1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | BASEDIR=`dirname $0`
4 | . ${BASEDIR}/package-build.inc.sh
5 |
6 | NANOBSD="$NANO_SRC/tools/tools/nanobsd/nanobsd.sh"
7 |
8 | usage() {
9 | cat <<EOF
10 | # Usage $0 <arguments>
11 | #
12 | # Wrapper around nanobsd.sh with autodetection of already processed steps to
13 | # provide some failsafe net, which avoids building world and/or kernel by
14 | # default.
15 | #
16 | # Rick van der Zwet <rick@wirelessleiden.nl>
17 | #
18 | # Arguments:
19 | # build - Build NanoBSD parts which are not build yet
20 | # build force kernel - Build NanoBSD and force rebuilding the kernel
21 | # build force world - Build NanoBSD and force rebuilding world
22 | # edit - Manually edit the image
23 | # config [for <node>] - Configure image to be used for <node>
24 | # rebuild - Rebuild NanoBSD (aka force rebuilding all)
25 | # deploy on <node> [and reboot] - Deploy the image on node and reboot if needed
26 | # ports update - Update the packages from ports
27 | # ports force rebuild - Forcefully rebuilding all required packages
28 | EOF
29 | }
30 |
31 |
32 | deploy_image() {
33 | # Find object directory
34 | img=${OBJDIR}/_.disk.image
35 |
36 | if [ ! -r "$img" ]; then
37 | p_err Source $img does not exists
38 | exit 1
39 | fi
40 |
41 | prompt_timeout=5
42 | p_warn "Going to DEPLOY $img to $host: (8.X-RELEASE and 9.X-RELEASE) to 9.X RELEASE"
43 | $do_reboot && p_warn "AND will REBOOT the $host"
44 | p_warn "Please do mind to use your ssh key else you be required to type the root"
45 | p_warn "password AT MOST 5 times"
46 |
47 |
48 | p_warn "Press CTRL+C in $prompt_timeout seconds to CANCEL"
49 | sleep $prompt_timeout
50 |
51 | # Details and alive checkings
52 | release=`ssh $host mount | grep 'ada0' && echo "9.0-RELEASE" || echo "PRE-9.0-RELEASE"` || exit 1
53 | if [ $release = "9.0-RELEASE" ]; then
54 | cat $img | ssh $host sh -x /tools/update || exit 1
55 | else
56 | # Hack to make sure we update the fstab the right way when converting from
57 | # 8.X-RELEASE to 9.X-RELEASE. ad0 naming changed to ada0.
58 | P=`ssh $HOST df / | grep '1a ' && echo "p2" || echo "p1"` || exit 1
59 | echo "# Updating partition $P"
60 |
61 | cat $img | ssh $host sh -x /tools/update$P || exit 1
62 |
63 | if [ "$P" = "p2" ]; then
64 | cat <<EOF | ssh $HOST sh -x || exit 1
65 | mount -uwo noatime /dev/ad0s2a
66 | sed -i "" "s/ada0s1/ada0s2/" /mnt/conf/base/etc/fstab /mnt/etc/fstab
67 | umount
68 | EOF
69 | fi
70 | fi
71 |
72 | if $do_reboot; then
73 | ssh $host reboot
74 | fi
75 | }
76 |
77 | config_image() {
78 | node_name=${1:+"-b -c $1"}
79 |
80 | img=$OBJDIR/_.disk.full
81 |
82 | mnt=`mktemp -d -t $(basename $0)`
83 | md=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f $img`
84 |
85 | # Clean up when done
86 | trap "umount $mnt/dev; umount $mnt/cfg; umount $mnt; mdconfig -d -u $md; rm -d $mnt" 0
87 | trap "exit 1" 1 2 3 15
88 |
89 | # Root filesystem
90 | mount /dev/${md}s1a $mnt || exit 1
91 |
92 | # /dev/null in chroot
93 | mount -t devfs devfs ${mnt}/dev || exit 1
94 |
95 | # Config files lives at /cfg location
96 | mount /dev/${md}s3 $mnt/cfg || exit 1
97 |
98 | # Try to fetch and store config
99 | chroot $mnt /tools/wl-config -d -n -m startup $node_name || exit 1
100 | }
101 |
102 | edit_image() {
103 | img=$OBJDIR/_.disk.full
104 |
105 | mnt=`mktemp -d -t $(basename $0)`
106 | md=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f $img`
107 |
108 | # Clean up when done
109 | trap "umount $mnt/dev; umount $mnt/cfg; umount $mnt; mdconfig -d -u $md; rm -d $mnt" 0
110 | trap "exit 1" 1 2 3 15
111 |
112 | # Root filesystem
113 | mount /dev/${md}s1a $mnt || exit 1
114 |
115 | # /dev/null in chroot
116 | mount -t devfs devfs ${mnt}/dev || exit 1
117 |
118 | # Config files lives at /cfg location
119 | mount /dev/${md}s3 $mnt/cfg || exit 1
120 |
121 | # Nasty hack to set custom prompt
122 | prompt='set prompt = "image# "'
123 | echo $prompt >> $mnt/root/.cshrc
124 |
125 | p_info "Type exit when done"
126 | chroot $mnt
127 | p_info "Any changes are made permanent on image $img"
128 |
