This script are NOT written to run in a production envirionment,
people who has access to the subversion genesis directory all allowed to
put marvilous code in there, which will potentially ruin your machine
!!! END WARNING !!!!
XXX: Cleanup to match new reality
== apache configuration CleanURL ==
# WLConfig
ScriptAliasMatch /config/iris/freebsd/8.0-RELEASE/(.*) /usr/local/www/wlconfig/freebsd/iris-8.0/g_list.pl
Allow from all
In order to get the genesis webinterface up and running we need to
configure some bits and pieces:
* Apache
* Subversion (in order to update)
* Perl
So lets get started:
#Make a working directory and jump to it
$mkdir /usr/local/www/data/genesis
$cd /usr/local/www/data/genesis
#Make a checkout of the genesis directory
$svn co http://svn.wirelessleiden.nl/svn/node-config/genesis .
#Allow the webserver to update nodes
$chown -R www:www nodes
#Make local config file
$mv tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf.local{.tmpl,}
#Edit the following variables $home, $server, $cgi_dir (and others and
$vim tools/FreeBSD6_x/genesis.conf.local
Next job, apache configuration
=== begin httpd.conf ===
ServerName wlconfig
ServerAlias wlconfig.wzoeterwoude.net
ServerAlias rick.wleiden.net
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/data/genesis"
ErrorLog "|/usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs \
/var/log/httpd/wlconfig.wzoeterwoude.net-error-%Y-%m-%d.log 5M"
CustomLog "|/usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs \
/var/log/httpd/wlconfig.wzoeterwoude.net-access-%Y-%m-%d.log 5M" combined
DirectoryIndex g_list.pl
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
Options +ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Allow from all
=== begin httpd.conf ===
Restart apache and hit your webbrowser to the configured webpage
Thats all folks :-), questions/problems/suggestions ->