#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai
# Wireless Leiden configuration generator, based on yaml files'
# XXX: This should be rewritten to make use of the ipaddr.py library.
# Sample apache configuration (mind the AcceptPathInfo!)
# ScriptAlias /wleiden/config /usr/local/www/genesis/tools/gformat.py
# Allow from all
# AcceptPathInfo On
# Rick van der Zwet
# Hack to make the script directory is also threated as a module search path.
import sys
import os
import re
import cgi
import cgitb
import copy
import glob
import socket
import string
import subprocess
import time
import rdnap
from pprint import pprint
import yaml
except ImportError, e:
print e
print "[ERROR] Please install the python-yaml or devel/py-yaml package"
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader, Dumper
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='# %(levelname)s: %(message)s' )
logger = logging.getLogger()
if os.environ.has_key('CONFIGROOT'):
NODE_DIR = os.environ['CONFIGROOT']
NODE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/../nodes'
__version__ = '$Id: gformat.py 10074 2012-03-09 23:05:04Z rick $'
files = [
# Global variables uses
OK = 10
DOWN = 20
def get_proxylist():
"""Get all available proxies proxyX sorting based on X number"""
proxylist = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/proxy*" % NODE_DIR)],
key=lambda name: int(''.join([c for c in name if c in string.digits])),
cmp=lambda x,y: x - y)
return proxylist
def valid_addr(addr):
""" Show which address is valid in which are not """
return str(addr).startswith('172.')
def get_nodelist():
""" Get all available nodes - sorted """
nodelist = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/CNode*" % NODE_DIR)])
return nodelist
def get_hostlist():
""" Combined hosts and proxy list"""
return get_nodelist() + get_proxylist()
def angle_between_points(lat1,lat2,long1,long2):
Return Angle in radians between two GPS coordinates
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809179/angle-between-2-gps-coordinates
dy = lat2 - lat1
dx = math.cos(math.pi/180*lat1)*(long2 - long1)
angle = math.atan2(dy,dx)
return angle
def angle_to_cd(angle):
""" Return Dutch Cardinal Direction estimation in 'one digit' of radian angle """
# For easy conversion get positive degree
degrees = math.degrees(angle)
if degrees < 0:
360 - abs(degrees)
# Numbers can be confusing calculate from the 4 main directions
p = 22.5
if degrees < p:
return "n"
elif degrees < (90 - p):
return "no"
elif degrees < (90 + p):
return "o"
elif degrees < (180 - p):
return "zo"
elif degrees < (180 + p):
return "z"
elif degrees < (270 - p):
return "zw"
elif degrees < (270 + p):
return "w"
elif degrees < (360 - p):
return "nw"
return "n"
def generate_title(nodelist):
""" Main overview page """
items = {'root' : "." }
output = """
Wireless leiden Configurator - GFormat
Wireless Leiden Configurator
""" % items
for node in nodelist:
items['node'] = node
output += '%(node)s | ' % items
for config in files:
items['config'] = config
output += '%(config)s | ' % items
output += "
output += """
""" % __version__
return output
def generate_node(node):
""" Print overview of all files available for node """
return "\n".join(files)
def generate_header(ctag="#"):
return """\
%(ctag)s DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat'
%(ctag)s Generated at %(date)s by %(host)s
""" % { 'ctag' : ctag, 'date' : time.ctime(), 'host' : socket.gethostname() }
def parseaddr(s):
""" Process IPv4 CIDR notation addr to a (binary) number """
f = s.split('.')
