#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright 2005 Stichting Wireless Leiden # maart 2004 rick@wirelessleiden.nl # # Config located at other file my $conf_file="/home/genesis/tools/FreeBSD5_x/genesis.conf"; do($conf_file) || die("Cann't open $conf_file"); ################ END OF CONFIG ########################## #variablen my $time=gmtime(); my $source=`/bin/hostname`; chomp($source); #slurp IP berekeningen info do ("$IP_pmPath") || die ("Cann't open $IP_pmPath"); #slurp dns info do ("$dnsheader_confPath") || die ("Cann't open $dnsheader_confPath"); #zoek uit of het master_ip addr voorkomt in de configs #belangrijk van aliassen sub master_ipNotUsed { if( $debug ) { print "running master_ipNotUsed...\n"; } foreach my $if (keys %config) { if( $IP{$if} =~ /([0-9\.]+).*/ ) { if( $1 eq $master_ip ) { return(0); }; }; }; return(1); }; sub genHeader { my $comment = $_[0]; my $output = "$comment This file specific to wireless\n" . "$comment leiden. Please make all changes in Genesis.\n" . "$comment\n" . "$comment Generated by $source\n" . "$comment on $time\n" . "$comment\n" . "$comment $author\n" . "$comment\n\n\n"; return ($output); }; sub txtconfig { my $output = ""; foreach $interface (keys %config) { $output .= $config{$interface}; }; return($output); }; sub dhcpd_conf { my $output = genHeader("#"); $output .= "option domain-name \"$domain\";\n" . " \n" . "default-lease-time 7200;\n" . "max-lease-time 2592000;\n" . "\n" . "ddns-update-style none;\n" . "\n" . "# Hack for the WET11\n" . "#\n" . "always-broadcast on;\n" . "\n" . "option domain-name-servers ${master_ip};\n" . "\n"; foreach my $interface (sort keys %config) { if( $interface =~ /^[a-z]+[0-9]+$/i ) { (my $ip, my $netmask) = split('/', $IP{$interface}); my $subnet = IP::toSubnet($netmask); my $broadcast = IP::getBroadcastAddr($ip, $subnet); my $network = IP::getNetworkAddr($ip, $subnet); $output .= "# $interface $DESC{$interface}\n"; if ( $DHCP{$interface} =~ /[0-9]+\-[0-9]+/i ) { my $dhcp_part = $ip; $dhcp_part =~ s/[0-9]+$//; (my $dhcp_start, my $dhcp_stop) = $DHCP{$interface} =~ /([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/i; $dhcp_start = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_start; $dhcp_stop = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_stop; $output .= "subnet $network netmask $subnet {\n" . " range $dhcp_start $dhcp_stop;\n" . " option broadcast-address $broadcast;\n" . " option subnet-mask $subnet;\n" . " option routers $ip;\n" . "}\n" . "\n"; } else { $output .= "subnet $network netmask $subnet {not authoritative; }\n" . "\n"; }; }; }; return($output); }; sub named_conf { my $output = genHeader("#"); $output .= "options {\n" . " directory \"/var/db/namedb\"\;\n" . " forwarders {\n"; foreach my $forward (@forwarder) { $output .= "$forward;\n"; }; $output .= " };\n" . "};\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "zone \"\.\" {\n" . " type hint;\n" . " file \"/etc/namedb/named.root\"\;\n" . "}\;\n" . "\n" . "zone \"0\.0\.127\.IN-ADDR.ARPA\" {\n" . " type master\;\n" . " file \"/etc/namedb/localhost.rev\"\;\n" . "}\;\n" . "\n" . "zone \"\" {\n" . " type master\;\n" . " file \"/etc/namedb/localhost-v6.rev\"\;\n" . "};\n" . "\n"; foreach my $tmpZone (sort keys %zone) { my $dnsZone = $zone{$tmpZone}; $output .= "zone \"$tmpZone\" {\n" . " type slave\;\n" . " file \"slave-$tmpZone\"\;\n" . " masters {\n"; foreach my $tmpIP (sort @$dnsZone) { $output .= " $tmpIP\;\n"; }; $output .