#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai # # Scan Wireless Leiden Network and report status of links and nodes # # Rick van der Zwet from pprint import pprint from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString import gformat import os.path import re import subprocess import sys import time import yaml from datetime import datetime # When force is used as argument, use this range DEFAULT_SCAN_RANGE= [''] # Default node status output nodemap_status_file = '/tmp/nodemap_status.yaml' # # BEGIN nmap XML parser # XXX: Should properly go to seperate class/module def get_attribute(node,attr): return node.attributes[attr].value def attribute_from_node(parent,node,attr): return parent.getElementsByTagName(node)[0].attributes[attr].value def parse_port(node): item = dict() item['protocol'] = get_attribute(node,'protocol') item['portid'] = get_attribute(node,'portid') item['state'] = attribute_from_node(node,'state','state') item['reason'] = attribute_from_node(node,'state','reason') return item def parse_ports(node): item = dict() for port in node.getElementsByTagName('port'): port_item = parse_port(port) item[port_item['portid']] = port_item return item def parse_host(node): # Host status item = dict() item['state'] = attribute_from_node(node,'status','state') item['reason'] = attribute_from_node(node,'status','reason') item['addr'] = attribute_from_node(node,'address','addr') item['addrtype'] = attribute_from_node(node,'address','addrtype') # Service status ports = node.getElementsByTagName('ports') if ports: item['port'] = parse_ports(ports[0]) return item def parse_nmap(root): status = dict() for node in root.childNodes[2].getElementsByTagName('host'): scan = parse_host(node) if not status.has_key(scan['addr']): status[scan['addr']] = scan return status # # END nmap parser # def _do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts): """ Run/Read nmap XML with various choices""" command = "nmap -n -iL - -oX - %s" %(command) print "# New run '%s', can take a while to complete" % (command) p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=-1) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate("\n".join(iphosts)) if p.returncode != 0: print "# [ERROR] nmap failed to complete '%s'" % stderrdata sys.exit(1) dom = parseString(stdoutdata) return (parse_nmap(dom),stdoutdata) def do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts, result_file=None, forced_scan=False): """ Wrapper around _run_nmap to get listing of all hosts, the default nmap does not return results for failed hosts""" # Get all hosts to be processed (init_status, stdoutdata) = _do_nmap_scan(" -sL",iphosts) # Return stored file if exists if not forced_scan and result_file and os.path.exists(result_file) \ and os.path.getsize(result_file) > 0: print "# Reading stored NMAP results from '%s'" % (result_file) status = parse_nmap(parse(result_file)) else: # New scan (status, stdoutdata) = _do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts) # Store result if requested if result_file: print "# Saving results in %s" % (result_file) f = file(result_file,'w') f.write(stdoutdata) f.close() init_status.update(status) return init_status def do_snmpwalk(host, oid): """ Do snmpwalk, returns (p, stdout, stderr)""" # GLobal SNMP walk options snmpwalk = ('snmpwalk -r 0 -t 1 -OX -c public -v 2c %s' % host).split() p = subprocess.Popen(snmpwalk + [oid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate() stdoutdata = stdoutdata.split('\n')[:-1] stderrdata = stderrdata.split('\n')[:-1] return (p, stdoutdata, stderrdata) def do_snmp_scan(iphosts, status, stored_status=dict(), forced_scan=False): """ SNMP scanning, based on results fould in NMAP scan""" mac_to_host = dict() host_processed = dict() # # Gather SNMP data from hosts for host in iphosts: # Status might be containing old hosts as well and visa-versa if not status.has_key(host): print "## [ERROR] No nmap result found" continue scan = status[host] if scan['state'] != "up": continue print '# Processing host %s' % host # IP -> Mac addresses found in host ARP table, with key IP status[host]['arpmac'] = dict() # MAC -> iface addresses, with key MAC status[host]['mac'] = dict() # Mirrored: iface -> MAC addresses, with key interface name status[host]['iface'] = dict() try: if not forced_scan and stored_status[host]['snmp_retval'] != 0: print "## SNMP Connect failed last time, ignoring" continue except: pass stored_status[host] = dict() if not "open" in scan['port']['161']['state']: print "## [ERROR] SNMP port not opened" continue (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr') stored_status[host]['snmp_retval'] = p.returncode # Assume host remain reachable troughout all the SNMP queries if p.returncode != 0: print "## [ERROR] SNMP failed '%s'" % ",".join(stderrdata) continue # Get some host details # SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: FreeBSD CNodeSOM1.wLeiden.NET # 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 #2: Fri Feb 19 18:24:23 CET 2010 # root@80fab2:/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden/usr/src/sys/kernel.wleiden i386 status[host]['sys_desc'] = output[0] hostname = output[0].split(' ')[4] release = output[0].split(' ')[5] stored_status[host]['hostname'] = status[host]['hostname'] = hostname stored_status[host]['release'] = status[host]['release'] = release print "## %(hostname)s - %(release)s" % stored_status[host] # Check if the host is already done processing # Note: the host is marked done processing at the end if host_processed.has_key(hostname): print "## Host already processed this run" continue # Interface list with key the index number iface_descr = dict() # IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: ath0 r = re.compile('^IF-MIB::ifDescr\[([0-9]+)\] = STRING: ([a-z0-9]+)$') (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'IF-MIB::ifDescr') for line in output: m = r.match(line) iface_descr[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) # IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress[1] = STRING: 0:80:48:54:bb:52 r = re.compile('^IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress\[([0-9]+)\] = STRING: ([0-9a-f:]*)$') (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress') for line in output: m = r.match(line) # Ignore lines which has no MAC address if not m.group(2): continue index = m.group(1) # Convert to proper MAC mac = ":".join(["%02X" % int(x,16) for x in m.group(2).split(':')]) if not iface_descr.has_key(index): print "## Index cannot be mapped to a key, available:" for index, value in iface_descr.iteritems(): print "## - %s [%s]" % (value, index) else: print "## Local MAC %s [index:%s] -> %s" % (iface_descr[index], index, mac) status[host]['mac'][mac] = iface_descr[index] status[host]['iface'][iface_descr[index]] = mac mac_to_host[mac] = hostname # Process host SNMP status (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress') # RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress[8][] = Hex-STRING: 00 17 C4 CC 5B F2 r = re.compile('^RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress\[[0-9]+\]\[1\.([0-9\.]+)\] = Hex-STRING: ([0-9A-F\ ]+)$') for line in output: m = r.match(line) ip = m.group(1) # Replace spaces in MAC with : mac = ":".join(m.group(2).split(' ')[:-1]) status[host]['arpmac'][ip] = mac local = '[remote]' if mac in status[host]['mac'].keys(): local = '[local]' print "## Arp table MAC %s -> %s %s" % (ip, mac, local) # Make sure we keep a record of the processed host which ip entry to check host_processed[hostname] = host stored_status['host_processed'] = host_processed stored_status['mac_to_host'] = mac_to_host stored_status['nmap_status'] = status return stored_status def generate_status(configs, stored_status): """ Generate result file from stored_status """ host_processed = stored_status['host_processed'] mac_to_host = stored_status['mac_to_host'] status = stored_status['nmap_status'] # Data store format used for nodemap generation nodemap = { 'node' : {}, 'link' : {}} # XXX: Pushed back till we actually store the MAC in the config files automatically #configmac_to_host = dict() #for host,config in configs.iteritems(): # for iface_key in gformat.get_interface_keys(config): # configmac_to_host[config[iface_key]['mac']] = host # List of hosts which has some kind of problem for host in configs.keys(): fqdn = host + ".wLeiden.NET" if fqdn in host_processed.keys(): continue config = configs[host] print "# Problems in host '%s'" % host host_down = True for ip in gformat.get_used_ips([config]): if not gformat.valid_addr(ip): continue if status[ip]['state'] == "up": host_down = False print "## - ", ip, status[ip]['state'] if host_down: print "## HOST is DOWN!" nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.DOWN else: print "## SNMP problems (not reachable, deamon not running, etc)" nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.UNKNOWN # Correlation mapping for fqdn, ip in host_processed.iteritems(): details = status[ip] nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.OK print "# Working on %s" % fqdn for ip, arpmac in details['arpmac'].iteritems(): if arpmac in details['mac'].keys(): # Local MAC address continue if not mac_to_host.has_key(arpmac): print "## [WARN] No parent host for MAC %s (%s) found" % (arpmac, ip) else: print "## Interlink %s - %s" % (fqdn, mac_to_host[arpmac]) nodemap['link'][(fqdn,mac_to_host[arpmac])] = gformat.OK stream = file(nodemap_status_file,'w') yaml.dump(nodemap, stream, default_flow_style=False) print "# Wrote nodemap status to '%s'" % nodemap_status_file def do_merge(files): """ Merge all external statuses in our own nodestatus, using optimistic approch """ stream = file(nodemap_status_file,'r') status = yaml.load(stream) for cfile in files: try: print "# Merging '%s'" % cfile stream = file(cfile,'r') new_status = yaml.load(stream) for item in ['node', 'link']: for key, value in new_status[item].iteritems(): if not status[item].has_key(key): # New items always welcome status[item][key] = value print "## [%s][%s] is new (%s)" % (item, key, value) elif value < status[item][key]: # Better values always welcome status[item][key] = value print "## [%s][%s] is better (%s)" % (item, key, value) except IOError, e: print "## ERROR '%s'" % e # Save results back to file stream = file(nodemap_status_file,'w') yaml.dump(status, stream, default_flow_style=False) def usage(): print "Usage: %s " print "Arguments:" print "\tall = scan all known ips, using cached nmap" print "\tnmap-only = scan all known ips, using nmap only" print "\tsnmp-only = scan all known ips, using snmp only" print "\tforce = scan all known ips, no cache used" print "\tforced-snmp = scan all known ips, no snmp cache" print "\tstored = generate status file using stored entries" print "\thost [HOST2 ...] = generate status file using stored entries" print "\tmerge [FILE2 ...] = merge status file with other status files" sys.exit(0) def main(): start_time = datetime.now() stored_status_file = '/tmp/stored_status.yaml' nmap_result_file = '/tmp/test.xml' stored_status = dict() nmap_status = dict() snmp_status = dict() opt_nmap_scan = True opt_store_scan = True opt_snmp_scan = True opt_force_snmp = False opt_force_scan = False opt_force_range = False if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage() if sys.argv[1] == "all": pass elif sys.argv[1] == "nmap-only": opt_snmp_scan = False elif sys.argv[1] == "snmp-only": opt_nmap_scan = False elif sys.argv[1] == "force": opt_force_scan = True elif sys.argv[1] == "forced-snmp": opt_nmap_scan = False opt_force_snmp = True elif sys.argv[1] == "host": opt_force_range = True opt_force_scan = True elif sys.argv[1] == "stored": opt_snmp_scan = False opt_nmap_scan = False opt_store_scan = False elif sys.argv[1] == "merge": do_merge(sys.argv[2:]) sys.exit(0) else: usage() # By default get all IPs defined in config, else own range if not opt_force_range: configs = gformat.get_all_configs() iplist = gformat.get_used_ips(configs.values()) else: iplist = sys.argv[1:] # Load data hints from previous run if exists if not opt_force_scan and os.path.exists(stored_status_file) and os.path.getsize(stored_status_file) > 0: print "## Loading stored data hints from '%s'" % stored_status_file stream = file(stored_status_file,'r') stored_status = yaml.load(stream) else: print "[ERROR] '%s' does not exists" % stored_status_file # Do a NMAP discovery if opt_nmap_scan: if not opt_store_scan: nmap_result_file = None nmap_status = do_nmap_scan( "-p T:ssh,U:domain,T:80,T:ntp,U:snmp,T:8080 -sU -sT ", iplist,nmap_result_file, opt_force_scan) else: nmap_status = stored_status['nmap_status'] # Save the MAC -> HOST mappings, by default as it helps indentifing the # 'unknown links' mac_to_host = {} if stored_status: mac_to_host = stored_status['mac_to_host'] # Do SNMP discovery if opt_snmp_scan: snmp_status = do_snmp_scan(iplist, nmap_status, stored_status, opt_force_snmp) else: snmp_status = stored_status # Include our saved MAC -> HOST mappings mac_to_host.update(snmp_status['mac_to_host']) snmp_status['mac_to_host'] = mac_to_host # Store changed data to disk if opt_store_scan: stream = file(stored_status_file,'w') yaml.dump(snmp_status, stream, default_flow_style=False) print "## Stored data hints to '%s'" % stored_status_file # Finally generated status generate_status(configs, snmp_status) print "# Took %s seconds to complete" % (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds if __name__ == "__main__": main()