#!/bin/sh # # Flash stock nanostation for use in WL network # # Rick van der Zwet # DIRNAME=`dirname $0` TOTAL_TRIES=60 # Argument helpers if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 128 fi if [ ! -r "fwupdate.bin" ]; then echo "Unable to read fwupdate.bin (download latest firmware file)" exit 1 fi HOSTNAME=$1 NS_IFACE=$2 # Create configuration $DIRNAME/gformat.py test $HOSTNAME $NS_IFACE-ns5m.conf > system.cfg.new if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to generate configuration file" exit 1 fi # Verify connectivity TRY=0 while true; do sshpass -p ubnt ssh -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ubnt@ 'uname -a' if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break fi TRY=`expr $TRY + 1` echo "Unable to connect to NanoStation (attempt $TRY of $TOTAL_TRIES)" if [ $TRY -ge $TOTAL_TRIES ]; then exit 1 fi sleep 1 done # Variables needed from Nanostaion, as to be filled into configuration MAC=`arp -na | awk '/ {print $4}'` IFACE=`arp -na | awk '/ {print $7}'` # XXX: Automatically put MAC into configuration echo "# MAC of NanoStation is $MAC" # Flash node sshpass -p ubnt scp -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null system.cfg.new fwupdate.bin ubnt@ || exit 1 sshpass -p ubnt ssh -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ubnt@ 'cfgmtd -w -f /tmp/system.cfg.new && fwupdate -m' || exit 1 echo "Ones the leds are off configuration is done" # TODO: Login on auto-alias IP address to verify sudo tcpdump -nn -v -i $IFACE -s 1500 -c 1 'ether[18:4] == 0x000c2000' echo "All done, press CTRL-C to quit" while true; do echo -e "\a" sleep 1 done