return (long(f[0]) << 24L) + \
(long(f[1]) << 16L) + \
(long(f[2]) << 8L) + \
def showaddr(a):
""" Display IPv4 addr in (dotted) CIDR notation """
return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((a >> 24) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, a & 0xff)
def is_member(ip, mask, canidate):
""" Return True if canidate is part of ip/mask block"""
ip_addr = gformat.parseaddr(ip)
ip_canidate = gformat.parseaddr(canidate)
mask = int(mask)
ip_addr = ip_addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
ip_canidate = ip_canidate & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
return ip_addr == ip_canidate
def netmask2subnet(netmask):
""" Given a 'netmask' return corresponding CIDR """
return showaddr(0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32 - int(netmask))))
def generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf' """
output = generate_header()
output += """\
# DHCP server options
# Low memory footprint
\n""" % datadump
for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']:
if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'):
datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None
output += "## %(interface)s - %(desc)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]
(dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
(ip, netmask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
datadump[iface_key]['subnet'] = netmask2subnet(netmask)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
output += "# not autoritive\n\n"
dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop
output += "dhcp-range=%(interface)s,%(dhcp_start)s,%(dhcp_stop)s,%(subnet)s,24h\n\n" % datadump[iface_key]
return output
def generate_rc_conf_local(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/rc.conf.local' """
output = generate_header("#");
output += """\
""" % datadump
# TProxy configuration
output += "\n"
if datadump['tproxy']:
output += """\
""" % datadump
except KeyError:
output += "tproxy_enable='NO'\n"
# Extra Proxy configuration
datadump['ileiden_enable'] = 'yes' if datadump['ileiden'] else 'no'
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy':
output += """
# PROXY Configuration
sshtun_flags="-R 22%(proxyid)02i:localhost:22"
route_wleiden="-net %(internalroute)s"
# PROXY iLeiden Configuration
""" % datadump
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'CNode' and datadump['ileiden']:
output += """
# NODE iLeiden Configuration
""" % datadump
# lo0 configuration:
# - is the proxy.wleiden.net deflector
# - masterip is special as it needs to be assigned to at
# least one interface, so if not used assign to lo0
addrs_list = { 'lo0' : [("", "LocalHost"), ("","Proxy IP")] }
iface_map = {'lo0' : 'lo0'}
masterip_used = False
for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']:
if datadump[iface_key]['ip'].startswith(datadump['masterip']):
masterip_used = True
if not masterip_used:
addrs_list['lo0'].append(datadump['masterip'] + "/32")
for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']:
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
interface = ifacedump['interface']
# By default no special interface mapping
iface_map[interface] = interface
# Add interface IP to list
item = (ifacedump['ip'], ifacedump['desc'])
if addrs_list.has_key(interface):
addrs_list[interface] = [item]
# Alias only needs IP assignment for now, this might change if we
# are going to use virtual accesspoints
if "alias" in iface_key:
# XXX: Might want to deduct type directly from interface name
if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']:
# Default to station (client) mode
ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "sta"
if ifacedump['mode'] in ['master', 'master-wds']:
ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "ap"
# Default to 802.11b mode
ifacedump['mode'] = '11b'
if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b' '11g']:
ifacedump['mode'] = ifacedump['type']
if not ifacedump.has_key('channel'):
if ifacedump['type'] == '11a':
ifacedump['channel'] = 36
ifacedump['channel'] = 1
# Allow special hacks at the back like wds and stuff
if not ifacedump.has_key('extra'):
ifacedump['extra'] = 'regdomain ETSI country NL'
output += "wlans_%(interface)s='%(autogen_ifname)s'\n" % ifacedump
output += ("create_args_%(autogen_ifname)s='wlanmode %(wlanmode)s mode " +\
"%(mode)s ssid %(ssid)s %(extra)s channel %(channel)s'\n") % ifacedump
elif ifacedump['type'] in ['ethernet', 'eth']:
# No special config needed besides IP
assert False, "Unknown type " + ifacedump['type']
# Print IP address which needs to be assigned over here
output += "\n"
for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()):
for addr, comment in addrs:
ifacedump['iface'] = iface
output += "# %s || %s || %s\n" % (iface, addr, comment)
output += "ipv4_addrs_%s='%s'\n\n" % (iface_map[iface], " ".join([x[0] for x in addrs]))
return output
def get_yaml(item):
""" Get configuration yaml for 'item'"""
gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml')
f = open(gfile, 'r')
datadump = yaml.load(f,Loader=Loader)
datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] = get_interface_keys(datadump)
for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
if datadump[key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']:
datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count
wlan_count += 1
datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = datadump[key]['interface']
dhcp_interfaces = [datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] if datadump[key]['dhcp'] != 'no']
datadump['autogen_dhcp_interfaces'] = ' '.join(dhcp_interfaces)
