[6634] | 1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
| 2 | #
| 3 | # Parsen van nagios config uit Genesis
| 4 | # by maarten@wirelessleiden.nl
| 5 | #
| 6 | # v0.5 - added args support for location output and genesis and added count to parser
| 7 | # v0.4 - handeling proxies
| 8 | # v0.3 - added hostgroups on postcode
| 9 | # v0.2 - append host ext info and xy for statusmap
| 10 | # v0.1 - loops trough all nodes and interfaces
| 11 | #
| 12 | # Inspired by:
| 13 | # - configcleaner.pl by Rick van der Zwet (rick@wirelessleiden.nl)
| 14 | # - conf2inc.pl
| 15 |
| 16 | #maak een mooi systeem met hash aanroepen om snel gegevens te verwerken
| 17 | sub parse_config {
| 18 | foreach my $id (sort keys %config) {
| 19 | my $rawData = $config{$id};
| 20 | $rawData =~ s/#.*\n/\n/g; #wegslopen comments
| 21 | $rawData =~ s/\s*[\r,\n]+\s*/:::/g; #spaties+enter+spaties vervangen door :::
| 22 | $rawData =~ s/^::://; #::: aan het begin weghalen
| 23 | $rawData =~ s/:::$//; #::: aan het eind weghalen
| 24 | my @configArray = split( /:::/, $rawData); #array er van maken
| 25 | foreach $line (@configArray) {
| 26 | (my $name, my $value) = split( /\=/, $line);
| 27 | $$name{$id} = $value;
| 28 | }
| 29 | }
| 30 | }
| 31 |
| 32 | sub generateConfig {
| 33 | my $configfile = $_[0];
| 34 | open( CONF, "> $configfile");
| 35 |
| 36 | ### Pre render variables
| 37 | # make genesis configname needed for naming convention proxy
| 38 | my $configname = $nodetype.$nodename;
| 39 | if ($nodetype eq Proxy) { $configname = lc($nodename)};
| 40 | # get current date
| 41 | $DATE = localtime(time());
| 42 |
| 43 | # get all WL IP's for host alive check and exclude aliases
| 44 | my $IPS = $master_ip;
| 45 | foreach my $key (sort keys %config) {
| 46 | if (($key !~ m/(:\d)$/) && ($IP{$key} =~/^172\../)) {
| 47 | $IPS = join(' ',$IPS, substr($IP{$key}, 0, -3));
| 48 | }
| 49 | }
| 50 |
| 51 | # sanitize edugis coords for statusmap
| 52 | # X=0 uiterst links zwaluwak edugis x,y 90739,463249
| 53 | # Y=0 uiterst boven LMkempers1 edugis x,y 107030,471206
| 54 | # X=800 uiterst rechts LMkempers1 edugis x,y 107030,471206
| 55 | # Y=600 uiterst onder PPFortis edugis x,y 104920,458730
| 56 | $X = int(($X-90739)/((107030-90739)/800));
| 57 | $Y = int((471206-$Y)/((471206-458730)/600));
| 58 |
| 59 | # Create hostgroups on location postcode
| 60 | my @Alphen = (2445, 2400..2409, 2470, 2471, 2770, 2771, 2420, 2421, 2440, 2441, 2430..2432, 2460, 2461, 1428, 3651..3653, 2435);
| 61 | my @Rijnwoude = (2730, 2731, 2390, 2391, 2394, 2396);
| 62 | my @Oegstgeest = (2223,2340..2343);
| 63 | my @Voorschoten = (2250..2254);
| 64 | my @Jacobswoude = (2452, 2355, 2450, 2451, 2465, 2480, 2481, 1430..1432);
| 65 | my @Leiden = (2159, 2376, 2374, 2377, 2375, 2370, 2371, 2300..2334, 2350..2353, 2200..2204, 2190, 2191, 2210, 2211, 2240..2245, 2735, 2380..2382);
| 66 | $group = "Rest";
| 67 | if ($location =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)/) {
| 68 | for (@Alphen) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Alphen"}}
| 69 | for (@Rijnwoude) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Rijnwoude"}}
| 70 | for (@Oegstgeest) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Oegstgeest"}}
| 71 | for (@Voorschoten) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Voorschoten"}}
| 72 | for (@Jacobswoude) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Jacobswoude"}}
| 73 | for (@Leiden) {if ($_ eq $1) {$group = "Leiden"}}
