#!/usr/local/bin/python # # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai # Wireless Leiden configuration generator, based on yaml files' # # XXX: This should be rewritten to make use of the ipaddr.py library. # # Sample apache configuration (mind the AcceptPathInfo!) # Alias /config /usr/local/www/config # # AddHandler cgi-script .py # Require all granted # # RewriteEngine on # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ gformat.py/$1 [L,QSA] # Options +FollowSymlinks +ExecCGI # # # Package dependencies list: # FreeBSD: # pkg install devel/py-Jinja2 graphics/py-pyproj devel/py-yaml lang/python # Fedora: # yum install python-yaml pyproj proj-epsg python-jinja2 # # Rick van der Zwet # # Hack to make the script directory is also threated as a module search path. import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SVN = filter(os.path.isfile, ('/usr/local/bin/svn', '/usr/bin/svn'))[0] SVNVERSION = filter(os.path.isfile, ('/usr/local/bin/svnversion', '/usr/bin/svnversion'))[0] import argparse import cgi import cgitb import copy import glob import make_network_kml import math import pyproj import random import re import socket import string import subprocess import textwrap import time import traceback import urlparse from pprint import pprint from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict from sys import stderr try: import yaml except ImportError, e: print e print "[ERROR] Please install the python-yaml or devel/py-yaml package" exit(1) try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader from yaml import CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper from jinja2 import Environment, Template def yesorno(value): return "YES" if bool(value) else "NO" env = Environment() env.filters['yesorno'] = yesorno def render_template(datadump, template): result = env.from_string(template).render(datadump) # Make it look pretty to the naked eye, as jinja templates are not so # friendly when it comes to whitespace formatting ## Remove extra whitespace at end of line lstrip() style. result = re.sub(r'\n[\ ]+','\n', result) ## Include only a single newline between an definition and a comment result = re.sub(r'(["\'])\n+([a-z]|\n#\n)',r'\1\n\2', result) ## Remove extra newlines after single comment result = re.sub(r'(#\n)\n+([a-z])',r'\1\2', result) return result import logging logging.basicConfig(format='# %(levelname)s: %(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if os.environ.has_key('CONFIGROOT'): NODE_DIR = os.environ['CONFIGROOT'] else: NODE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) + '/../nodes' __version__ = '$Id: gformat.py 14055 2018-02-20 19:06:24Z rick $' CACHE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) files = [ 'authorized_keys', 'dnsmasq.conf', 'dhcpd.conf', 'rc.conf.local', 'resolv.conf', 'motd', 'ntp.conf', 'pf.hybrid.conf.local', 'unbound.wleiden.conf', 'wleiden.yaml', ] # Global variables uses OK = 10 DOWN = 20 UNKNOWN = 90 ileiden_proxies = OrderedDict() normal_proxies = [] datadump_cache = {} interface_list_cache = {} rc_conf_local_cache = {} nameservers_cache = [] relations_cache = None NO_DHCP = 0 DHCP_CLIENT = 10 DHCP_SERVER = 20 def dhcp_type(item): if not item.has_key('dhcp'): return NO_DHCP elif not item['dhcp']: return NO_DHCP elif item['dhcp'].lower() == 'client': return DHCP_CLIENT else: # Validation Checks begin,end = map(int,item['dhcp'].split('-')) if begin >= end: raise ValueError("DHCP Start >= DHCP End") return DHCP_SERVER def etrs2rd(lat, lon): p1 = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlon',datum='WGS84') p2 = pyproj.Proj(init='EPSG:28992') RDx, RDy = pyproj.transform(p1,p2,lon, lat) return (RDx, RDy) def rd2etrs(RDx, RDy): p1 = pyproj.Proj(init='EPSG:28992') p2 = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlon',datum='WGS84') lon, lat = pyproj.transform(p1,p2, RDx, RDy) return (lat, lon) def get_yaml(item,add_version_info=True): try: """ Get configuration yaml for 'item'""" if datadump_cache.has_key(item): return datadump_cache[item].copy() gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml') global_rdr_file = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,'global_rdr_rules.yaml') d = yaml.load(open(global_rdr_file, 'r'), Loader=Loader) # Default values datadump = { 'autogen_revision' : 'NOTFOUND', 'autogen_gfile' : gfile, 'service_proxy_ileiden' : False, } f = open(gfile, 'r') datadump.update(yaml.load(f,Loader=Loader)) datadump['autogen_global_rdr_rules'] = d['global_rdr_rules'] if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Hybrid': # Some values are defined implicitly if datadump.has_key('rdr_host') and datadump['rdr_host'] and not datadump.has_key('service_incoming_rdr'): datadump['service_incoming_rdr'] = True # Use some boring defaults defaults = { 'service_proxy_normal' : False, 'service_accesspoint' : True, 'service_incoming_rdr' : False, 'service_concentrator' : False, 'monitoring_group' : 'wleiden', } for (key,value) in defaults.iteritems(): if not datadump.has_key(key): datadump[key] = value f.close() # Sometimes getting version information is useless or harmfull, like in the pre-commit hooks if add_version_info: p = subprocess.Popen([SVN, 'info', datadump['autogen_gfile']], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = p.communicate()[0].split('\n') if p.returncode == 0: for line in lines: if line: (key, value) = line.split(': ') datadump["autogen_" + key.lower().replace(' ','_')] = value # Preformat certain needed variables for formatting and push those into special object datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] = get_interface_keys(datadump) wlan_count=0 try: for key in get_interface_keys(datadump, True): datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'] = key.split('_')[1] datadump[key]['autogen_vlan'] = False datadump[key]['autogen_vlan_alias'] = False datadump[key]['autogen_bridge_member'] = datadump[key].has_key('parent') datadump[key]['autogen_bridge'] = datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'].startswith('bridge') datadump[key]['autogen_bridge_alias'] = datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'].startswith('bridge') and '_alias' in key if datadump[key].has_key('parent'): if datadump[key].has_key('ip'): raise ValueError("Interface bridge member cannot have IP assigned") if datadump[key].has_key('dhcp') and datadump[key]['dhcp'] != False: raise ValueError("Interface bridge member cannot have DHCP set") if datadump[key].has_key('ip'): datadump[key]['autogen_gateway'] = datadump[key]['ip'].split('/')[0] if datadump[key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count datadump[key]['autogen_iface'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count datadump[key]['autogen_if_dhcp'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count wlan_count += 1 else: datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = '_'.join(key.split('_')[1:]) if len(key.split('_')) > 2 and key.split('_')[2].isdigit(): datadump[key]['autogen_if_dhcp'] = '.'.join(key.split('_')[1:3]) datadump[key]['autogen_vlan'] = key.split('_')[2] datadump[key]['autogen_vlan_alias'] = '_alias' in key datadump[key]['autogen_iface'] = '.'.join(key.split('_')[1:]) else: datadump[key]['autogen_if_dhcp'] = datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'] datadump[key]['autogen_iface'] = '_'.join(key.split('_')[1:]) except Exception as exc: exc.args = ("# Error while processing interface %s" % key,) + exc.args raise dhcp_interfaces = [datadump[key]['autogen_if_dhcp'] for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] \ if dhcp_type(datadump[key]) == DHCP_SERVER] datadump['autogen_dhcp_interfaces'] = [x.replace('_','.') for x in set(dhcp_interfaces)] datadump['autogen_item'] = item datadump['autogen_domain'] = datadump['domain'] if datadump.has_key('domain') else 'wleiden.net.' datadump['autogen_fqdn'] = datadump['nodename'] + '.' + datadump['autogen_domain'] datadump_cache[item] = datadump.copy() except Exception as exc: exc.args = ("# Error while processing %s" % item,) + exc.args raise return datadump def store_yaml(datadump, header=False): """ Store configuration yaml for 'item'""" item = datadump['autogen_item'] gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml') output = generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header) f = open(gfile, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() def network(ip): addr, mask = ip.split('/') # Not parsing of these folks please addr = parseaddr(addr) mask = int(mask) network = addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) return network def make_relations(): """ Process _ALL_ yaml files to get connection relations """ global relations_cache if relations_cache: return relations_cache errors = [] poel = defaultdict(list) for host in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(host) try: for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): # Bridge members has no IP assigned if 