# # ChangeLog for / in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Dec 5, 2024, 10:16:56 PM Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:12:43 GMT rick [11513] * tools/node-editor (modified) Try to standardize interface creating and editing via CLI. Sat, 29 Sep 2012 19:19:05 GMT huub [11512] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) config external if wbrotary statisch ip Sat, 29 Sep 2012 11:03:23 GMT huub [11511] * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) voorlopig LHS als alleen accesspointtype node Fri, 28 Sep 2012 20:02:34 GMT rick [11510] * tools/node-editor (modified) Some second part allowing basic interface creation. Fri, 28 Sep 2012 20:01:52 GMT huub [11509] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) zwaluwak geen ileiden proxy meer Thu, 27 Sep 2012 18:05:43 GMT huub [11508] * nodes/retired/HybridLUMC (copied) HybridLUMC naar retired Thu, 27 Sep 2012 18:05:02 GMT huub [11507] * nodes/HybridLUMC (deleted) HybridLUMC naar retired Wed, 26 Sep 2012 22:04:06 GMT rick [11506] * tools/node-editor (added) Starting with a very simple CLI based menu configurator allowing to ... Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:30:45 GMT huub [11505] * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra link livinglab cetim2 gemaakt in configs Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:30:07 GMT huub [11504] * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra link livinglab cetim2 gemaakt in configs Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:28:04 GMT rick [11503] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Now with proper caching and shared memory. Tue, 25 Sep 2012 20:41:50 GMT huub [11500] * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) config roc1 aangepast voor link naar ztw dorpskerk Tue, 25 Sep 2012 13:00:57 GMT huub [11499] * nodes/HybridHofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybride config gemaakt voor Hofland Tue, 25 Sep 2012 12:59:14 GMT huub [11498] * nodes/HybridHofland (added) * nodes/HybridHofland/wleiden.yaml (added) hybride config gemaakt voor Hofland Mon, 10 Sep 2012 19:37:04 GMT huub [11455] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) bullet voor zoeterwoude geconfigureerd Wed, 05 Sep 2012 21:06:53 GMT rick [11444] * tools/gformat.py (modified) * tools/make_network_kml.py (modified) Quick om export te maken van nodeplanner applicatie. Fri, 31 Aug 2012 19:33:40 GMT huub [11432] * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) enkele kleine config aanpassingen ivm nagios Thu, 30 Aug 2012 07:15:29 GMT rick [11427] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Now also print the header if you generate it. Thu, 30 Aug 2012 06:43:39 GMT rick [11426] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Some rocket science to hack wsgi support info gformat, this speedsup ... Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:36:12 GMT huub [11425] * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybridcam is niet down maar up Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:22:47 GMT huub [11424] * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) interlink zwaluwak unigor1 omgezet naar 29 subnet Wed, 29 Aug 2012 19:38:42 GMT huub [11423] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) tijdelijke link naar cetim1 is down ivm routering Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:54:09 GMT huub [11422] * nodes/HybridAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) b-link ajsoft1 naar rijnvliet is down Mon, 27 Aug 2012 17:34:07 GMT huub [11417] * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) ajsoft2 link naar livinglab moet in station modus, niet ap Sun, 26 Aug 2012 16:52:49 GMT huub [11416] * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) config jvc en meerburg aangepast aan nieuwe hardwareconfiguratie met ... Thu, 23 Aug 2012 20:57:17 GMT huub [11413] * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) jvc interfaces verwisseld, vr2 en ue0 nog opnieuw configureren Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:31:34 GMT huub [11410] * nodes/HybridThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie config Thomas Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:15:07 GMT huub [11409] * nodes/CNodeBurcht/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) correcties enkelen configs Mon, 20 Aug 2012 20:53:38 GMT huub [11408] * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) interface up bij kwvdekaag Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:26:39 GMT rick [11405] * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Need extra interfac Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:16:19 GMT rick [11404] * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Not working, back to the start Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:09:49 GMT rick [11403] * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Wel redirects... Thu, 16 Aug 2012 12:54:16 GMT rick [11402] * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Damm wrong interface to the 'outside', autodetect maybe? Thu, 16 Aug 2012 12:45:12 GMT rick [11401] * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) No more normal proxy (no bandwith left). Thu, 09 Aug 2012 23:26:12 GMT wout [11395] * nodes/global_keys (modified) CR noodzakelijk? Thu, 09 Aug 2012 22:32:03 GMT wout [11394] * nodes/global_keys (modified) replaced key for 2028 bits password protected rsa Thu, 09 Aug 2012 22:03:32 GMT rick [11393] * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) Betere benaming Thu, 09 Aug 2012 21:34:58 GMT rick [11392] * nodes/HybridJAR/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) Nog wat linkjes ombouwen ZTW style ;-) Thu, 09 Aug 2012 21:24:05 GMT rick [11391] * nodes/HybridJAR/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Heel stapel interface fixes in MAC en plaatsing. Thu, 09 Aug 2012 20:25:47 GMT rick [11390] * nodes/HybridJAR (copied) * nodes/HybridJAR/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Initiele config van zwembad en nieuwe zwet nodes. Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:01:23 GMT huub [11387] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) ap3 op ath0 Juffermans typo bah Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:58:41 GMT huub [11386] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) ap3 op ath0 toegevoegd aan Juffermans Wed, 08 Aug 2012 16:13:42 GMT huub [11384] * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) config update voor Juffermans Tue, 07 Aug 2012 23:11:32 GMT wout [11377] * nodes/global_keys (modified) own public key added Mon, 06 Aug 2012 18:10:43 GMT huub [11373] * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) tab uit config file vosko4 gehaald Thu, 02 Aug 2012 20:00:43 GMT huub [11371] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) HybridCeTIM1 en stadhuis aangepast Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:17:22 GMT huub [11369] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe interlink cetim1-stadhuis Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:19:03 GMT huub [11368] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) uitbreiding config cetim1 en 2 Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:03:49 GMT huub [11367] * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) vosko4 statisch gerouteerd ook naar internet Sat, 28 Jul 2012 09:39:24 GMT huub [11365] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassing external interface bij cetim1 nu statisch Sat, 28 Jul 2012 09:32:56 GMT huub [11364] * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassing foutje bij vosko1 Sat, 28 Jul 2012 09:27:21 GMT huub [11363] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM3/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassingen ivm video-link cetim-vosko Sat, 28 Jul 2012 09:08:52 GMT huub [11362] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassingen ivm video-link cetim-vosko Fri, 27 Jul 2012 21:58:02 GMT huub [11361] * nodes/HybridCeTIM3/wleiden.yaml (modified) config cetim3 foutje: link naar cetim1 en niet cetim2 via switch Fri, 27 Jul 2012 21:33:41 GMT ronald [11360] * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) vosko4: status down is a string Fri, 27 Jul 2012 14:28:51 GMT huub [11359] * nodes/HybridCeTIM3 (added) * nodes/HybridCeTIM3/wleiden.yaml (added) * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (modified) configs ivm video vpn link cetim vosko Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:04:17 GMT huub [11358] * nodes/HybridVosko4/wleiden.yaml (added) voorlopige config vosko4 Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:42:59 GMT huub [11357] * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko4 (added) configs voor videolink cetim vosko beginnetje Sun, 22 Jul 2012 11:06:10 GMT huub [11355] * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) postcode webster Sat, 21 Jul 2012 19:20:33 GMT huub [11351] * nodes/HybridJuffermans (added) * nodes/HybridJuffermans/wleiden.yaml (added) config voor hybridjuffermans gemaakt Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:32:40 GMT huub [11344] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuw mac-adres voor bullet2 bij boterhuis Fri, 13 Jul 2012 11:33:14 GMT huub [11342] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) configs van cope en kwvdekaag aangepast Thu, 12 Jul 2012 09:31:54 GMT rick [11326] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Poor mans one-click-nagios-solution-for-light-based-systems. Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:27:06 GMT rick [11325] * nodes/CNodeAMKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMSchiphol/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBDboon/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBurcht/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMdorp/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLz/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeOBLc/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePPFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSHFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) Groepeer nodes naar ``monitoring_group'', handig om bijvoorbeeld een ... Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:14:38 GMT rick [11324] * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif (moved) * nodes/HybridPVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (copied) Machine is hybrid geworden. Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:10:51 GMT rick [11323] * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) Zoeterwoude is te lang en zorgt ervoor dat de sponsor niet meer ... Thu, 12 Jul 2012 08:02:13 GMT rick [11322] * nodes/CNodePVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) All cosmetic fixes. Tue, 10 Jul 2012 20:28:03 GMT ronald [11320] * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) som2: NS on vr1 has mode ap-wds Sat, 07 Jul 2012 09:54:00 GMT rick [11318] * nodes/HybridRustdam (copied) * nodes/HybridRustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) Configuratie eerste node vanuit het Free-WiFi project. Fri, 06 Jul 2012 10:50:08 GMT huub [11317] * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) ap-wds configuratiewijziging bij IMI Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:28:25 GMT huub [11308] * nodes/HybridRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) ip-range lokale subnet Robijn gewijzigd Wed, 27 Jun 2012 22:05:42 GMT huub [11306] * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutje in config lijtweg1 Sun, 24 Jun 2012 19:08:57 GMT huub [11305] * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) mac adres nano Tue, 19 Jun 2012 11:38:34 GMT huub [11302] * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra ap bij cam Mon, 18 Jun 2012 19:42:21 GMT huub [11301] * nodes/HybridCam (moved) * nodes/HybridCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis (moved) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) cam updated config Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:49:41 GMT ronald [11299] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) cetim1: nano on ue0 is in ap-wds mode Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:25:31 GMT huub [11298] * nodes/HybridZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) zijloever naar hybrid Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:19:23 GMT huub [11297] * nodes/HybridZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) zijloever naar hybrid Sun, 17 Jun 2012 19:16:17 GMT huub [11296] * nodes/HybridWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZijloever (moved) zijloever naar hybrid Sun, 17 Jun 2012 18:30:27 GMT huub [11295] * nodes/HybridWP (moved) WP naar hybrid Sun, 17 Jun 2012 17:42:12 GMT huub [11294] * nodes/HybridBCSte (copied) * nodes/HybridBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) bcste naar hybrid Sun, 17 Jun 2012 17:41:50 GMT huub [11293] * nodes/CNodeBCSte (deleted) bcste naar hybrid Sat, 16 Jun 2012 23:17:12 GMT ronald [11292] * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) corrected SSID of link Roomburgh2-Zijloever Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:57:05 GMT huub [11291] * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) roomburgh2 correctie Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:53:18 GMT huub [11290] * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/retired/HybridRoomburgh3 (moved) * nodes/retired/HybridRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) roomburgh3 naar retired Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:36:39 GMT huub [11289] * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) aangepaste config roomburgh1 Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:06:24 GMT huub [11284] * nodes/HybridRijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) config voor HybridRijnVliet Fri, 15 Jun 2012 09:42:34 GMT huub [11283] * nodes/HybridRijnVliet (moved) * nodes/retired/ProxyRV (moved) RV naar hybrid omzetten Wed, 13 Jun 2012 20:19:55 GMT huub [11281] * nodes/HybridDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1 (moved) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2 (moved) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh3 (moved) * nodes/HybridRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) configwijzigingen roomburgh Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:33:17 GMT richardvm [11280] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:29:36 GMT richardvm [11279] * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:24:33 GMT richardvm [11278] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra net for bullet Wed, 13 Jun 2012 07:25:42 GMT richardvm [11277] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra ap Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:07:43 GMT huub [11276] * nodes/retired/ProxyZwaluwAK (moved) proxyzwaluwak is niet meer bij ons Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:07:02 GMT huub [11275] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid config voor zwaluwak Tue, 12 Jun 2012 13:41:07 GMT huub [11274] * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) fout masterip in leythenrode2 Tue, 12 Jun 2012 13:02:07 GMT huub [11273] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/CNodeZwaluwAK (deleted) hybrid config voor ZwaluwAK Tue, 12 Jun 2012 12:49:46 GMT huub [11272] * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK (moved) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/CNodeZwaluwAK (copied) zwaluwak naar hybrid Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:51:15 GMT huub [11271] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) externe if cetim1 op dhcp gezet Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:27:40 GMT huub [11270] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe config externe if op cetim1