datadump['autogen_item'] = item
datadump['autogen_fqdn'] = get_fqdn(datadump)
return datadump
def store_yaml(datadump, header=False):
""" Store configuration yaml for 'item'"""
item = datadump['autogen_item']
gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml')
f = open(gfile, 'w')
f.write(generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header))
def get_all_configs():
""" Get dict with key 'host' with all configs present """
configs = dict()
for host in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(host)
configs[host] = datadump
return configs
def get_interface_keys(config):
""" Quick hack to get all interface keys, later stage convert this to a iterator """
return sorted([elem for elem in config.keys() if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)])
def get_used_ips(configs):
""" Return array of all IPs used in config files"""
ip_list = []
for config in configs:
for iface_key in get_interface_keys(config):
l = config[iface_key]['ip']
addr, mask = l.split('/')
# Special case do not process
if valid_addr(addr):
logger.error("## IP '%s' in '%s' not valid" % (addr, config['nodename']))
return sorted(ip_list)
def generate_resolv_conf(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/resolv.conf' """
output = generate_header("#");
output += """\
search wleiden.net
# Try local (cache) first
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy':
output += """\
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
output += """\
# Proxies are recursive nameservers
# needs to be in resolv.conf for dnsmasq as well
""" % datadump
for proxy in get_proxylist():
proxy_ip = get_yaml(proxy)['masterip']
output += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (proxy_ip, proxy)
return output
def generate_motd(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/motd' """
output = """\
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE (kernel.wleiden) #0 r230587: Sun Jan 29 17:09:57 CET 2012
WWW: %(autogen_fqdn)s.wleiden.net - http://www.wirelessleiden.nl
""" % datadump
# XXX: This is a hacky way to get the required data
for line in generate_rc_conf_local(datadump).split('\n'):
if '||' in line and not line[1:].split()[0] in ['lo0', 'ath0'] :
output += " - %s \n" % line[1:]
output += """\
Attached bridges:
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
if ifacedump.has_key('ns_ip'):
output += " - %(interface)s || %(mode)s || %(ns_ip)s\n" % ifacedump
return output
def format_yaml_value(value):
""" Get yaml value in right syntax for outputting """
if isinstance(value,str):
output = '"%s"' % value
output = value
return output
def format_wleiden_yaml(datadump):
""" Special formatting to ensure it is editable"""
output = "# Genesis config yaml style\n"
output += "# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai\n"
output += "#\n"
iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]
for key in sorted(set(datadump.keys()) - set(iface_keys)):
output += "%-10s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[key]))
output += "\n\n"
key_order = [ 'comment', 'interface', 'ip', 'desc', 'sdesc', 'mode', 'type',
'extra_type', 'channel', 'ssid', 'dhcp' ]
for iface_key in sorted(iface_keys):
output += "%s:\n" % iface_key
for key in key_order + list(sorted(set(datadump[iface_key].keys()) - set(key_order))):
if datadump[iface_key].has_key(key):
output += " %-11s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[iface_key][key]))
output += "\n\n"
return output
def generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header=True):
""" Generate (petty) version of wleiden.yaml"""
for key in datadump.keys():
if key.startswith('autogen_'):
del datadump[key]
# Interface autogen cleanups
elif type(datadump[key]) == dict:
for key2 in datadump[key].keys():
if key2.startswith('autogen_'):
del datadump[key][key2]
output = generate_header("#") if header else ''
output += format_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
return output
def generate_yaml(datadump):
return generate_config(datadump['nodename'], "wleiden.yaml", datadump)
def generate_config(node, config, datadump=None):
""" Print configuration file 'config' of 'node' """
output = ""
# Load config file
if datadump == None:
datadump = get_yaml(node)
# Preformat certain needed variables for formatting and push those into special object
datadump_extra = copy.deepcopy(datadump)
if not datadump_extra.has_key('domain'):
datadump_extra['domain'] = 'wleiden.net'
datadump_extra['nodename_lower'] = datadump_extra['nodename'].lower()
datadump_extra['iface_keys'] = sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')])
if config == 'wleiden.yaml':
output += generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
elif config == 'authorized_keys':
f = open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,"global_keys"), 'r')
output += f.read()
elif config == 'dnsmasq.conf':
output += generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump_extra)
elif config == 'rc.conf.local':
output += generate_rc_conf_local(datadump_extra)
elif config == 'resolv.conf':
output += generate_resolv_conf(datadump_extra)
elif config == 'motd':
output += generate_motd(datadump_extra)
assert False, "Config not found!"
except IOError, e:
output += "[ERROR] Config file not found"
return output
def process_cgi_request():
""" When calling from CGI """
# Update repository if requested
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if form.getvalue("action") == "update":
print "Refresh: 5; url=."
print "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n",
print "[INFO] Updating subverion, please wait..."
print subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'up', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],
print "[INFO] All done, redirecting in 5 seconds"
uri = os.environ['PATH_INFO'].strip('/').split('/')
output = ""
if not uri[0]:
if is_text_request():
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += '\n'.join(get_hostlist())
output += "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_title(get_hostlist())
elif len(uri) == 1:
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_node(uri[0])
elif len(uri) == 2:
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_config(uri[0], uri[1])
assert False, "Invalid option"
print output
def get_fqdn(datadump):
# Proxy naming convention is special
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy':
fqdn = datadump['nodename']
# By default the full name is listed and also a shortname CNAME for easy use.
fqdn = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename']
def make_dns(output_dir = 'dns'):
items = dict()
# hostname is key, IP is value
wleiden_zone = dict()
wleiden_cname = dict()
pool = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
logger.info("Processing host %s", node)
datadump = get_yaml(node)
# Proxy naming convention is special
fqdn = get_fqdn(datadump)
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'CNode':
wleiden_cname[datadump['nodename']] = fqdn
wleiden_zone[fqdn] = datadump['masterip']
# Hacking to get proper DHCP IPs and hostnames
for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump):
iface_name = datadump[iface_key]['interface'].replace(':',"-alias-")
(ip, netmask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
(dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
datadump[iface_key]['subnet'] = netmask2subnet(netmask)
dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
if ip != datadump['masterip']:
wleiden_zone["dhcp-gateway-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = ip
for i in range(int(dhcp_start), int(dhcp_stop) + 1):
wleiden_zone["dhcp-%s-%s.%s" % (i, iface_name, fqdn)] = "%s.%s" % (dhcp_part, i)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
# First push it into a pool, to indentify the counter-part later on
addr = parseaddr(ip)
netmask = int(netmask)
addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - netmask)) - 1)
if pool.has_key(addr):
pool[addr] += [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)]
pool[addr] = [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)]
def pool_to_name(node, pool_members):
"""Convert the joined name to a usable pool name"""
# Get rid of the own entry
pool_members = list(set(pool_members) - set([fqdn]))
target = oldname = ''
for node in sorted(pool_members):
(name, number) = re.match('^([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]*)$',node).group(1,2)
target += "-" + number if name == oldname else "-" + node if target else node
oldname = name
return target
# WL uses an /29 to configure an interface. IP's are ordered like this:
# MasterA (.1) -- DeviceA (.2) <<>> DeviceB (.3) --- SlaveB (.4)
sn = lambda x: re.sub(r'(?i)^cnode','',x)
# Automatic naming convention of interlinks namely 2 + remote.lower()
for (key,value) in pool.iteritems():
# Make sure they are sorted from low-ip to high-ip
value = sorted(value, key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[2]))
if len(value) == 1:
(iface_name, fqdn, ip) = value[0]
wleiden_zone["2unused-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = ip
# Device DNS names
if 'cnode' in fqdn.lower():
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(ip) + 1)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name,sn(fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)
elif len(value) == 2:
(a_iface_name, a_fqdn, a_ip) = value[0]
(b_iface_name, b_fqdn, b_ip) = value[1]
wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (b_fqdn,a_fqdn)] = a_ip
wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (a_fqdn,b_fqdn)] = b_ip
# Device DNS names
if 'cnode' in a_fqdn.lower() and 'cnode' in b_fqdn.lower():
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(a_ip) + 1)
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(b_ip) - 1)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name,sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name,sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(b_fqdn),sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(a_fqdn),sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)
pool_members = [k[1] for k in value]
for item in value:
(iface_name, fqdn, ip) = item
pool_name = "2pool-" + showaddr(key).replace('.','-') + "-" + pool_to_name(fqdn,pool_members)
wleiden_zone["%s.%s" % (pool_name, fqdn)] = ip
# Include static DNS entries
# XXX: Should they override the autogenerated results?
# XXX: Convert input to yaml more useable.
# Format:
##; this is a comment
## roomburgh=CNodeRoomburgh1
## apkerk1.CNodeVosko= ;this as well
dns = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,'../dns/staticDNS.yaml'),'r'))
# Hack to allow special entries, for development
wleiden_raw = dns['raw']
del dns['raw']
for comment, block in dns.iteritems():
for k,v in block.iteritems():
if valid_addr(v):
wleiden_zone[k] = v
wleiden_cname[k] = v
details = dict()
# 24 updates a day allowed
details['serial'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')
dns_header = '''
$TTL 3h
%(zone)s. SOA sunny.wleiden.net. beheer.lijst.wirelessleiden.nl. ( %(serial)s 1d 12h 1w 3h )
; Serial, Refresh, Retry, Expire, Neg. cache TTL
NS sunny.wleiden.net.