'parent' in datadump[iface_key] and not 'ip' in datadump[iface_key]: continue net_addr = network(datadump[iface_key]['ip']) poel[net_addr] += [(host,datadump[iface_key].copy())] except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: errors.append("[FOUT] in '%s' interface '%s' (%s)" % (host,iface_key, type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e))) continue relations_cache = (poel, errors) return relations_cache def valid_addr(addr): """ Show which address is valid in which are not """ return str(addr).startswith('172.') def get_hostlist(): """ Combined hosts and proxy list""" return sorted([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x)) for x in glob.glob("%s/*/wleiden.yaml" % (NODE_DIR))]) def angle_between_points(lat1,lat2,long1,long2): """ Return Angle in radians between two GPS coordinates See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809179/angle-between-2-gps-coordinates """ dy = lat2 - lat1 dx = math.cos(lat1)*(long2 - long1) angle = math.atan2(dy,dx) return angle def angle_to_cd(angle): """ Return Dutch Cardinal Direction estimation in 'one digit' of radian angle """ # For easy conversion get positive degree degrees = math.degrees(angle) abs_degrees = 360 + degrees if degrees < 0 else degrees # Numbers can be confusing calculate from the 4 main directions p = 22.5 if abs_degrees < p: cd = "n" elif abs_degrees < (90 - p): cd = "no" elif abs_degrees < (90 + p): cd = "o" elif abs_degrees < (180 - p): cd = "zo" elif abs_degrees < (180 + p): cd = "z" elif abs_degrees < (270 - p): cd = "zw" elif abs_degrees < (270 + p): cd = "w" elif abs_degrees < (360 - p): cd = "nw" else: cd = "n" return cd def cd_between_hosts(hostA, hostB, datadumps): # Using RDNAP coordinates dx = float(int(datadumps[hostA]['rdnap_x']) - int(datadumps[hostB]['rdnap_x'])) * -1 dy = float(int(datadumps[hostA]['rdnap_y']) - int(datadumps[hostB]['rdnap_y'])) * -1 return angle_to_cd(math.atan2(dx,dy)) # GPS coordinates seems to fail somehow #latA = float(datadumps[hostA]['latitude']) #latB = float(datadumps[hostB]['latitude']) #lonA = float(datadumps[hostA]['longitude']) #lonB = float(datadumps[hostB]['longitude']) #return angle_to_cd(angle_between_points(latA, latB, lonA, lonB)) def generate_title(nodelist): """ Main overview page """ items = { \ 'root' : ".", 'version' : subprocess.Popen([SVNVERSION, "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] } def fl(spaces, line): return (' ' * spaces) + line + '\n' output = """ Wireless leiden Configurator - GFormat
""" % items for node in nodelist: items['node'] = node output += fl(5, '') + fl(7,'' % items) for config in files: items['config'] = config output += fl(7,'' % items) output += fl(5, "") output += """

Wireless Leiden Configurator - Revision %(version)s


""" % __version__ return output def generate_node(node): """ Print overview of all files available for node """ return "\n".join(files) def generate_node_overview(host, datadump=False): """ Print overview of all files available for node """ if not datadump: datadump = get_yaml(host) params = { 'host' : host } output = "Back to overview
" output += "

Available files:

" # Generate and connection listing output += "

Connected To:

" output += "

MOTD details:

" + generate_motd(datadump) + "
" output += "
Back to overview" return output def generate_header(datadump, ctag="#"): return """\ %(ctag)s %(ctag)s DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat' %(ctag)s """ % { 'ctag' : ctag, 'date' : time.ctime(), 'host' : socket.gethostname(), 'revision' : datadump['autogen_revision'] } def parseaddr(s): """ Process IPv4 CIDR notation addr to a (binary) number """ f = s.split('.') return (long(f[0]) << 24L) + \ (long(f[1]) << 16L) + \ (long(f[2]) << 8L) + \ long(f[3]) def showaddr(a): """ Display IPv4 addr in (dotted) CIDR notation """ return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((a >> 24) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, a & 0xff) def is_member(ip, mask, canidate): """ Return True if canidate is part of ip/mask block""" ip_addr = parseaddr(ip) ip_canidate = parseaddr(canidate) mask = int(mask) ip_addr = ip_addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) ip_canidate = ip_canidate & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) return ip_addr == ip_canidate def cidr2netmask(netmask): """ Given a 'netmask' return corresponding CIDR """ return showaddr(0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32 - int(netmask)))) def get_network(addr, mask): return showaddr(parseaddr(addr) & ~((1 << (32 - int(mask))) - 1)) def generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump): """ Generate config file '/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf """ # Redundency support, in cause local DNS server is not running/responding. datadump['autogen_backup_dns_servers'] = [x[1] for x in get_neighbours(datadump)] output = generate_header(datadump) output += Template("""\ # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }}"; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; # Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally. #ddns-update-style none; # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented. authoritative; # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also # have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection). log-facility local7; # UniFi Discovery Support option space ubnt; option ubnt.unifi-address code 1 = ip-address; # class "ubnt" { match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4) = "ubnt"; option vendor-class-identifier "ubnt"; vendor-option-space ubnt; } # # Interface definitions # \n\n""").render(datadump) # TODO: Use textwrap.fill instead def indent(text, count): return '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' ' * count + x, text.split('\n'))) # Process DHCP blocks dhcp_out = defaultdict(list) for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): ifname = datadump[iface_key]['autogen_ifbase'] groupif = datadump[iface_key]['autogen_if_dhcp'] if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('ip'): continue dhcp_out[groupif].append("## %(autogen_iface)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]) (addr, mask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_addr'] = addr datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(mask) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_subnet'] = get_network(addr, mask) if dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) != DHCP_SERVER: dhcp_out[groupif].append(textwrap.dedent("""\ subnet %(autogen_subnet)s netmask %(autogen_netmask)s { ### not autoritive } """ % datadump[iface_key])) continue (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') dhcp_part = ".".join(addr.split('.')[0:3]) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dns_servers'] = ','.join([datadump[iface_key]['autogen_addr']] + datadump['autogen_backup_dns_servers']) # Assume the first 10 IPs could be used for static entries if 'no_portal' in datadump: fixed = 5 for mac in datadump['no_portal']: dhcp_out[groupif].append(textwrap.dedent("""\ host fixed-%(ifname)s-%(fixed)s { hardware ethernet %(mac)s; fixed-address %(prefix)s.%(fixed)s; } """ % { 'ifname' : ifname, 'mac' : mac, 'prefix': dhcp_part, 'fixed' : fixed })) fixed += 1 if 'dhcp_fixed' in datadump[iface_key]: for (mac,addr,host) in datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_fixed']: dhcp_out[groupif].append(textwrap.dedent("""\ host fixed-%(host)s { hardware ethernet %(mac)s; fixed-address %(addr)s; } """ % { 'host' : host, 'mac' : mac, 'addr' : addr})) dhcp_out[groupif].append(textwrap.dedent("""\ subnet %(autogen_subnet)s netmask %(autogen_netmask)s { range %(autogen_dhcp_start)s %(autogen_dhcp_stop)s; option routers %(autogen_addr)s; option domain-name-servers %(autogen_dns_servers)s; option ubnt.unifi-address; } """ % datadump[iface_key])) # Output the blocks in groups for ifname,value in sorted(dhcp_out.iteritems()): output += ("shared-network \"%s\" {\n" % ifname) + indent(''.join(value), 2).rstrip() + '\n}\n\n' return output def generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf' """ output = generate_header(datadump) output += Template("""\ # DHCP server options dhcp-authoritative dhcp-fqdn domain=dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }} domain-needed expand-hosts log-async=100 # Low memory footprint cache-size=10000 \n""").render(datadump) for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None output += "## %(autogen_ifname)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key] if dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) != DHCP_SERVER: output += "# not autoritive\n\n" continue (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') (ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr) dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3]) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop output += "dhcp-range=%(autogen_iface)s,%(autogen_dhcp_start)s,%(autogen_dhcp_stop)s,%(autogen_netmask)s,24h\n\n" % datadump[iface_key] return output class AutoVivification(dict): """Implementation of perl's autovivification feature.""" def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: value = self[item] = type(self)() return value def make_interface_list(datadump): if interface_list_cache.has_key(datadump['autogen_item']): return (interface_list_cache[datadump['autogen_item']]) # lo0 configuration: # - is the proxy.wleiden.net deflector # - masterip is special as it needs to be assigned to at # least one interface, so if not used assign to lo0 addrs_list = { 'lo0' : [("", "LocalHost"), ("","Proxy IP")] } vlan_list = defaultdict(list) bridge_list = defaultdict(list) flags_if = AutoVivification() dhclient_if = {'lo0' : False} # XXX: Find some way of send this output nicely output = '' masterip_used = False for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ip') and datadump[iface_key]['ip'].startswith(datadump['masterip']): masterip_used = True break if not masterip_used: addrs_list['lo0'].append((datadump['masterip'] + "/32", 'Master IP Not used in interface')) if 'serviceid' in datadump: addrs_list['lo0'].append((datadump['serviceid'] + "/32", 'Lvrouted GW IP')) for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] if ifacedump['autogen_bridge_alias']: ifname = ifacedump['autogen_ifbase'] else: ifname = ifacedump['autogen_ifname'] # If defined as vlan interface if ifacedump['autogen_vlan']: vlan_list[ifacedump['autogen_ifbase']].append(ifacedump['autogen_vlan']) # If defined as bridge interface if ifacedump['autogen_bridge_member']: bridge_list[ifacedump['parent']].append(ifacedump['autogen_iface']) # Flag dhclient is possible if not dhclient_if.has_key(ifname) or dhclient_if[ifname] == False: dhclient_if[ifname] = dhcp_type(ifacedump) == DHCP_CLIENT # Ethernet address if ifacedump.has_key('ether'): flags_if[ifname]['ether'] = ifacedump['ether'] # Add interface IP to list if ifacedump.has_key('ip'): item = (ifacedump['ip'], ifacedump['comment']) if addrs_list.has_key(ifname): addrs_list[ifname].append(item) else: addrs_list[ifname] = [item] # Alias only needs IP assignment for now, this might change if we # are going to use virtual accesspoints if "alias" in iface_key: continue # XXX: Might want to deduct type directly from interface name if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: # Default to station (client) mode ifacedump['autogen_wlanmode'] = "sta" if ifacedump['mode'] in ['master', 'master-wds', 'ap', 'ap-wds']: ifacedump['autogen_wlanmode'] = "ap" if not ifacedump.has_key('channel'): if ifacedump['type'] == '11a': ifacedump['channel'] = 36 else: ifacedump['channel'] = 1 # Allow special hacks at the back like wds and stuff if not ifacedump.has_key('extra'): ifacedump['autogen_extra'] = 'regdomain ETSI country NL' else: ifacedump['autogen_extra'] = ifacedump['extra'] ifacedump['autogen_ssid_hex'] = '0x' + ''.join(x.encode('hex') for x in ifacedump['ssid']) output += "wlans_%(autogen_ifbase)s='%(autogen_ifname)s'\n" % ifacedump output += "# SSID is encoded in Hexadecimal to support spaces, plain text value is '%(ssid)s'\n" % ifacedump output += ("create_args_%(autogen_ifname)s=\"wlanmode %(autogen_wlanmode)s mode " +\ "%(type)s ssid %(autogen_ssid_hex)s %(autogen_extra)s channel %(channel)s\"\n") % ifacedump output += "\n" elif ifacedump['type'] in ['ethernet', 'eth']: # No special config needed besides IP pass elif ifacedump['type'] in ['vlan']: # VLAN member has no special configuration pass else: assert False, "Unknown type " + ifacedump['type'] store = (addrs_list, vlan_list, bridge_list, dhclient_if, flags_if, output) interface_list_cache[datadump['autogen_item']] = store return(store) def create_proxies_list(): if not ileiden_proxies or not normal_proxies: # Placeholder for to-be-installed proxies, this will avoid updating the all # nodes to include this new machine, yet due to an unbound issue, this list # has to be kept small. for i in range(1,20): ileiden_proxies['172.31.254.%i' % i] = {'nodename' : 'unused'} for host in get_hostlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['status'] == 'up': if hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden']: ileiden_proxies[hostdump['serviceid']] = hostdump if hostdump['service_proxy_normal']: normal_proxies.append(hostdump) def generate_rc_conf_local(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/rc.conf.local' """ item = datadump['autogen_item'] if rc_conf_local_cache.has_key(item): return rc_conf_local_cache[item] if not datadump.has_key('ileiden'): datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = False else: datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = datadump['ileiden'] datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = switchFormat(datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable']) create_proxies_list() datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies'] = ileiden_proxies datadump['autogen_normal_proxies'] = normal_proxies datadump['autogen_normal_proxies_ips'] = ','.join([x['masterip'] for x in normal_proxies]) datadump['autogen_normal_proxies_names'] = ','.join([x['autogen_item'] for x in normal_proxies]) datadump['autogen_attached_devices'] = [x[2] for x in get_attached_devices(datadump)] datadump['autogen_neighbours'] = [x[1] for x in get_neighbours(datadump)] output = generate_header(datadump, "#"); output += render_template(datadump, """\ hostname='{{ autogen_fqdn }}' location='{{ location }}' nodetype="{{ nodetype }}" # # Configured listings # captive_portal_whitelist="" {% if nodetype == "Proxy" %} # # Proxy Configuration # {% if gateway and service_proxy_ileiden -%} defaultrouter="{{ gateway }}" {% else -%} #defaultrouter="NOTSET" {% endif -%} internalif="{{ internalif }}" ileiden_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" gateway_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" pf_enable="yes" pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf" {% if autogen_ileiden_enable -%} pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={80,443}" lvrouted_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" lvrouted_flags="-u -s s00p3rs3kr3t -m 28" {% else -%} pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={0}" {% endif -%} {% if internalroute -%} static_routes="wleiden" route_wleiden="-net {{ internalroute }}" {% endif -%} {% elif nodetype == "Hybrid" %} # # Hybrid Configuration # list_ileiden_proxies=" {% for serviceid,item in autogen_ileiden_proxies.iteritems() -%} {{ "%-16s"|format(serviceid) }} # {{ item.nodename }} {% endfor -%} " list_normal_proxies=" {% for item in autogen_normal_proxies -%} {{ "%-16s"|format(item.serviceid) }} # {{ item.nodename }} {% endfor -%} " {% if autogen_dhcp_interfaces -%} captive_portal_interfaces="{{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(',') }}" {% else %} captive_portal_interfaces="dummy" {% endif %} externalif="{{ externalif|default('vr0', true) }}" masterip="{{ masterip }}" {% if gateway and service_proxy_ileiden %} defaultrouter="{{ gateway }}" {% else %} #defaultrouter="NOTSET" {% endif %} # # Defined services # service_proxy_ileiden="{{ service_proxy_ileiden|yesorno }}" service_proxy_normal="{{ service_proxy_normal|yesorno }}" service_accesspoint="{{ service_accesspoint|yesorno }}" service_incoming_rdr="{{ service_incoming_rdr|yesorno }}" service_concentrator="{{ service_concentrator|yesorno }}" {% if service_proxy_ileiden %} pf_rules="/etc/pf.hybrid.conf" {% if service_concentrator %} pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D inet_if=tun0 -D inet_ip='(tun0)' -D masterip=$masterip" {% else %} pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D inet_if=$externalif -D inet_ip='($externalif:0)' -D masterip=$masterip" {% endif %} pf_flags="$pf_flags -D publicnat=80,443" lvrouted_flags="$lvrouted_flags -g" {% elif service_proxy_normal or service_incoming_rdr %} pf_rules="/etc/pf.hybrid.conf" pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D masterip=$masterip" pf_flags="$pf_flags -D publicnat=0" lvrouted_flags="$lvrouted_flags -z `make_list "$list_ileiden_proxies" ","`" named_setfib="1" tinyproxy_setfib="1" dnsmasq_setfib="1" sshd_setfib="1" {% else %} named_auto_forward_only="YES" pf_rules="/etc/pf.node.conf" pf_flags="" lvrouted_flags="$lvrouted_flags -z `make_list "$list_ileiden_proxies" ","`" {% endif %} {% if service_concentrator %} # Do mind installing certificates is NOT done automatically for security reasons openvpn_enable="YES" openvpn_configfile="/usr/local/etc/openvpn/client.conf" {% endif %} {% if service_proxy_normal %} tinyproxy_enable="yes" {% else %} pen_wrapper_enable="yes" {% endif %} {% if service_accesspoint %} pf_flags="$pf_flags -D captive_portal_interfaces=$captive_portal_interfaces" {% endif %} {% if board == "ALIX2" or board == "net4801" %} # # ''Fat'' configuration, board has 256MB RAM # dnsmasq_enable="NO" named_enable="YES" unbound_enable="YES" {% if