Version 21 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Nodefactory based on FreeBSD 11-RELEASE
We intend to implement a number of changes/improvements.
- implement new package management (pkgng)
- cleanup packages that are no longer required: nrpe, vim, bash-static, pftop, nmap, python-Jinja2, sixxs-aiccu, openvpn
- implement latest version of lvrouted (auto update default route)
- add net/ladvd
- add inet check in snmpd.conf
- update scripts to use 'drill' instead of 'dig'
- remove the "rcvar='set_rcvar'" statement from startup scripts in /etc/rc.d/ and /usr/local/etc/rc.d
- based on FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE
- unbound replaces bind; recursive dns server on standard-node; authorative server for domain on two special servers in the network; unbound tutorial. Unbound optimizes forwarders automatically, so nameservershuffle is no longer needed. Use unbound from ports, not local_unbound.
- replaced thttpd by apache-2.4
- no longer soft-updates
- update captive portal to increase speed: use of static html landing page
- merged APU specifics into generic configuration (we do not use X64, MIPS or ARM)
- added NSD, may be used as authorative nameserver
- correction of dhcpd.conf for aliased interfaces (no 'shared-networks')
- use Poudriere for package building
- use ipfw instead of pf in order to make usb-lan adapter work, see ticket #206 for problem description. Functionality:
Requirements: direct new user to the Captive Portal page (rdr, blocking acl) on node. only allow http/https traffic to internet (gateway setup). NAT on gateways. Incoming RDR/NAT voor (webcam) services on gateways. Nice-to-have features: Bandwidth limiting (FUP). Bad traffic detection and blocking.
- add 'welcome back' page to captive portal (activated when connection interrupted)
- bsnmp may replace net-snmp (low priority)
- wl-web page redesign for local users / maintainance
- add ssh-guard or no password-login, only keys
- watchdog for critical daemons?
- evaluate use of nsd for local domain dns service
- correct /tools/wl-config external fetch url (
- gformat should include ssh-redirect rule in pf.hybrid.conf.local for the gateways.
# Redirect SSH on internetport 1022 to 22 because of ssh spam, block external port 22: rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port 1022 tag SRV -> port 22
- captive portal: allow some (specified) external IP's (such as the sponsor website or to allow browsing the WirelessLeiden website e.g. for support information online). Also the captive portal page could provide node specific information that would be maintained through a website (CMS).
- captive portal (enhancement): For user support it might be helpful to provide technical user-related information on the bottom of the captive portal; maybe a comment field and button to allow the user to send input to support@….
Will keep
- ucspi-tcp-0.88_2 for redirect captive portal
- python
- mtr, curl, screen, sudo
- dnsmasq (for Soekris hardware and possibly dhcpd service)
- pen
- tinyproxy
Gradually we are implementing the various changes, starting from the present software configuration (9.0-RELEASE) on FreeBSD10.2-RELEASE with the next generation package management system (pkgng). The procedure to build this 'work-in-progress' nodefactory-host is described below.
A test-node-configuration is available in svn. This wleiden.yaml file can be used to test the image by installing on an Alix-board with connection to the local network. We are also evaluating the new APU-board, see the wiki-page.
A. Setup a FreeBSD host
Setup is tested in an VirtualBox environment, running 4 x CPU, 4096MB RAM and SSD disk (20GB).
- Make sure /usr is at least 12 GB but better is 20 GB in size, as building images requires quite some space.
- Make sure you install the 32bit i386 release of FreeBSD also when your system does support amd64, as cross compiling can give some nasty surprises.
- Internet connection is required for initial building phase. Ones completed succesfully no internet connection is required anymore.
Tip: Use an SSD disk. If not available use a separate hard disk, mounted on /usr/obj to speed up the compilation process.
Get yourself a fresh i386 freebsd host installed as follows:
A.1. Run the basic CD installer
The procedure below has been tested with 11.0 (standard developer install - no ports -, e.g. with default partitioning will fit our needs). Installing FreeBSD is outside the scope of this document, take a look into the FreeBSD handbook Chapter 2 Installing FreeBSD if you do not know the details.
A.2. After first boot
Please do mind that all commands below need to be executed as root, because of the many mounts and unmounts done in various phases. It maybe convenient to set PermitRootLogin yes in file:/etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Set correct date/time and make sure it is kept up2date: build# ntpdate build# echo 'ntpd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
A.3 Set some useful variables
Alter the shell configuration file:/root/.cshrc:
Ensure ftp is set to passive mode, to avoid potential firewall issues: build# echo 'setenv FTP_PASSIVE_MODE YES' >> /root/.cshrc
Set a default password for the images that you will produce build# echo 'setenv CFG_ROOT_PASSWORD DefaultPassword12!' >> /root/.cshrc Define your nanobsd (svn) working directory: NOTE: All commands at later stages will refer to this so you better get it right! build# echo 'setenv R /root/nanobsd' >> /root/.cshrc
Next load your file (or login again): build# source /root/.cshrc
A.4. Development tools
build# pkg install vim-lite sudo screen ca_root_nss subversion
Tip: screen can be a handy tool if you are working on a remote host.
