
8 years |
rick |
New WiFi Camera
8 years |
huub |
nieuwe ssh key toegevoegd
8 years |
huub |
ip-adres verhuisd
8 years |
rick |
Node ontmanteld.
8 years |
rick |
Dynamic IP change (again).
9 years |
rick |
Default node 9.0-NODE has security lack (Open Relay) when connected to …
9 years |
rick |
It's a LocoM2 of course.
9 years |
rick |
Configure new accesspoint for buiten
9 years |
rick |
Re-do bridge configuration to support VLAN administation.
The current …
9 years |
rick |
Fix for vlan(4) and bridge(4) interfaces causing ARP issues.
In a …
9 years |
rick |
Second Link of Rick
9 years |
rick |
Configure uplink.
9 years |
rick |
Camera stal RTSP forward
9 years |
rick |
Interface typo
9 years |
rick |
Link ZTWMeerburg <> PanTerra1
9 years |
rick |
Link to ztwgemeentehuis (link not active since ZTWGemeentehuis is down).
9 years |
rick |
Clients for il-wzw.mbkerk
9 years |
rick |
New link configuration of il-wzw towards Rick (new) and VVMeerburg
9 years |
rick |
VVMeerburg thanks you for the years of sponsering an inet uplink!
9 years |
rick |
Power failure onsite causes modem to request new DHCP lease.
9 years |
rick |
Update network.kml and provide pointer on how-to create it.
9 years |
rick |
Rick & Rick2 has been decommissioned due to owner moving out.
9 years |
rick |
Temponary configuration by reverse engineering.
Original plan was …
9 years |
huub |
nodegrip uit de configuratie gehaald ook bij Vosko en ROC
9 years |
rick |
IP changed (dynamic ISP & new-subscription).
9 years |
rick |
Introduction of new key requires definition
9 years |
rick |
Introduced typo in prev commit
9 years |
rick |
Typo ether and inet have a different syntax
9 years |
rick |
Workaround for USB NIC w/o MAC address.
Some USB dongles do not have …
9 years |
rick |
Activated 2nd line in workaround state.
Boterhuis zijn bomen zijn nog …
9 years |
huub |
link gemaakt van ROC1 naar Meelfabriek2
9 years |
rick |
mynetgear.com ddns service require clicking buttons every 30 days.
9 years |
rick |
Workaround for bug in gformat.
Gformat assumes interfaces to be …
9 years |
ed |
Correction for the
OpenStreetMap Nederland
9 years |
ed |
Update for the Google earth file with all wirelessleiden nodes
9 years |
rick |
USB dongles are broken, temponary moved AP to unused link
9 years |
huub |
foutje mac adres Lebkov
9 years |
huub |
link van DeKijker naar Akzo2 rechtstreeks niet naar JorisdeWitte ivm …
9 years |
huub |
nieuwe M5s en mac adressen bij Houtmarkt
9 years |
huub |
nieuwe M5s en mac adressen bij Houtmarkt
9 years |
rick |
Altered Ziggo modeme, such that inbound is allowed at StBavo, usefull …
9 years |
huub |
interface lijtweg2 opgeschoond vanwege exercitie link van dekijker …
9 years |
huub |
link van dekijker naar lijtweg2 omgezet naar dekijker - jorisdewitte
9 years |
huub |
dekijker config nano gecorrigeerd
9 years |
huub |
alias dekijker klopte niet, hoort bij teyjop
9 years |
rick |
Quirk to enable DHCP shared-network again in case an interface has …
9 years |
rick |
Either online with DHCP of offline.
9 years |
rick |
9 years |
rick |
When interface is DHCP client, there is not setting of static interfacing
9 years |
rick |
Support spaces in SSID, by using hex encoding, since escaping is a …
9 years |
huub |
rdr op StVictor naar AirControl2 server bij Leeuwenhorst1
9 years |
huub |
leeuwenhorst1 alias voor link naar lh2 verhuisd naar vr1; comment
9 years |
huub |
leeuwenhorst1 alias voor link naar lh2 verhuisd naar vr1 zodat vr0 uit …
9 years |
huub |
er komt een aircontrol2 servertje aan leeuwenhorst1 te hangen
9 years |
rick |
We moved away from hybrid naming prefixes, so no need to generate …
9 years |
rick |
Weed out old and obseleted entries
9 years |
rick |
./tools/gformat.py cleanup
9 years |
rick |
Only ASCII, unicode not supported
9 years |
rick |
9 years |
huub |
Leeuwenhorst1 is nu weer een standaardnode, dus geen gateway meer. …
9 years |
huub |
foutje in aliasnummering bij akzonobel1
9 years |
huub |
configuratiefoutje bij lijtweg2. aliassen beginnen nummering met 0 …
9 years |
huub |
config leeuwenhorst2 en akzonobel1 aangepast ivm link van akzo1 naar …
9 years |
huub |
config akzonobel1 aangepast ivm link naar leeuwenhorst2
9 years |
huub |
config ghr aangevuld met mac-adressen
9 years |
huub |
config cope overtollige ue0 interface verwijderd en ssid zonder streepje
9 years |
rick |
Convert to autobridge, since addm will fail if interface is missing …
9 years |
rick |
Quirck to group DHCP interfaces into newly defined bridge0 interface …
9 years |
wouter |
9 years |
wouter |
9 years |
wouter |
SSID's aangepast naar WiFi Teylingen
9 years |
huub |
oude managementaliasen van de interfaces JOP gehaald, die hebben we …
9 years |
rick |
Supporting spaces within SSIDs to create names like "WiFi Zoeterwoude".
9 years |
rick |
Er is dekking nodig in de buurt van WBRotary in een metalen loods.
9 years |
rick |
Kantoor wil Wireless Leiden gaan testen voor zakelijk gebruik
9 years |
ed |
Update of the google earth file
9 years |
rick |
Host migrated to new IP, which is used for rdr mapping (jorisdewitte.gw).
9 years |
wouter |
Geen DHCP op gateway interface
9 years |
wouter |
Test DHCP voor gateway
9 years |
rick |
* Members of interfaces should be included into the creating of the …