autogen_dhcp_interfaces -%} dhcpd_enable="YES" dhcpd_flags="$dhcpd_flags {{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(' ') }}" {% endif -%} {% elif board == "apu1d" %} # # ''Fat'' configuration, board has 1024MB RAM # dnsmasq_enable="NO" unbound_enable="YES" {% if autogen_dhcp_interfaces -%} dhcpd_enable="YES" dhcpd_flags="$dhcpd_flags {{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(' ') }}" {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% endif %} # # Script variables # attached_devices="{{ autogen_attached_devices|join(' ') }}" neighbours="{{ autogen_neighbours|join(' ') }}" # # Interface definitions #\n """) (addrs_list, vlan_list, bridge_list, dhclient_if, flags_if, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) for iface, vlans in sorted(vlan_list.items()): output += 'vlans_%s="%s"\n' % (iface, ' '.join(sorted(set(vlans)))) # VLAN Parent interfaces not containing a configuration should be marked active explcitly. for iface in sorted(vlan_list.keys()): if not iface in addrs_list.keys(): output += "ifconfig_%s='up'\n" % iface output += "\n" # Bridge configuration: if bridge_list.keys(): output += "cloned_interfaces='%s'\n" % ' '.join(bridge_list.keys()) for iface in bridge_list.keys(): output += "ifconfig_%s='%s up'\n" % (iface, ' '.join(['addm %(iface)s private %(iface)s' % {'iface': x} for x in bridge_list[iface]])) # Bridge member interfaces not containing a configuration should be marked active explcitly. for _,members in bridge_list.items(): for iface in members: if not iface in addrs_list.keys(): output += "ifconfig_%s='up'\n" % iface.replace('.','_') output += "\n" # Details like SSID if extra_ouput: output += extra_ouput.strip() + "\n" # Print IP address which needs to be assigned over here output += "\n" for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): output += "# %s || %s || %s\n" % (iface, addr, comment) # Write DHCLIENT entry if iface in dhclient_if and dhclient_if[iface]: output += "ifconfig_%s='SYNCDHCP'\n\n" % (iface) continue # Make sure the external address is always first as this is needed in the # firewall setup addrs = sorted( [x for x in addrs if not '' in x[0]], key=lambda x: x[0].split('.')[0], cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(1 if x == '172' else 0, 1 if y == '172' else 0) ) idx_offset = 0 # Set MAC is required if flags_if[iface].has_key('ether'): output += "ifconfig_%s='link %s'\n" % (iface, flags_if[iface]['ether']) output += "ifconfig_%s_alias0='inet %s'\n" % (iface, addrs[0][0]) idx_offset += 1 elif iface in bridge_list: output += "ifconfig_%s_alias0='inet %s'\n" % (iface, addrs[0][0]) idx_offset += 1 else: output += "ifconfig_%s='inet %s'\n" % (iface, addrs[0][0]) for idx, addr in enumerate(addrs[1:]): output += "ifconfig_%s_alias%s='inet %s'\n" % (iface, idx + idx_offset, addr[0]) output += "\n" rc_conf_local_cache[datadump['autogen_item']] = output return output def get_all_configs(): """ Get dict with key 'host' with all configs present """ configs = dict() for host in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(host) configs[host] = datadump return configs def get_interface_keys(config, extra=False): """ Quick hack to get all interface keys, later stage convert this to a iterator """ elems = sorted([elem for elem in config.keys() if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)]) if extra == False: return filter(lambda x: not "extra" in x, elems) else: return elems def get_used_ips(configs): """ Return array of all IPs used in config files""" ip_list = [] for config in configs: ip_list.append(config['masterip']) if 'serviceid' in config: ip_list.append(config['serviceid']) for iface_key in get_interface_keys(config, True): l = config[iface_key]['ip'] addr, mask = l.split('/') # Special case do not process if valid_addr(addr): ip_list.append(addr) else: logger.error("## IP '%s' in '%s' not valid" % (addr, config['nodename'])) return sorted(ip_list) def get_nameservers(max_servers=None): if nameservers_cache: return nameservers_cache[0:max_servers] for host in get_hostlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['status'] == 'up' and (hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden'] or hostdump['service_proxy_normal']): nameservers_cache.append((hostdump['serviceid'], hostdump['nodename'])) return nameservers_cache[0:max_servers] def get_neighbours(datadump): (addrs_list, _, _, dhclient_if, _, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) (poel, errors) = make_relations() table = [] for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): if iface in ['lo0']: continue for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): if not addr.startswith('172.'): # Avoid listing internet connections as pool continue for neighbour in poel[network(addr)]: if neighbour[0] != datadump['autogen_item']: table.append((iface, neighbour[1]['ip'].split('/')[0], neighbour[0] + " (" + neighbour[1]['autogen_iface'] + ")", neighbour[1]['comment'])) return table def get_attached_devices(datadump, url=False): table = [] for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump, True): ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] if not ifacedump.has_key('ns_ip'): continue x_ip = ifacedump['ns_ip'].split('/')[0] if 'mode' in ifacedump: x_mode = ifacedump['mode'] else: x_mode = 'unknown' if 'bridge_type' in ifacedump: device_type = ifacedump['bridge_type'] else: device_type = 'Unknown' table.append((ifacedump['autogen_iface'], x_mode, 'http://%s' % x_ip if url else x_ip, device_type)) return table def generate_resolv_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/resolv.conf' """ # XXX: This should properly going to be an datastructure soon datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") datadump['autogen_edge_nameservers'] = '' for masterip,realname in get_nameservers(): datadump['autogen_edge_nameservers'] += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (masterip, realname) return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} search wleiden.net # Try local (cache) first nameserver {% if service_proxy_normal or service_proxy_ileiden or nodetype == 'Proxy' -%} nameserver # Google Public NameServer nameserver # Verisign Public NameServer {% else -%} # START DYNAMIC LIST - updated by /tools/nameserver-shuffle {{ autogen_edge_nameservers }} {% endif -%} """).render(datadump) def generate_ntp_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/ntp.conf' """ # XXX: This should properly going to be an datastructure soon datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") datadump['autogen_ntp_servers'] = '' for host in get_hostlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden'] or hostdump['service_proxy_normal']: datadump['autogen_ntp_servers'] += "server %(masterip)-15s iburst maxpoll 9 # %(nodename)s\n" % hostdump return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} {% if service_proxy_normal or service_proxy_ileiden or nodetype == 'Proxy' -%} # Machine hooked to internet. server 0.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 1.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 2.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 3.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 {% else -%} # Local Wireless Leiden NTP Servers. server 0.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 1.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 2.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 3.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 # All the configured NTP servers {{ autogen_ntp_servers }} {% endif %} # If a server loses sync with all upstream servers, NTP clients # no longer follow that server. The local clock can be configured # to provide a time source when this happens, but it should usually # be configured on just one server on a network. For more details see # http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/UndisciplinedLocalClock # The use of Orphan Mode may be preferable. # server fudge stratum 10 """).render(datadump) def generate_pf_hybrid_conf_local(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/pf.hybrid.conf.local' """ datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") if datadump['service_incoming_rdr']: datadump['global_rdr_rules'] = datadump['autogen_global_rdr_rules'] return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} # Redirect some internal facing services outside (7) # INFO: {{ global_rdr_rules|count }} global_rdr_rules active on this node. {% for protocol, src_port,dest_ip,dest_port,comment in global_rdr_rules -%} rdr on $ext_if inet proto {{ protocol }} from any to $ext_if port {{ src_port }} tag SRV -> {{ "%-14s"|format(dest_ip) }} port {{ "%4s"|format(dest_port) }} # {{ comment }} {% endfor -%} # INFO: {{ rdr_rules|count }} node specific rdr_rules defined. {% for protocol, src_port,dest_ip,dest_port,comment in rdr_rules -%} rdr on $ext_if inet proto {{ protocol }} from any to $ext_if