if not os.path.isdir('dns'):
details['zone'] = 'wleiden.net'
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w")
f.write(dns_header % details)
for host,ip in wleiden_zone.iteritems():
if valid_addr(ip):
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN A %s \n" % (host.lower(), ip))
for source,dest in wleiden_cname.iteritems():
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN CNAME %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (source.lower(), dest.lower()))
for source, dest in wleiden_raw.iteritems():
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. %s\n" % (source, dest))
# Create whole bunch of specific sub arpa zones. To keep it compliant
for s in range(16,32):
details['zone'] = '%i.172.in-addr.arpa' % s
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w")
f.write(dns_header % details)
#XXX: Not effient, fix to proper data structure and do checks at other
# stages
for host,ip in wleiden_zone.iteritems():
if valid_addr(ip):
if int(ip.split('.')[1]) == s:
rev_ip = '.'.join(reversed(ip.split('.')))
f.write("%s.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (rev_ip.lower(), host.lower()))
def usage():
print """Usage: %s
\tdns [outputdir] = Generate BIND compliant zone files in dns.
\tstandalone = Run configurator webserver [default port=8000]
\twind-export = Generate SQL import scripts for WIND database
\tfull-export = Generate yaml export script for heatmap.
\tstatic = Generate all config files and store on disk
\t with format ./static/%%NODE%%/%%FILE%%
\ttest CNodeRick dnsmasq.conf = Receive output of CGI script
\t for arguments CNodeRick/dnsmasq.conf
\tlist = List systems which marked up.
def is_text_request():
return os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].split()[0] in ['curl', 'fetch', 'wget']
def main():
"""Hard working sub"""
# Allow easy hacking using the CLI
if not os.environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] == "standalone":
import SocketServer
import CGIHTTPServer
# CGI does not go backward, little hack to get ourself in the right working directory.
os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/..')
PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
except (IndexError,ValueError):
PORT = 8000
class MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
""" Serve this CGI from the root of the webserver """
def is_cgi(self):
if "favicon" in self.path:
return False
self.cgi_info = (__file__, self.path)
self.path = ''
return True
handler = MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler
SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler)
httpd.server_name = 'localhost'
httpd.server_port = PORT
logger.info("serving at port %s", PORT)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.info("All done goodbye")
elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/".join(sys.argv[2:])
os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__
elif sys.argv[1] == "static":
items = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
items['node'] = node
items['wdir'] = "./static/%(node)s" % items
if not os.path.isdir(items['wdir']):
datadump = get_yaml(node)
for config in files:
items['config'] = config
logger.info("## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items)
f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w")
f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump))
elif sys.argv[1] == "wind-export":
items = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO nodes (name, name_ns, longitude, latitude)
VALUES ('%(nodename)s', '%(nodename)s', %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s);""" % datadump;
sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO users_nodes (user_id, node_id, owner)
(SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'rvdzwet'),
(SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'),
'Y');""" % datadump
#for config in files:
# items['config'] = config
# print "## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items
# f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w")
# f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump))
# f.close()
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
for iface_key in sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]):
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
if ifacedump.has_key('mode') and ifacedump['mode'] == 'ap-wds':
ifacedump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename']
if not ifacedump.has_key('channel') or not ifacedump['channel']:
ifacedump['channel'] = 0
sql = """INSERT INTO links (node_id, type, ssid, protocol, channel, status)
VALUES ((SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'ap',
'%(ssid)s', 'IEEE 802.11b', %(channel)s, 'active');""" % ifacedump
elif sys.argv[1] == "full-export":
hosts = {}
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
hosts[datadump['nodename']] = datadump
print yaml.dump(hosts)
elif sys.argv[1] == "dns":
make_dns(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'dns')
elif sys.argv[1] == "cleanup":
# First generate all datadumps
datadumps = dict()
for host in get_hostlist():
logger.info("# Processing: %s", host)
datadump = get_yaml(host)
datadumps[get_fqdn(datadump)] = datadump
for key,datadump in datadumps.iteritems():
datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude'] = rdnap.rd2etrs(datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'])
elif sys.argv[1] == "list":
if sys.argv[2] == "nodes":
systems = get_nodelist()
elif sys.argv[2] == "proxies":
systems = get_proxylist()
for system in systems:
datadump = get_yaml(system)
if datadump['status'] == "up":
print system
# Do not enable debugging for config requests as it highly clutters the output
if not is_text_request():
if __name__ == "__main__":