1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | '''
3 | CLI interface which configures and makes new nodes with the most commonly
4 | used commands.
5 |
6 | Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
7 | '''
8 |
9 | import getrange
10 | import gformat
11 | import os
12 | import readline
13 | import sys
14 |
15 |
16 | print "WARNING I AM NOT PRODUCTION CODE YET!" + __doc__
17 |
18 | DEBUG = "-g" in sys.argv
19 |
20 | def rlprompt(prompt, prefill=''):
21 | ''' Get line with some boring default '''
22 | if DEBUG:
23 | return prefill
24 | return raw_input("%s%s: " % (prompt, ' [' + str(prefill) + ']' if prefill else '')) or prefill
25 |
26 | def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''):
27 | ''' Get line with some editable boring default '''
28 | if DEBUG:
29 | return prefill
30 | readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
31 | try:
32 | return raw_input(prompt + ": ")
33 | finally:
34 | readline.set_startup_hook()
35 |
36 | def rlinput_float(prompt, prefill=0):
37 | while True:
38 | try:
39 | prefill = rlinput(prompt, prefill)
40 | return float(prefill)
41 | except ValueError:
42 | print "Invalid Number!"
43 | pass
44 |
45 | def rlinput_choices(prompt, choices, prefill=''):
46 | if DEBUG:
47 | return prefill
48 | while True:
49 | filtered_choices = [x for x in choices if (str(prefill).lower() in str(x).lower())]
50 | if len(filtered_choices) == 1:
51 | return filtered_choices[0]
52 | elif len(filtered_choices) == 0:
53 | filtered_choices = choices
54 | prefill = rlinput(prompt + ' ' + str(filtered_choices), prefill)
55 | if prefill in prompt:
56 | return prefill
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 | rlinput_choices("Test", gformat.get_hostlist())
62 |
63 |
64 | def newNode():
65 | datadump = {
66 | 'nodename' : "New",
67 | 'location' : "1234 AB, Leiden",
68 | 'nodetype' : "Hybrid",
69 | 'latitude' : "52.",
70 | 'longitude' : "4.",
71 | }
72 | datadump['nodename'] = rlprompt("Nodename", datadump['nodename'])
73 | datadump['location'] = rlprompt("Location", datadump['location'])
74 | datadump['nodetype'] = rlprompt("Nodetype", datadump['nodetype'])
75 | datadump['latitude'] = rlinput_float("Latitude", datadump['latitude'])
76 | datadump['longitude'] = rlinput_float("Longitude", datadump['longitude'])
77 | datadump['autogen_item'] = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename']
78 |
79 | print "Generating the Master IP range..."
80 | master_network = getrange.get_ranges(False, 24, 1)[0]
81 | master_ip = getrange.showaddr(master_network + 1)
82 | datadump['master_ip'] = master_ip
83 |
84 | if rlprompt("Add ath0 Accesspoint", "yes") == "yes":
85 | ifname = rlinput("Interface name", "ath0")
86 | datadump['iface_' + ifname] = {
87 | 'ip' : rlinput(" - IP", master_ip + "/26"),
88 | 'dhcp' : rlinput(" - DHCP range", "10-60"),
89 | 'ssid' : rlinput(" - SSID", "ap-WirelessLeiden-" + datadump['nodename']),
90 | 'mode' : 'ap',
91 | 'type' : '11b',
92 | 'comment' : rlinput(" - Comment", "Omni voor de Buurt"),
93 | 'sdesc': rlinput(" - Short Description", "2buurt"),
94 | 'channel' : rlprompt(" - Channel", "10"),
95 | 'status' : 'up',
96 | }
97 |
98 | if_nr = 0
99 | while rlprompt("Add Interlink", "yes") == "yes":
100 | ifname = rlinput("Interface name", "vr%i" % if_nr)
101 | if_nr = if_nr + 1
102 | remote = rlinput("Remote Node", "Unused")
103 | netmask = 28
104 | print "Generating the Interlink IP range..."
105 | link_network = getrange.get_ranges(True, netmask, 1)[0]
106 | datadump['iface_%s' % ifname] = {
107 | 'comment': rlinput(" - Comment", "Link naar " + remote),
108 | 'sdesc': rlinput(" - Short Description", "2" + remote),
109 | 'ssid': rlinput(" - SSID", 'il-X.wleiden.net'),
110 | 'dhcp': 'False',
111 | 'mode': "ap-wds",
112 | 'ip': rlinput(" - IP", getrange.showaddr(link_network + 1) + "/" + str(netmask)),
113 | 'type': "eth",
114 | 'ns_ip': rlinput(" - NS IP", getrange.showaddr(link_network + 2) + "/" + str(netmask)),
115 | 'ns_mac': rlinput(" - NS MAC", "00:27:22:"),
116 | 'bridge_type': rlinput(' - Bridge Type', 'NanoStation5M'),
117 | 'status': 'up',
118 | }
119 | break
120 |
121 | print datadump
122 | #os.mkdir(datadump['autogen_item'])
123 | #gformat.store_yaml(datadump)
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 | if __name__ == '__main__':
128 | def printMenu():
129 | print '''Node File Editor by Rick van der Zwet
130 |
131 | 1) New Node
132 | 9) Quit
133 | '''
134 |
135 | printMenu()
136 | choice = 1
137 | while choice != 9:
138 | choice = int(rlprompt("Choice", choice))
139 | if choice == 9:
140 | break
141 | elif choice == 1:
142 | newNode()
143 | printMenu()
144 | sys.exit(1)
145 | else:
146 | print "Invalid choice!"