Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of WikiStart

Jan 24, 2010, 3:52:17 PM (15 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v17 v18  
    4444 add the option NANO_PARALLEL_MAKE="1"
     46= Building a Proxy Factory =
     48Please note that you can find the supporting files in the subdirectory [source:nanobsd]. Also keep a close look at the ''INFO'' ''WARN'' ''ERR'' directives as they guide you trough the common pitfalls of the guide. 
     50==  A. Setup a FreeBSD host ==
     52WARN: Make sure ''/usr'' is '''at least 5GB''' in size building as building images require quite some space [[BR]]
     53WARN: Make sure you install the '''i386''' release of FreeBSD also when your system does support amd64, as cross compiling can give some nasty surprises [[BR]]
     55Get yourself a fresh i386 freebsd host with ports and subversion installed as follows:
     57 A.1. Run the basic CD installer of 8.0.
     58The procedure below has been tested with 8.0-RELEASE (standard developer install - no ports - will fit our needs). Installing FreeBSD is outside the scope of this document, take a look into [ the FreeBSD handbook Chapter 2 Installing FreeBSD] if you do not know the details.
     60 Please do mind that all commands below need to be executed as root, due to the many mounts and unmounts done in various phases.
     62 Internet connection is required.
     64 Set correct date/time, e.g.
     65 {{{
     66 $ ntpdate -s
     67 }}}
     69 A.2. get latest sources
     70 {{{
     71 $ csup  -h /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile
     72 }}}
     75 A.3 fetch ports
     76 {{{
     77 $ portsnap fetch extract
     78 }}}
     80 A.4 set some usefull variables
     82 Edit the shell configuration file .cshrc:
     83 {{{
     84 vi /root/.cshrc
     85 }}}
     86 check whether ftp is set to passive mode, to avoid potential firewall issues:
     87 {{{
     88 setenv FTP_PASSIVE_MODE YES
     89 }}}
     90 set a default password for the images that you will produce
     91 {{{
     92 setenv CFG_ROOT_PASSWORD [default password]
     93 }}}
     94 and define the svn download directory:
     95 {{{
     96 setenv R /root/nanobsd
     97 }}}
     99 A.5. install subversion .
     100 NOTE: Install all packages via ports to prevent issues later on!
     101 {{{
     102 $ cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion; make install clean BATCH=yes
     103 }}}
     105 A.6. OPTIONAL, every developer has his own preferences, these are mine ;-)
     106 {{{
     107 $ (cd /usr/ports/editors/vim-lite; make install clean BATCH=yes)
     108 $ (cd /usr/ports/security/sudo; make install clean BATCH=yes)
     109 $ (cd /usr/ports/sysutils/screen; make install clean BATCH=yes)
     110 }}}
     112== B. Build environment ==
     114 B.1 Download the environment from the Wireless Leiden svn repository
     115 {{{
     116 $
     117 $ svn checkout $R
     118 $ cd $R
     119 }}}
     120 Note: if svn is not found: svn is in /usr/local/bin, alternatively log out and in, or use {{{rehash}}} in a {{{csh}}} shell to make it available.
     122 B.2. Compile all required packages using
     123 {{{
     124 $ /root/nanobsd/tools/
     125 }}}