port {{ src_port }} tag SRV -> {{ "%-14s"|format(dest_ip) }} port {{ "%4s"|format(dest_port) }} # {{ comment }} {% endfor -%} """).render(datadump) def generate_unbound_wleiden_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/unbound.wleiden.conf' """ datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") autogen_ips = [] (addrs_list, _, _, dhclient_if, _, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): if addr.startswith('172'): autogen_ips.append((addr.split('/')[0], comment)) datadump['autogen_ips'] = autogen_ips create_proxies_list() datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies'] = ileiden_proxies return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} server: ## Static definitions fail to start on systems with broken ue(4) interfaces {%- for ip,comment in autogen_ips %} # interface: {{ "%-16s"|format(ip) }} # {{ comment }} {%- endfor %} ## Enabling wildcard matching as work-around interface: interface: ::0 forward-zone: name: '.' {%- if service_proxy_ileiden %} forward-addr: # Google DNS A forward-addr: # Google DNS B forward-addr: # OpenDNS DNS A forward-addr: # OpenDNS DNS B {% else -%} {%- for serviceid,item in autogen_ileiden_proxies.iteritems() %} {%- if loop.index <= 5 %} forward-addr: {{ "%-16s"|format(serviceid) }} # {{ item.nodename }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} """).render(datadump) def generate_motd(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/motd' """ output = Template("""\ FreeBSD run ``service motd onestart'' to make me look normal WWW: {{ autogen_fqdn }} - http://www.wirelessleiden.nl Loc: {{ location }} Services: {% if board == "ALIX2" or board == "net4801" -%} {{" -"}} Core Node ({{ board }}) {% else -%} {{" -"}} Hulp Node ({{ board }}) {% endif -%} {% if service_proxy_normal -%} {{" -"}} Normal Proxy {% endif -%} {% if service_proxy_ileiden -%} {{" -"}} iLeiden Proxy {% endif -%} {% if service_incoming_rdr -%} {{" -"}} Incoming port redirects {% endif %} Interlinks:\n """).render(datadump) def make_table(table): if not table: return " - none\n" else: lines = "" col_width = [max(len(x) for x in col) for col in zip(*table)] for row in table: # replace('_','.') is a hack to convert vlan interfaces to proper named interfaces lines += " - " + " || ".join("{:{}}".format(x.replace('_','.'), col_width[i]) for i, x in enumerate(row)) + "\n" return lines (addrs_list, vlan_list, bridge_list, dhclient_if, flags_if, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) table = [] for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): if iface in ['lo0']: continue for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): table.append((iface, addr, comment)) output += make_table(table) output += '\n' output += """\ Attached devices: """ output += make_table(get_attached_devices(datadump, url=True)) output += '\n' output += """\ Available neighbours: """ output += make_table(get_neighbours(datadump)) return output def format_yaml_value(value): """ Get yaml value in right syntax for outputting """ if isinstance(value,str): output = '"%s"' % value else: output = value return output def format_wleiden_yaml(datadump): """ Special formatting to ensure it is editable""" output = "# Genesis config yaml style\n" output += "# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai\n" output += "#\n" iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')] for key in sorted(set(datadump.keys()) - set(iface_keys)): if key == 'rdr_rules': output += '%-10s:\n' % 'rdr_rules' for rdr_rule in datadump[key]: output += '- %s\n' % rdr_rule else: output += "%-10s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[key])) output += "\n\n" # Format (key, required) key_order = ( ('comment', True), ('parent', False), ('ip', False), ('ipv6', False), ('ether', False), ('desc', True), ('sdesc', True), ('mode', True), ('type', True), ('extra_type', False), ('channel', False), ('ssid', False), ('wlan_mac', False), ('dhcp', True), ('dhcp_fixed', False), ('compass', False), ('distance', False), ('ns_ip', False), ('repeater_ip', False), ('bullet2_ip', False), ('ns_mac', False), ('bullet2_mac', False), ('ns_type', False), ('bridge_type', False), ('encrypted', False), ('status', True), ) for iface_key in sorted(iface_keys): try: remainder = set(datadump[iface_key].keys()) - set([x[0] for x in key_order]) if remainder: raise KeyError("invalid keys: %s" % remainder) output += "%s:\n" % iface_key for key,required in key_order: if datadump[iface_key].has_key(key): output += " %-11s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[iface_key][key])) output += "\n\n" except Exception as exc: exc.args = ("# Error while processing interface %s" % iface_key,) + exc.args raise return output def generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header=True): """ Generate (petty) version of wleiden.yaml""" output = generate_header(datadump, "#") if header else '' for key in datadump.keys(): if key.startswith('autogen_'): del datadump[key] # Interface autogen cleanups elif type(datadump[key]) == dict: for key2 in datadump[key].keys(): if key2.startswith('autogen_'): del datadump[key][key2] output += format_wleiden_yaml(datadump) return output def generate_nanostation_config(datadump, iface, ns_type): #TODO(rvdz): Make sure the proper nanostation IP and subnet is set datadump['iface_%s' % iface]['ns_ip'] = datadump['iface_%s' % iface]['ns_ip'].split('/')[0] datadump.update(datadump['iface_%s' % iface]) return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ns5m.cfg.tmpl'),'r').read() % datadump def generate_yaml(datadump): return generate_config(datadump['nodename'], "wleiden.yaml", datadump) def generate_config(node, config, datadump=None): """ Print configuration file 'config' of 'node' """ output = "" try: # Load config file if datadump == None: datadump = get_yaml(node) if config == 'wleiden.yaml': output += generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump) elif config == 'authorized_keys': f = open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,"global_keys"), 'r') output += f.read() node_keys = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,node,'authorized_keys') # Fetch local keys if existing if os.path.exists(node_keys): output += open(node_keys, 'r').read() f.close() elif config == 'dnsmasq.conf': output += generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump) elif config == 'dhcpd.conf': output += generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump) elif config == 'rc.conf.local': output += generate_rc_conf_local(datadump) elif config == 'resolv.conf': output += generate_resolv_conf(datadump) elif config == 'ntp.conf': output += generate_ntp_conf(datadump) elif config == 'motd': output += generate_motd(datadump) elif config == 'pf.hybrid.conf.local': output += generate_pf_hybrid_conf_local(datadump) elif config == 'unbound.wleiden.conf': output += generate_unbound_wleiden_conf(datadump) elif config.startswith('vr'): interface, ns_type = config.strip('.yaml').split('-') output += generate_nanostation_config(datadump, interface, ns_type) else: assert False, "Config not found!" except IOError, e: output += "[ERROR] Config file not found" return output def generate_static(output_dir, logging=True): items = {'output_dir' : output_dir} for node in get_hostlist(): items['node'] = node items['wdir'] = "%(output_dir)s/%(node)s" % items if not os.path.isdir(items['wdir']): os.makedirs(items['wdir']) datadump = get_yaml(node) f = open("%(wdir)s/index.html" % items, "w") f.write(generate_node_overview(items['node'], datadump)) f.close() for config in files: items['config'] = config if logging: logger.info("## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items) f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w") f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump)) f.close() def process_cgi_request(environ=os.environ): """ When calling from CGI """ response_headers = [] content_type = 'text/plain' # Update repository if requested form = urlparse.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING']) if environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING') else None if form and form.has_key("action") and "update" in form["action"]: refresh_rate = 5 output = "[INFO] Updating subverion, please wait...