With 'screen' you can open a virtual terminal, in which you can do everything like in the normal terminal. But you can detach it if you want to do other things in the main terminal and reattach it later. It even works after you quit your main terminal. Common screen commands: 1. Start a new terminal: build# screen 2. Type CTRL+A and D to detach this new terminal 3. Reattach it: build# screen -R
A.5. get latest sources
build# pkg install subversion build# svn co svn:// /usr/src
A.6 set up Poudriere
Setting up of Poudriere is taken care off by the script see section B.2 below. For details refer to separate page Poudriere
B. Build environment
B.1 Download the environment from the Wireless Leiden svn repository
build# svn checkout $R build# cd $R
If svn is not found: svn is in /usr/local/bin, alternatively log out and in, or use rehash
in a csh
shell to make it available.
B.2. Compile all required packages
First time use: set up Poudriere environment by running
build# $R/tools/ initenv
This will take some time (on remote host use <screen>): the required packages are installed, ports are updated and the Poudriere jail is setup and loaded.
Build all required packages:
build# $R/tools/ build
This will take quite some time (221 packages, on remote host use <screen>), depending on your hardware of course. Packages are created in /root/nanobsd/pkg/All:
build# ls $R/pkg/All GeoIP-1.6.6.txz isc-dhcp43-server-4.3.3.txz pkg-1.6.1_2.txz apache24-2.4.17.txz ladvd-1.0.4_2.txz py27-setuptools27-17.0.txz apr- ldns-1.6.17_5.txz py27-yaml-3.11.txz ca_root_nss-3.20.txz libevent2-2.0.22_1.txz python-2.7_2,2.txz curl-7.45.0.txz libffi-3.2.1.txz python2-2_3.txz db5-5.3.28_2.txz libidn-1.31.txz python27-2.7.10_1.txz dnsmasq-2.75,1.txz lvrouted-13473.txz screen-4.3.1_2.txz expat-2.1.0_3.txz mtr-0.86.txz sudo-1.8.15.txz gdbm-1.11_2.txz net-snmp-5.7.3_11.txz tinyproxy-1.8.3_1,1.txz gettext-runtime-0.19.6.txz nettle-2.7.1.txz ucspi-tcp-0.88_2.txz gmp-5.1.3_2.txz nsd-4.1.5.txz unbound-1.5.5.txz iftop-1.0.p4.txz pcre-8.37_4.txz vim-lite-7.4.900.txz indexinfo-0.2.4.txz pen-0.31.1.txz iperf-2.0.5.txz perl5-5.20.3_8.txz (list updated nov 6, 2015)
Tip: if you have installed packages before on this machine it may be a good idea to clean up all remains by running the /tools/ script
B.3. Set your favorite root password to be used in the image
Note: you can skip this step if you are satisfied with the default password set in step A.3 above.
build# setenv CFG_ROOT_PASSWORD dd if=/dev/random bs=10k count=10 | tr -cd '[a-zA-Z0-9]' | cut -c -15
build# echo $CFG_ROOT_PASSWORD
If you like a simple password, substitute the `dd if=/dev/random bs=10k count=10 | tr -cd '[a-zA-Z0-9]' | cut -c -15`
with your password.
B.4 Build nanobsd aka make sure to prepare some coffee ;-)
Tip: This step will take a long time to complete, use screen in remote setup to avoid failures due to disconnections
build# sh /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd/ -c $R/cfg/nanobsd.wleiden
Note 1: Take a coffee of go for a hike, this normally takes 2 - 8 hours depending on the machine configuration. If you like to save some power use the script provided by Rick ( This script is mainly used on a home server for building FreeBSD world and kernels. As soon it is done it can shutdown if not being used anymore. The system has Wake-On-Lan support and can thus be activated again from remote.
Even this little script got flags, check the output of
sh /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd/ -h
-b suppress builds (both kernel and world) -k suppress buildkernel -w suppress buildworld -c specify config file ...
Tip: a safe alternative is the image-script available in file:$R/tools/ :
build# $R/tools/image build
. This script checks whether a kernel and/or world are already available and skips these steps. This may prevent lengthy, unnecessary builds.