| 74 | if ($group eq "Rest") {$group = "Onbekend"}
| 75 | }
| 76 |
| 77 | # Create hostgroup for proxies
| 78 | if ($nodetype eq "Proxy") { $group = "Proxy"}
| 79 |
| 80 | ### begin config file
| 81 |
| 82 | print CONF <<EOP;
| 83 | # Config for $nodetype $nodename
| 84 | # Generated $DATE from Genesis (by gen2nag.pl)
| 85 | #
| 86 | # host definitions can be done in hosts.cfg
| 87 | # service definitions can be done in services.cfg
| 88 |
| 89 | define host {
| 90 | host_name $nodename
| 91 | alias $nodetype$nodename.wleiden.net
| 92 | use nodes
| 93 | address $master_ip
| 94 | check_command check_alive!$IPS
| 95 | hostgroups $group
| 96 | }
| 97 |
| 98 | # Host extra info
| 99 | define hostextinfo{
| 100 | host_name $nodename
| 101 | notes This node is generated $DATE from genesis
| 102 | notes_url http://svn.wirelessleiden.nl/svn/node-config/genesis/nodes/$configname/wleiden.conf
| 103 | icon_image $nodetype.png
| 104 | icon_image_alt $nodetype $nodename
| 105 | statusmap_image $nodetype.gd2
| 106 | 2d_coords $X,$Y
| 107 | }
| 108 |
| 109 | #Service definitions for interfaces
| 110 | EOP
| 111 | # loop trough all interfaces for service checks
| 112 | foreach my $key (sort keys %config) {
| 113 |
| 114 | ### Prerender
| 115 | #Strip subnet
| 116 | $IP{$key} = substr($IP{$key}, 0, -3);
| 117 |
| 118 | # Service checks for all WL interfaces and exclude aliases
| 119 | if (($key !~ m/(:\d)$/) && ($IP{$key} =~/^172\../)) {
| 120 | print CONF <<EOP;
| 121 | define service {
| 122 | host_name $nodename
| 123 | use check-if
| 124 | service_description Check interface $key
| 125 | check_command check_if_ip!$IP{$key}
| 126 | }
| 127 |
| 128 | EOP
| 129 | # Service definition for wireless interfaces only
| 130 | if ( lc($TYPE{$key}) eq "wireless" && 1==0 ) { # disabled with && 1==0 , not used yet
| 131 | print CONF <<EOP;
| 132 | # Service definition for wireless interface $key
| 133 | EOP
| 134 | }
| 135 | }
| 136 | }
| 137 | # close the config file
| 138 | close ( CONF );
| 139 | }
| 140 |
| 141 | # check if any args
| 142 | if ($#ARGV < 0 ) {
| 143 | print "Usage: gen2nag.pl outputdir/nagios/config [genesis/localtion(default=.)]\n";
| 144 | exit;
| 145 | }
| 146 |
| 147 | # Set the output dir
| 148 | my $OUTPUTDIR=$ARGV[0]; # location for nagios object files
| 149 |
| 150 | # Set the config dir / The location of genesis
| 151 | my $CONFDIR='.';
| 152 | if ($#ARGV == 1) {
| 153 | $CONFDIR=$ARGV[1];
| 154 | }
| 155 |
| 156 | opendir(DIR,$CONFDIR) or die $!;
| 157 |
| 158 | my $count=0;
| 159 | foreach(readdir(DIR)) {
| 160 | next unless m/([CH]Node[\w+i]|proxy\d+)/;
| 161 | my $n = $_;
| 162 | foreach ($n){
| 163 | my $file = $CONFDIR.'/'.$n.'/wleiden.conf';
| 164 | next unless -r $file;
| 165 | my $file_output = $OUTPUTDIR.'/'.$n.'.cfg';
| 166 | print "Working on $n...\n";
| 167 | $$_ = "" foreach qw(location master_ip gw_open nodetype nodename
| 168 | OS status X Y N E OS DISK AGGREGATE);
| 169 | %$_ = () foreach qw(config TYPE IP DESC SDESC SPEED DHCP DHCP_STATIC
| 172 | HEIGHT ROUTE);
| 173 | do($file) || die $!;#("Can't open file $file");
| 174 | print "\t Parsing config...";
| 175 | parse_config;
| 176 | print "DONE\n";
| 177 | print "\t Generating nagios objectfile...";
| 178 | generateConfig($file_output);
| 179 | print "DONE\n";
| 180 | $count+=1;
| 181 | }
| 182 | }
[6635] | 183 | print "Created nagios configs for $count nodes in directory $OUTPUTDIR\n";