= " };\n" . "};\n" . "\n"; }; return($output); }; sub rc_node_local { my $output = genHeader("#"); my $masterNotUsed = master_ipNotUsed(); $output.= "hostname=\"$nodetype$nodename.$domain\"\n" . "location=\"$location\"\n" . "\n"; if( $tproxy ) { if( $tproxy =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+/ ) { $output .= "# Tproxy is ran on this system\n". "tproxy_enable='YES'\n". "tproxy_range='$tproxy'\n". "\n"; } elsif( $tproxy !~ m/no/i ) { $output .= "# WARNING - specification propably wrong - check " . "genesis. It should be a pure CIDR\n"; }; }; $output .= "ifconfig_lo0_alias0=\"inet\"\n"; if( $masterNotUsed ) { $output .= "ifconfig_lo0_alias1=\"inet $master_ip/32\"\n\n"; } else { $output .= "#ifconfig_lo0_alias1=\"inet $master_ip/32\"\n\n"; }; foreach my $interface (sort keys %config) { (my $if, my $number) = split(/:/, $interface); if( defined $number ) { $output .= "ifconfig_$if\_alias$number=\"inet $IP{$interface}\"\n"; } else { $output .= "ifconfig_$if=\"inet $IP{$interface}"; $output .= " $CARD_OPTION{$interface}"; if( $TYPE{$if} =~ /wireless/i ) { $output .= " ssid $ESSID{$interface}"; if( $MODE{$if}=~/master/i ) { $output .= " channel $CHANNEL{$interface}"; $output .= " mediaopt hostap"; } else { $output .= ""; }; }; $output .= "\"\n"; }; }; return($output); }; sub resolv_conf { my $output = genHeader"#"; $output .= "search wleiden.net.\n" . "nameserver\n" . "\n"; foreach my $if (sort keys %config) { if( exists $POINT_TO_POINT{$if} ) { foreach my $ip ($POINT_TO_POINT{$if}) { $output .= "nameserver $ip # $DESC{$if}\n"; }; }; }; return($output); }; sub snmpd_local_conf { my $output = genHeader("#"); my $masterNotUsed = master_ipNotUsed(); $output .= "# Location of the physical node.\n" . "#\n" . "syslocation \"$location\"\n" . "#\n" . "# Maintained by\n" . "syscontact \"$contact\"\n" . "\n"; if( $DISK =~ /flash/i ) { $output .= "# Verify that disk is RO\n"; $output .= "sh diskro /usr/local/sbin/diskro.sh\n\n"; }; $output .= "agentaddress 161,tcp:161\n"; if( $masterNotUsed ) { $output .= "agentaddress $master_ip\n"; }; foreach my $if (keys %config) { if( $IP{$if} =~ /([0-9\.]+).*/ ) { $output .= "agentaddress $1\n"; }; }; return($output); }; sub parse_config { my $workingfile = $_[0]; do($workingfile) || die("Cann't open/parse $workingfile"); foreach my $if (keys %config) { my $cfg=$config{$if}; while ($cfg) { $cfg=~s/^([^\n\r]+)[\r\n]*//m; my $line=$1; $line=~s/\s*#.*//; if (((my $name, my $value)=split(/=/,$line)) eq 2) { my $doit="if (exists(\$$name\{\"$if\"\})) {\$$name\{\"$if\"\}.=\";$value\";} else {\$$name\{\"$if\"\}.=\"$value\";}"; eval($doit); }; $cfg=~s/[\r\n]*$//m; }; }; }; sub authorized_keys { my $output = genHeader("#"); if( -e "$global_keyPath" ) { open( GLOBAL, "$global_keyPath" ) || die ("Cann't open $global_keyPath"); $output .= join("", ); close( GLOBAL ); } else { $output .= "# No $global_keyPath\n"; }; if( -e "$ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file" ) { open( NODE, "$ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file" ) || die ("Cann't open $home/$nodename/$ssh_file"); $output .= join("", ); close( NODE ); } else { $output .= "# No $ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file\n"; }; return($output); }; sub do_it { my $file = $_[0]; my $body = ""; $file =~ s/\./_/g; $body=&$file; return($body); }; if( exists $ARGV[0] ) { if( exists $ARGV[1] ) { parse_config($ARGV[0]); print do_it($ARGV[1]); } else { print "Usage `perl wleiden.pl 'inputfile' 'outputfile'`\n"; }; }; 1;