\n" old_version = subprocess.Popen([SVNVERSION, '-c', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] output += subprocess.Popen([SVN, 'cleanup', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] output += subprocess.Popen([SVN, 'up', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] new_version = subprocess.Popen([SVNVERSION, '-c', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] if old_version != new_version: try: generate_static(CACHE_DIR, False) except: output += traceback.format_exc() refresh_rate = 120 pass output += "[INFO] All done, redirecting in %s seconds" % refresh_rate response_headers += [ ('Refresh', '%s; url=.' % refresh_rate), ] else: base_uri = environ['REQUEST_URI'] uri = base_uri.strip('/').split('/')[1:] output = "Template Holder" if base_uri.endswith('/create/network.kml'): content_type='application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml' output = make_network_kml.make_graph() elif base_uri.endswith('/api/get/nodeplanner.json'): content_type='application/json' output = make_network_kml.make_nodeplanner_json() elif not uri: if is_text_request(environ): output = '\n'.join(get_hostlist()) else: content_type = 'text/html' output = generate_title(get_hostlist()) elif len(uri) == 1: if is_text_request(environ): output = generate_node(uri[0]) else: content_type = 'text/html' output = open(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, uri[0], 'index.html'), 'r').read() elif len(uri) == 2: output = generate_config(uri[0], uri[1]) else: assert False, "Invalid option" # Return response response_headers += [ ('Content-type', content_type), ('Content-Length', str(len(output))), ] return(response_headers, str(output)) def make_dns(output_dir = 'dns', external = False): items = dict() # hostname is key, IP is value wleiden_zone = defaultdict(list) wleiden_cname = dict() pool = dict() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) fqdn = datadump['nodename'] if datadump.has_key('rdr_host'): remote_target = datadump['rdr_host'] elif datadump.has_key('remote_access') and datadump['remote_access']: remote_target = datadump['remote_access'].split(':')[0] else: remote_target = None if remote_target: try: parseaddr(remote_target) wleiden_zone[datadump['nodename'] + '.gw'].append((remote_target, False)) except (IndexError, ValueError): wleiden_cname[datadump['nodename'] + '.gw'] = remote_target + '.' wleiden_zone[fqdn].append((datadump['masterip'], True)) # Hacking to get proper DHCP IPs and hostnames for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): iface_name = iface_key.replace('_','-') if 'ip' in datadump[iface_key]: (ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') try: (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr) dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3]) if ip != datadump['masterip']: wleiden_zone["dhcp-gateway-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((ip, True)) for i in range(int(dhcp_start), int(dhcp_stop) + 1): wleiden_zone["dhcp-%s-%s.%s" % (i, iface_name, fqdn)].append(("%s.%s" % (dhcp_part, i), True)) except (AttributeError, ValueError, KeyError): # First push it into a pool, to indentify the counter-part later on addr = parseaddr(ip) cidr = int(cidr) addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - cidr)) - 1) if pool.has_key(addr): pool[addr] += [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)] else: pool[addr] = [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)] continue # WL uses an /29 to configure an interface. IP's are ordered like this: # MasterA (.1) -- DeviceA (.2) <<>> DeviceB (.3) --- SlaveB (.4) sn = lambda x: re.sub(r'(?i)^cnode','',x) # Automatic naming convention of interlinks namely 2 + remote.lower() for (key,value) in pool.iteritems(): # Make sure they are sorted from low-ip to high-ip value = sorted(value, key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[2])) if len(value) == 1: (iface_name, fqdn, ip) = value[0] wleiden_zone["2unused-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((ip, True)) # Device DNS names if 'cnode' in fqdn.lower(): wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(ip) + 1), False)) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name,sn(fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % ((iface_name, fqdn)) elif len(value) == 2: (a_iface_name, a_fqdn, a_ip) = value[0] (b_iface_name, b_fqdn, b_ip) = value[1] wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (b_fqdn,a_fqdn)].append((a_ip, True)) wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (a_fqdn,b_fqdn)].append((b_ip, True)) # Device DNS names if 'cnode' in a_fqdn.lower() and 'cnode' in b_fqdn.lower(): wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(a_ip) + 1), False)) wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(b_ip) - 1), False)) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name,sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name,sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(b_fqdn),sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(a_fqdn),sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn) else: pool_members = [k[1] for k in value] for item in value: (iface_name, fqdn, ip) = item wleiden_zone["2ring.%s" % (fqdn)].append((ip, True)) # Include static DNS entries # XXX: Should they override the autogenerated results? # XXX: Convert input to yaml more useable. # Format: ##; this is a comment ## roomburgh=Roomburgh1 ## apkerk1.Vosko= ;this as well dns_list = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,'../dns/staticDNS.yaml'),'r')) # Hack to allow special entries, for development wleiden_raw = {} for line in dns_list: reverse = False k, items = line.items()[0] if type(items) == dict: if items.has_key('reverse'): reverse = items['reverse'] items = items['a'] else: items = items['cname'] items = [items] if type(items) != list else items for item in items: if item.startswith('IN '): wleiden_raw[k] = item elif valid_addr(item): wleiden_zone[k].append((item, reverse)) else: wleiden_cname[k] = item # Hack to get dynamic pool listing def chunks(l, n): return [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)] ntp_servers = [x[0] for x in get_nameservers()] for id, chunk in enumerate(chunks(ntp_servers,(len(ntp_servers)/4))): for ntp_server in chunk: wleiden_zone['%i.pool.ntp' % id].append((ntp_server, False)) details = dict() # 24 updates a day allowed details['serial'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') if external: dns_masters = ['ns1.vanderzwet.net', 'ns1.transip.net', 'ns2.transip.eu'] else: dns_masters = ['druif.wleiden.net'] + ["%s.wleiden.net" % x[1] for x in get_nameservers(max_servers=3)] details['master'] = dns_masters[0] details['ns_servers'] = '\n'.join(['\tNS\t%s.' % x for x in dns_masters]) dns_header = ''' $TTL 3h %(zone)s. SOA %(master)s. beheer.lijst.wirelessleiden.nl. ( %(serial)s 15m 15m 1w 60s ) ; Serial, Refresh, Retry, Expire, Neg. cache TTL %(ns_servers)s \n''' if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) details['zone'] = 'wleiden.net' f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w") f.write(dns_header % details) for host,items in wleiden_zone.iteritems(): for ip,reverse in items: if ip not in ['']: f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN A %s\n" % (host.lower(), ip)) for source,dest in wleiden_cname.iteritems(): dest = dest if dest.endswith('.') else dest + ".wleiden.net." f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN CNAME %s\n" % (source.lower(), dest.lower())) for source, dest in wleiden_raw.iteritems(): f.write("%s.wleiden.net. %s\n" % (source, dest)) f.close() # Create whole bunch of specific sub arpa zones. To keep it compliant for s in range(16,32): details['zone'] = '%i.172.in-addr.arpa' % s f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w") f.write(dns_header % details) #XXX: Not effient, fix to proper data structure and do checks at other # stages for host,items in wleiden_zone.iteritems(): for ip,reverse in items: if not reverse: continue if valid_addr(ip): if valid_addr(ip): if int(ip.split('.')[1]) == s: rev_ip = '.'.join(reversed(ip.split('.'))) f.write("%s.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (rev_ip.lower(), host.lower())) f.close() def usage(): print """Usage: %(prog)s Argument: \tcleanup = Cleanup all YAML files to specified format \tstandalone [port] = Run configurator webserver [8000] \tdns [outputdir] = Generate BIND compliant zone files in dns [./dns] \tnagios-export [--heavy-load] = Generate basic nagios configuration file. \tfull-export = Generate yaml export script for heatmap. \tstatic [outputdir] = Generate all config files and store on disk \t with format .