# # ChangeLog for / in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 3, 2025, 8:26:44 AM Sun, 03 Feb 2013 12:53:30 GMT huub [11701] * nodes/HybridCarlton (added) * nodes/HybridCarlton/wleiden.yaml (added) config voor camping De Carlton Noordwijk Thu, 24 Jan 2013 15:14:36 GMT rick [11700] * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) New mac address, will be placed any time soon. Tue, 22 Jan 2013 21:27:43 GMT huub [11698] * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) verkeerde interfacedefinities switch zit op vr0 niet op vr1 Tue, 22 Jan 2013 15:32:47 GMT huub [11696] * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) postcodes voor de nodes Geluidsnet ingevuld, ach ja het is maar een ... Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:15:14 GMT huub [11693] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe bulletM5 geconfigureerd ter vervanging op WBRotary il noord Tue, 22 Jan 2013 11:49:57 GMT huub [11692] * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) link naar hortus toegevoegd bij rijnvliet Mon, 21 Jan 2013 18:32:20 GMT huub [11690] * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) config pvkerkduif uitgebreid met ijsclub ap Sat, 12 Jan 2013 20:20:59 GMT huub [11676] * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutje in config langevoort link naar lijtweg2 Sat, 12 Jan 2013 19:26:22 GMT huub [11675] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) wbrotary heeft ue0 up Thu, 10 Jan 2013 20:35:46 GMT huub [11674] * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) configuratie lijtweg2 aangepast aan veranderingen ivm plaatsing ... Wed, 09 Jan 2013 16:02:09 GMT huub [11673] * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra ap west bij Langevoort Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:37:10 GMT huub [11672] * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) aanpassingen ivm a-link tussen lijtweg1 en langevoort Tue, 08 Jan 2013 11:20:42 GMT huub [11671] * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) de release regel ontbrak bij de unigor nodes waardoor deze niet in ... Thu, 03 Jan 2013 15:47:48 GMT huub [11667] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra interface voor HybridHuub Mon, 31 Dec 2012 14:23:56 GMT rick [11664] * nodes/CNodeBDboon/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLz/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeOBLc/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePPFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSHFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) Nodes which are not reachable or up right now. Fri, 28 Dec 2012 13:19:33 GMT huub [11657] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) config interlinks gecorrigeerd en nano mac adres nu ok Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:26:58 GMT huub [11655] * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) configuratie ns liacs aangepast Sun, 23 Dec 2012 13:16:38 GMT huub [11654] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) configs livinglab aangepast Sat, 22 Dec 2012 17:23:21 GMT huub [11652] * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) link livlab ajsoft2 veranderd Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:59:00 GMT huub [11647] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) external interface hybridzwaluwak is vr0 in config Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:56:26 GMT huub [11646] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) external interface hybridhuub naar dhcp client Sun, 16 Dec 2012 17:27:05 GMT huub [11645] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) kanaalverhuizing bij som1 Sun, 16 Dec 2012 15:59:47 GMT huub [11644] * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) config changes rond cetim1 ivm link naar stadhuis Sat, 08 Dec 2012 20:07:55 GMT huub [11641] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) config hybridhuub aangepast Wed, 05 Dec 2012 17:09:27 GMT huub [11640] * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) enkele config aanpassingen; link victoria stadhuis; kanalen bij wbrotary Tue, 04 Dec 2012 20:58:33 GMT huub [11639] * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) updates van nodeconfigs Mon, 03 Dec 2012 21:06:50 GMT huub [11638] * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) enkele configs aangepast en stjan is up Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:43:35 GMT huub [11637] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) config meerburg kanalen gecorrigeerd Sat, 01 Dec 2012 14:24:53 GMT huub [11635] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) configuratie hybridhuub aangepast Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:43:39 GMT huub [11634] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe config voor hybridhuub ivm omruilen nodekast Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:51:36 GMT huub [11633] * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra 29 subnet op link unigorn naar liacs ivm extra server en switch Sun, 25 Nov 2012 12:16:43 GMT huub [11630] * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) diverse config aanpassingen nodes Thu, 22 Nov 2012 07:29:43 GMT rick [11627] * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWRijneke/wleiden.yaml (modified) Various small cleanups Thu, 22 Nov 2012 07:16:11 GMT rick [11624] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Cleared locked race-condition on HTTP error output, caused by a ... Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:41:35 GMT huub [11623] * nodes/HybridJAR/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) ´enkele Tue, 20 Nov 2012 13:03:05 GMT huub [11622] * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adres il-zo stjan toegevoegd Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:14:16 GMT huub [11621] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie mac adressen nano drijfhuis Mon, 19 Nov 2012 14:58:41 GMT huub [11620] * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie mac adressen nanos geluidsnet1 Sun, 18 Nov 2012 12:03:28 GMT huub [11619] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) ssid bij cope link rabo nu correct Sun, 18 Nov 2012 11:22:08 GMT huub [11618] * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutjelink rabo1 Sun, 18 Nov 2012 11:20:06 GMT huub [11617] * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) link gemaakt van cetim2 naar rabo1 Sun, 18 Nov 2012 10:47:05 GMT huub [11616] * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) configaanpassing cam Sun, 18 Nov 2012 10:41:32 GMT huub [11615] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) andere kanalen bij boterhuis Sun, 18 Nov 2012 10:09:19 GMT huub [11614] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutje in ip-config Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:30:38 GMT huub [11613] * nodes/HybridRichard (deleted) hybridrichard naar retired gemoved Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:30:06 GMT huub [11612] * nodes/retired/HybridRichard (copied) hybridrichard naar retired Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:57:45 GMT huub [11611] * nodes/HybridStJan/wleiden.yaml (added) config stjan aangevuld Sat, 17 Nov 2012 12:51:28 GMT huub [11610] * nodes/global_keys (modified) enkele oude ssh-keys uit global_keys verwijderd Sat, 17 Nov 2012 11:18:13 GMT huub [11609] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStJan (added) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWRijneke/wleiden.yaml (modified) config gemaakt voor stjan onthoofding kerk zoeterwoude Thu, 15 Nov 2012 14:25:48 GMT huub [11607] * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) update config hortus voor nagios Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:33:42 GMT huub [11606] * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) aanpassing configuratie hortus ivm captive portal Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:33:22 GMT richardvm [11605] * nodes/global_keys (modified) Walter heeft public key toegevoegd Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:10:33 GMT huub [11604] * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aangepast voor ap-wds met burcht Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:16:55 GMT huub [11600] * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) config figuratie link vosko2 - hortus Thu, 08 Nov 2012 12:15:27 GMT huub [11593] * nodes/HybridRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) kanaal in config rustenborch Wed, 07 Nov 2012 22:08:35 GMT huub [11592] * nodes/HybridRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) ip range lokaal subnet viel in 24-net van de omni, nu een eigen ... Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:08:36 GMT huub [11591] * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) niet actieve interlinks naar down gezet in configs ivm meldingen van ... Fri, 02 Nov 2012 19:58:07 GMT huub [11587] * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adressen toegevoegd aan config hybridhortus Fri, 02 Nov 2012 14:44:59 GMT huub [11586] * nodes/HybridHortus (added) * nodes/HybridHortus/wleiden.yaml (added) configuratie hybridhortus gemaakt Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:43:03 GMT huub [11585] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie config cope zodat external if correct is Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:32:52 GMT huub [11584] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie config cope zodat hij ook in nagios komt Thu, 01 Nov 2012 15:21:37 GMT huub [11583] * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) typo in config Lebkov Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:58:10 GMT huub [11582] * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) oude link lumc-lebkov nu unigor1-lebkov Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:18:50 GMT huub [11581] * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) ip van vr2 alias LivingLab aangepast Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:23:49 GMT www [11579] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Running as webprocess does not find /usr/local/bin/svn as proper path ... Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:41:02 GMT huub [11577] * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) config ztwgemeentehuis aangevuld met mac-adressen Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:19:41 GMT rick [11576] * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Nieuwe omni Thu, 25 Oct 2012 05:42:30 GMT rick [11575] * nodes/HybridZTWRijneke/wleiden.yaml (modified) Sponsor uiting. Thu, 25 Oct 2012 05:38:44 GMT rick [11574] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWRijneke (moved) * nodes/HybridZTWRijneke/wleiden.yaml (modified) De node staat bij de Casba maar is voor/gesponsord door de Rijneke ... Wed, 24 Oct 2012 19:00:39 GMT huub [11573] * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) release info toegevoegd aan configs van ZTWDorpskerk en -gemeenthuis ... Wed, 24 Oct 2012 18:41:39 GMT huub [11572] * nodes/HybridHofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) hofland is up Wed, 24 Oct 2012 18:16:25 GMT huub [11571] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) ssids van aps aangepast bij Juffermans Sat, 20 Oct 2012 19:32:54 GMT huub [11566] * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) config vosko1 lokaal ap correctie mac-adres nu nano2M Sat, 20 Oct 2012 19:25:30 GMT huub [11565] * nodes/HybridZTWCasba/wleiden.yaml (modified) config ztwcasba aangevuld met mac-adressen Fri, 19 Oct 2012 10:04:50 GMT huub [11561] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) link Roomburgh1-CeTIM1 omgezet naar Roomburgh1-Meerburg Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:48:51 GMT rick [11559] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Zet ongebruikte link maar in AP mode. Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:41:10 GMT rick [11558] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Juffermans gebouwd Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:54:51 GMT rick [11556] * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Krijgt ook een leuke VPN tunnel om mee te spelen Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:37:47 GMT rick [11555] * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) status in verplicht voor een interface, controleer hier dus op. ... Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:18:08 GMT rick [11554] * nodes/HybridAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJAR/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWCasba/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Cleanup actie. Sun, 14 Oct 2012 20:37:45 GMT huub [11550] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWCasba/wleiden.yaml (modified) correcties configs HMKerk, WBRotary, ZTWCasba, met name kanalen waren ... Sun, 14 Oct 2012 20:09:52 GMT huub [11549] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) config voor wbrotary update kanalen Sun, 14 Oct 2012 20:02:53 GMT huub [11548] * nodes/HybridZTWCasba/wleiden.yaml (added) config voor ZTWCasba Sun, 14 Oct 2012 19:24:19 GMT huub [11547] * nodes/HybridZTWCasba (added) directory voor config ZTWCasba Sun, 14 Oct 2012 15:28:26 GMT huub [11546] * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) config livinglab aangepast - rare aliasen ivm gebruik switch en ... Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:11:29 GMT rick [11541] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Non-existing interface and no IP is really not making it happy, ... Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:01:25 GMT rick [11540] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Technically speaking is the concentrator only an extention of an ... Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:49:02 GMT rick [11539] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Concentrator requires an working VPN connection for course. Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:46:03 GMT rick [11538] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Magical concentrator 'trick' Def concentrator: Route all traffic to ... Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:41:05 GMT rick [11537] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) Back to a iLeiden proxy (with concentrator functionality something). Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:06:35 GMT rick [11536] * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Interface typo Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:04:57 GMT rick [11535] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Damm dry-coding, time to go to sleep I guess. Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:03:29 GMT rick [11534] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Do not use function which are not defined yet. Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:01:27 GMT rick [11533] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Make cache re-loading penalty part of update process, this will avoid ... Tue, 09 Oct 2012 20:57:42 GMT rick [11532] * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Zit nog een ungebruikte antenne aan voor een paar links in het dorp zelf. Tue, 09 Oct 2012 20:32:49 GMT rick [11531] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Gek genoeg is er een best aardige verbinding van HMKerk naar de ... Tue, 09 Oct 2012 20:23:19 GMT rick [11530] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Set ungebruikte link weer in master mode. Tue, 09 Oct 2012 19:29:28 GMT rick [11529] * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZTWGemeentehuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Forgot to status entries. Tue, 09 Oct 2012 19:26:10 GMT rick [11528] * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Cosmetische cleanups Tue, 09 Oct 2012 19:04:24 GMT rick [11527] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) Aanpassingen na het bouwen van de node.