Note 2: The geometry of the cf card is defined in the nanobsd configuration file $R/cfg/nanobsd.wleiden The 'default' values are for a Peak 1 GB card. They also work on an Alix2D3 board with a 1 GB PCEngines 'blanc' cf card and 1 or 2 GB Transcend cf cards although those geometries are different. There are issues with Soekris boards, depending on the BIOS version. The geometry of the cf-disk is as follows:
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are: cylinders=1966 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl) Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1 parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are: cylinders=1966 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl) Media sector size is 512 Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1 Information from DOS bootblock is: The data for partition 1 is: sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD) start 63, size 820449 (400 Meg), flag 80 (active) beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1; end: cyl 406/ head 31/ sector 63 The data for partition 2 is: sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD) start 820575, size 820449 (400 Meg), flag 0 beg: cyl 407/ head 1/ sector 1; end: cyl 813/ head 31/ sector 63 The data for partition 3 is: sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD) start 1641024, size 10080 (4 Meg), flag 0 beg: cyl 814/ head 0/ sector 1; end: cyl 818/ head 31/ sector 63 The data for partition 4 is: <UNUSED>
C. Fetch node configuration onto image, write to CF disk or remotely update
C.1. Fetch node-configuration
build# $R/tools/image config for <Nodename>
The script is connecting to the Wireless Leiden 'genesis' database. First make sure that the configuration file is up to date by clicking the 'update' button on
You can inspect the image bij mounting as memory disk:
build# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden-hybrid/_.disk.full build# mount /dev/md0s1a /mnt build# ls /mnt build# umount /mnt build# mount /dev/md0s3 /mnt build# ls /mnt build# umount /mnt build# mdconfig -d -u 0
Editing can also be done using the image script:
build# $R/tools/image edit
C.2. Write the correct image to CF (media based on SLC and not MLC flash seem to perform much better)
NOTE: _.disk.full is required for new CF cards as it contains two base system-partitions and one configuration partition.
_.disk.image can be used to update one system-partitioin on an existing CF card
- New image to local, fresh CF disk: Put full image on a fresh compact flash disk using a card reader/writer attached to your buildbot PC. Minimum size of the CF disk is 1 GB. Use the script if you are using a usb connected cf-disk reader/writer:
build# $R/tools/
or the command line:
build# dd bs=64k if=/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden-hybrid/_.disk.full of=/dev/da0
is your compact flash entry; this takes about 15 minutes, check progress by typing Ctrl-T; you may wish to check afterwards with fdisk whether there are three partitions on the disk. You can also mount /dev/da0s1a and /dev/da0s3 and check the configuration)
- CF disk with existing image: Put partial new image on slice (slice 2) of CF disk using a card reader/writer attached to the buildbot PC with the CF disk containing the existing image.
build# dd bs=64k if=/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden-hybrid/_.disk.image of=/dev/da0s2
D. Check the cf card and apply last minute changes
D.1. Check cf card
While the cf card is still in your flash card reader you can check whether the image has been written correctly. Check whether you can mount the partitions, e.g.
build# mount /dev/da0s1a /mnt build# ls /mnt build# umount /mnt
and the configuration partition:
build# mount /dev/da0s3 /mnt build# ls /mnt
If you cannot mount the partitions, take a fresh cf card and start again with writing the image.
D.2 Adjust captive portal
We now use a static landing page (in previous versions of the nodefactory the landing page was generated on the fly by a python script, this caused a considerable delay). You can find this page in the /usr/local/www/wlportal directory.
(to be completed)
F. Notes
F.1 update buildbot
If you want to update the buildbot: build# freebsd-update fetch build# freebsd-update install
F.2 update lvrouted port (ONLY) if necessary
Warning: Skip the following steps unless you want to update the current lvrouted version (12879) and know what you are doing:
Checkout latest version of lvrouted (i.e. beyond 13473):
build# svn checkout /usr/local/share/lvrouted
run the script to produce the tar 'release' file (lvrouted-.......tar.gz):
build# cd /usr/local/share/lvrouted/ build# tools/
Upload the lvrouted-13473.tar.gz to the directory and
- update PORTVERSION in $R/ports/net/lvrouted/Makefile
- run
# make makesum -C $R/ports/net/lvrouted
to update hash values - commit $R/ports/net/lvrouted
F.3 Existing image on node, remote update (slice 2) (network connection to machine 172.x.y.z required)
For remotely updating an existing node software configuration use the image script
build# $R/tools/image deploy on <node> [and reboot]
or manually:
build# dd if=/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden-hybrid/_.disk.image bs=10k | ssh root@… /tools/updatep2
You may adjust the block size to make the transfer more efficient (additionally ssh -C is possible) and you can use Ctrl-T to check progress.