//%%NODE%%/%%FILE%% [./static] \ttest [] = Receive output for certain node [all files]. \ttest-cgi = Receive output of CGI script [all files]. \tlist = List systems which have certain status \tcreate network.kml = Create Network KML file for use in Google Earth Arguments: \t = NodeName (example: HybridRick) \t = %(files)s \t = all|up|down|planned \t = systems|nodes|proxies NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS; you can test your changes like this: BEFORE any changes in this code: $ ./gformat.py static /tmp/pre AFTER the changes: $ ./gformat.py static /tmp/post VIEW differences and VERIFY all are OK: $ diff -urI 'Generated' -r /tmp/pre /tmp/post """ % { 'prog' : sys.argv[0], 'files' : '|'.join(files) } exit(0) def is_text_request(environ=os.environ): """ Find out whether we are calling from the CLI or any text based CLI utility """ if 'CONTENT_TYPE' in os.environ and os.environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] == 'text/plain': return True if 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' in environ: return any([os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].lower().startswith(x) for x in ['curl', 'fetch', 'wget']]) else: return False def switchFormat(setting): if setting: return "YES" else: return "NO" def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''): import readline readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill)) try: return raw_input(prompt) finally: readline.set_startup_hook() def fix_conflict(left, right, default='i'): while True: print "## %-30s | %-30s" % (left, right) c = raw_input("## Solve Conflict (h for help) [%s]: " % default) if not c: c = default if c in ['l','1']: return left elif c in ['r','2']: return right elif c in ['e', '3']: return rlinput("Edit: ", "%30s | %30s" % (left, right)) elif c in ['i', '4']: return None else: print "#ERROR: '%s' is invalid input (left, right, edit or ignore)!" % c def print_cgi_response(response_headers, output): for header in response_headers: print "%s: %s" % header print print output def main(): """Hard working sub""" # Allow easy hacking using the CLI if not os.environ.has_key('REQUEST_URI'): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() if sys.argv[1] == "standalone": import SocketServer import CGIHTTPServer # Hop to the right working directory. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) except (IndexError,ValueError): PORT = 8000 class MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler): """ Serve this CGI from the root of the webserver """ def is_cgi(self): if "favicon" in self.path: return False self.cgi_info = (os.path.basename(__file__), self.path) self.path = '' return True handler = MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler) httpd.server_name = 'localhost' httpd.server_port = PORT logger.info("serving at port %s", PORT) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: httpd.shutdown() logger.info("All done goodbye") elif sys.argv[1] == "test": # Basic argument validation try: node = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: print "Invalid argument" exit(1) except IOError as e: print e exit(1) datadump = get_yaml(node) # Get files to generate gen_files = sys.argv[3:] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else files # Actual config generation for config in gen_files: logger.info("## Generating %s %s", node, config) print generate_config(node, config, datadump) elif sys.argv[1] == "test-cgi": os.environ['REQUEST_URI'] = "/".join(['config'] + sys.argv[2:]) os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__ response_headers, output = process_cgi_request() print_cgi_response(response_headers, output) elif sys.argv[1] == "static": generate_static(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "./static") elif sys.argv[1] == "wind-export": items = dict() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO nodes (name, name_ns, longitude, latitude) VALUES ('%(nodename)s', '%(nodename)s', %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s);""" % datadump; sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO users_nodes (user_id, node_id, owner) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'rvdzwet'), (SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'Y');""" % datadump #for config in files: # items['config'] = config # print "## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items # f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w") # f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump)) # f.close() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) for iface_key in sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]): ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] if ifacedump.has_key('mode') and ifacedump['mode'] == 'ap-wds': ifacedump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename'] if not ifacedump.has_key('channel') or not ifacedump['channel']: ifacedump['channel'] = 0 sql = """INSERT INTO links (node_id, type, ssid, protocol, channel, status) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'ap', '%(ssid)s', 'IEEE 802.11b', %(channel)s, 'active');""" % ifacedump elif sys.argv[1] == "nagios-export": try: heavy_load = (sys.argv[2] == "--heavy-load") except IndexError: heavy_load = False hostgroup_details = { 'wleiden' : 'Stichting Wireless Leiden - FreeBSD Nodes', 'wzoeterwoude' : 'Stichting Wireless Leiden - Afdeling Zoeterwoude - Free-WiFi Project', 'walphen' : 'Stichting Wireless Alphen', 'westeinder' : 'Westeinder Plassen', } # Convert IP to Host ip2host = {'root' : 'root'} for host in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(host) ip2host[datadump['masterip']] = datadump['autogen_fqdn'] for iface in get_interface_keys(datadump): if datadump[iface].has_key('autogen_gateway'): ip2host[datadump[iface]['autogen_gateway']] = datadump['autogen_fqdn'] # Find dependency tree based on output of lvrouted.mytree of nearest node parents = defaultdict(list) stack = ['root'] prev_depth = 0 for line in open('lvrouted.mytree').readlines(): depth = line.count('\t') ip = line.strip().split()[0] if prev_depth < depth: try: parents[ip2host[ip]].append(ip2host[stack[-1]]) except KeyError as e: print >> stderr, "# Unable to find %s in configuration files" % e.args[0] stack.append(ip) elif prev_depth > depth: stack = stack[:(depth - prev_depth)] elif prev_depth == depth: try: parents[ip2host[ip]].append(ip2host[stack[-1]]) except KeyError as e: print >> stderr, "# Unable to find %s in configuration files" % e.args[0] prev_depth = depth # Observe that some nodes has themself as parent or multiple parents # for now take only the first parent, other behaviour is yet to be explained params = { 'check_interval' : 5 if heavy_load else 120, 'retry_interval' : 1 if heavy_load else 10, 'max_check_attempts' : 10 if heavy_load else 6, 'notification_interval': 120 if heavy_load else 240, } print '''\ define host { name wleiden-node ; Default Node Template use generic-host ; Use the standard template as initial starting point check_period 24x7 ; By default, FreeBSD hosts are checked round the clock check_interval %(check_interval)s ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes retry_interval %(retry_interval)s ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals notification_interval %(notification_interval)s max_check_attempts %(max_check_attempts)s ; Check each FreeBSD host 10 times (max) check_command check-host-alive ; Default command to check FreeBSD hosts register 0 ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE! } define service { name wleiden-service ; Default Service Template use generic-service ; Use the standard template as initial starting point check_period 24x7 ; By default, FreeBSD hosts are checked round the clock check_interval %(check_interval)s ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes retry_interval %(retry_interval)s ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals notification_interval %(notification_interval)s max_check_attempts %(max_check_attempts)s ; Check each FreeBSD host 10 times (max) register 0 ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE! } # Please make sure to install: # make -C /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp install clean # # Recompile net-mgmt/nagios-plugins to support check_snmp # make -C /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios-plugins # # Install net/bind-tools to allow v2/check_dns_wl to work: # pkg install bind-tools # define command{ command_name check_snmp_disk command_line $USER1$/check_snmp_disk -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C public } define command{ command_name check_netsnmp_load command_line $USER1$/check_snmp_load.