129 | # Unset prompt again
130 | sed -I '' "/^$prompt$/d" $mnt/root/.cshrc
131 | }
132 |
133 |
134 | build_image() {
135 | p_info Forcefully building kernel: $FORCE_KERNEL
136 | p_info Forcefully building world : $FORCE_WORLD
137 |
139 |
140 | if [ ! -r "${NANOBSD}" ]; then
141 | p_err ${NANOBSD} does not exists
142 | exit 1
143 | fi
144 |
145 | if [ ! -x "${NANOBSD}" ]; then
146 | NANOBSD="sh ${NANOBSD}"
147 | fi
148 |
149 | # Find object directory
150 | OBJDIR="/usr/obj/nanobsd.${NANO_NAME}"
151 |
152 | if [ -d "${OBJDIR}" ]; then
154 |
155 | # Detect succesfull buildworld
156 | tail -10 ${OBJDIR}/_.bw | grep 'World build completed'
157 | if [ $? -eq 0 -a ${FORCE_WORLD} = "no" ]; then
158 | p_info NO building of world
160 | fi
161 |
162 | # Detect succesfull buildkernel
163 | tail -10 ${OBJDIR}/_.bk | grep 'Kernel build for .* completed'
164 | if [ $? -eq 0 -a ${FORCE_KERNEL} = "no" ]; then
165 | p_info NO building of kernel
167 | fi
168 |
169 | else
170 | p_warn Nothing yet, starting fresh
172 | fi
173 |
174 | # Provide verbose output by default
176 | f_time ${COMMAND}
177 | RETVAL=$?
178 |
179 | # Verify on build failures
180 | tail -10 ${OBJDIR}/_.bw | grep 'World build completed'
181 | if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
182 | p_err Building world FAILED, check ${OBJDIR}/_.bw
183 | fi
184 | tail -10 ${OBJDIR}/_.bk | grep 'Kernel build for .* completed'
185 | if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
186 | p_err Building kernel FAILED, check ${OBJDIR}/_.bk
187 | fi
188 | if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
189 | p_err "Errors in building NanoBSD Image ($RETVAL)"
190 | fi
191 | p_info End time: `date`
192 | exit ${RETVAL}
193 | }
194 |
195 | #
196 | # Argument parsing
197 | #
200 | if [ -z "$1" ]; then
201 | usage; exit 1
202 | elif [ "$1" = "build" ]; then
203 | if [ -z "$2" ]; then
204 | elif [ "$2" = "force" ]; then
205 | if [ "$3" = "kernel" ]; then
206 | FORCE_KERNEL="yes"
207 | elif [ "$3" = "world" ]; then
208 | FORCE_WORLD="yes"
209 | else
210 | echo "Argument Error - '$3'"; exit 128
211 | fi
212 | else
213 | echo "Argument Error - '$2'"; exit 128
214 | fi
215 | build_image
216 | elif [ "$1" = "rebuild" ]; then
217 | FORCE_KERNEL="yes"
218 | FORCE_WORLD="yes"
219 | build_image
220 | elif [ "$1" = "deploy" -a "$2" = "on" ]; then
221 | if [ -z "$3" ]; then
222 | echo "Argument Error - '$3'"; exit 128
223 | fi
224 | host=$3
225 | do_reboot=false
226 | if [ -n "$4" -o -n "$5" ]; then
227 | if [ "$4" = "and" -a "$5" = "reboot" ]; then
228 | do_reboot=true
229 | else
230 | echo "Argument Error - '$4 $5'"; exit 128
231 | fi
232 | fi
233 | deploy_image
234 | elif [ "$1" = "ports" ]; then
235 | if [ "$2" = "update" ]; then
236 | # Fetch the latest details and provide listing of packages to be updated
237 | portsnap fetch update || exit 1
238 |
239 | # HACK: install our own ports _inside_ the normal ports dir
240 | cp -fR $WL_PORTSDIR/* $PORTSDIR || exit 1
241 |
242 | # Make sure portmaster is present to update all ports
243 | portmaster --version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || make -C /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster BATCH=yes install clean || exit 1
244 |
245 | # Update via portmaster
246 | CMD="env `echo $PKG_MAKE_ARGS` portmaster --no-confirm --update-if-newer -y -d -G `echo $PACKAGE_LIST`"
247 | echo "# Going to run port upgrade cycle: $CMD"; $CMD || exit 1
248 |
249 | . ${BASEDIR}/package-build.sh
250 | elif [ "$2" = "force" -a "$3" = "rebuild" ]; then
251 | export FORCE_REBUILD=1
252 | . ${BASEDIR}/package-build.sh
253 | else
254 | shift 1
255 | echo "Arguments Error - '$*'"; exit 128
256 | fi
257 | elif [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
258 | if [ "$2" = "for" ]; then
259 | if [ -n "$3" ]; then
260 | node_name=$3
261 | else
262 | echo "Arguments Error - '$*'"; exit 128
263 | fi
264 | else
265 | echo "Arguments Error - '$*'"; exit 128
266 | fi
267 | config_image $node_name
268 | elif [ "$1" = "edit" ]; then
269 | edit_image
270 | else
271 | echo "Argument Error - '$1'"; exit 128
272 | fi
273 |