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C public -w 80 -c 90 } define command{ command_name check_netsnmp_proc command_line $USER1$/check_snmp_proc -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C public } define command{ command_name check_by_ssh command_line $USER1$/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -C "$ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$" } define command{ command_name check_dns_wl command_line $USER1$/v2/check_dns_wl $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ } define command{ command_name check_snmp_uptime command_line $USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C public -o . } # TDB: dhcp leases # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_netsnmp -H --oid 1 exec # TDB: internet status # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_netsnmp -H --oid 1 file # TDB: Advanced local passive checks # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_by_ssh ''' % params print '''\ # Service Group, not displayed by default define hostgroup { hostgroup_name srv_hybrid alias All Hybrid Nodes register 0 } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description SSH check_command check_ssh } define service { use wleiden-service,service-pnp hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description HTTP check_command check_http } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description DNS check_command check_dns_wl!"www.wirelessleiden.nl" } ''' if heavy_load: print '''\ define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description UPTIME check_command check_snmp_uptime } #define service { # use wleiden-service # hostgroup_name srv_hybrid # service_description NTP # check_command check_ntp_peer #} define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description LOAD check_command check_netsnmp_load } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description PROC check_command check_netsnmp_proc } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description DISK check_command check_snmp_disk } ''' for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) if not datadump['status'] == 'up': continue if not hostgroup_details.has_key(datadump['monitoring_group']): hostgroup_details[datadump['monitoring_group']] = datadump['monitoring_group'] print '''\ define host { use wleiden-node,host-pnp contact_groups admins host_name %(autogen_fqdn)s address %(masterip)s hostgroups srv_hybrid,%(monitoring_group)s\ ''' % datadump if (len(parents[datadump['autogen_fqdn']]) > 0) and parents[datadump['autogen_fqdn']][0] != 'root': print '''\ parents %(parents)s\ ''' % { 'parents' : parents[datadump['autogen_fqdn']][0] } print '''\ } ''' for name,alias in hostgroup_details.iteritems(): print '''\ define hostgroup { hostgroup_name %s alias %s } ''' % (name, alias) elif sys.argv[1] == "full-export": hosts = {} for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) hosts[datadump['nodename']] = datadump print yaml.dump(hosts) elif sys.argv[1] == "dns": make_dns(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'dns', 'external' in sys.argv) elif sys.argv[1] == "cleanup": # First generate all datadumps datadumps = dict() ssid_to_node = dict() for host in get_hostlist(): logger.info("# Processing: %s", host) # Set some boring default values datadump = { 'board' : 'UNKNOWN' } datadump.update(get_yaml(host)) datadumps[datadump['nodename']] = datadump (poel, errors) = make_relations() print "\n".join(["# WARNING: %s" % x for x in errors]) for host,datadump in datadumps.iteritems(): try: # Convert all yes and no to boolean values def fix_boolean(dump): for key in dump.keys(): if type(dump[key]) == dict: dump[key] = fix_boolean(dump[key]) elif str(dump[key]).lower() in ["yes", "true"]: dump[key] = True elif str(dump[key]).lower() in ["no", "false"]: # Compass richting no (Noord Oost) is valid input if key != "compass": dump[key] = False return dump datadump = fix_boolean(datadump) if 'rdnap_x' in datadump and 'rdnap_y' in datadump: if not 'latitude' in datadump and not 'longitude' in datadump: datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude'] = map(lambda x: "%.5f" % x, rd2etrs(datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'])) elif 'latitude' in datadump and 'longitude' in datadump: if not 'rdnap_x' in datadump and not 'rdnap_y' in datadump: datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'] = etrs2rd(datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude']) # TODO: Compare outcome of both coordinate systems and validate against each-other if datadump['nodename'].startswith('Proxy'): datadump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename'].lower() for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): try: # All our normal wireless cards are normal APs now if datadump[iface_key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: datadump[iface_key]['mode'] = 'ap' # Wireless Leiden SSID have an consistent lowercase/uppercase if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ssid'): ssid = datadump[iface_key]['ssid'] prefix = 'ap-WirelessLeiden-' if ssid.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()): datadump[iface_key]['ssid'] = prefix + ssid[len(prefix)].upper() + ssid[len(prefix) + 1:] if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ns_ip') and not datadump[iface_key].has_key('mode'): datadump[iface_key]['mode'] = 'autogen-FIXME' if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = 'autogen-FIXME' if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ns_mac'): datadump[iface_key]['ns_mac'] = datadump[iface_key]['ns_mac'].lower() if datadump[iface_key]['comment'].startswith('autogen-') and datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key] = datadump[iface_key]['desc'] # We are not using 802.11b anymore. OFDM is preferred over DSSS # due to better collision avoidance. if datadump[iface_key]['type'] == '11b': datadump[iface_key]['type'] = '11g' # Setting 802.11g channels to de-facto standards, to avoid # un-detected sharing with other overlapping channels # # Technically we could also use channel 13 in NL, but this is not # recommended as foreign devices might not be able to select this # channel. Secondly using 1,5,9,13 instead is going to clash with # the de-facto usage of 1,6,11. # # See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels channels_at_2400Mhz = (1,6,11) if datadump[iface_key]['type'] == '11g' and datadump[iface_key].has_key('channel'): datadump[iface_key]['channel'] = int(datadump[iface_key]['channel']) if datadump[iface_key]['channel'] not in channels_at_2400Mhz: datadump[iface_key]['channel'] = random.choice(channels_at_2400Mhz) # Mandatory interface keys if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('status'): datadump[iface_key]['status'] = 'planned' x = datadump[iface_key]['comment'] datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = x[0].upper() + x[1:] # Fixing bridge_type if none is found if datadump[iface_key].get('extra_type', '') == 'eth2wifibridge': if not 'bridge_type' in datadump[iface_key]: datadump[iface_key]['bridge_type'] = 'NanoStation M5' # Making sure description works if datadump[iface_key].has_key('desc'): if datadump[iface_key]['comment'].lower() == datadump[iface_key]['desc'].lower(): del datadump[iface_key]['desc'] else: print "# ERROR: At %s - %s" % (datadump['nodename'], iface_key) response = fix_conflict(datadump[iface_key]['comment'], datadump[iface_key]['desc']) if response: datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = response del datadump[iface_key]['desc'] # Check DHCP configuration dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) # Set the compass value based on the angle between the poels if 'ns_ip' in datadump[iface_key] and 'ip' in datadump[iface_key] and not 'compass' in datadump[iface_key]: my_pool = poel[network(datadump[iface_key]['ip'])] remote_hosts = list(set([x[0] for x in my_pool]) - set([host])) if remote_hosts: compass_target = remote_hosts[0] datadump[iface_key]['compass'] = cd_between_hosts(host, compass_target, datadumps) # TODO: Compass wanted and actual direction might differ # Monitoring Group default if not 'monitoring_group' in datadump: datadump['monitoring_group'] = 'wleiden' except Exception as exc: exc.args = ("# Error while processing interface %s" % iface_key,) + exc.args raise store_yaml(datadump) except Exception as exc: exc.args = ("# Error while processing %s" % host,) + exc.args raise elif sys.argv[1] == "list": use_fqdn = False if len(sys.argv) < 4: usage() if not sys.argv[2] in ["up", "down", "planned", "all"]: usage() if not sys.argv[3] in ["nodes","proxies","systems"]: usage() if len(sys.argv) > 4: if sys.argv[4] == "fqdn": use_fqdn = True else: usage() for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) if sys.argv[3] == 'proxies' and not datadump['service_proxy_ileiden']: continue output = datadump['autogen_fqdn'] if use_fqdn else system if sys.argv[2] == "all": print output elif datadump['status'] == sys.argv[2]: print output elif sys.argv[1] == "create": if sys.argv[2] == "network.kml": print make_network_kml.make_graph() elif sys.argv[2] == "host-ips.txt": for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) ips = [datadump['masterip']] for ifkey in get_interface_keys(datadump): ips.append(datadump[ifkey]['ip'].split('/')[0]) print system, ' '.join(ips) elif sys.argv[2] == "host-pos.txt": for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) print system, datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'] elif sys.argv[2] == 'ssh_config': print ''' Host *.wleiden.net User root Host 172.16.*.* User root ''' for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) print '''\ Host %s User root Host %s User root Host %s User root Host %s User root ''' % (system, system.lower(), datadump['nodename'], datadump['nodename'].lower()) else: usage() else: usage() else: # Do not enable debugging for config requests as it highly clutters the output if not is_text_request(): cgitb.enable() response_headers, output = process_cgi_request() print_cgi_response(response_headers, output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()