# Hack to make the script directory is also threated as a module search path.
import sys
import os
import re
import cgi
import cgitb
import copy
import glob
import socket
import string
import subprocess
import time
import rdnap
import make_network_kml
from pprint import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
import yaml
except ImportError, e:
print e
print "[ERROR] Please install the python-yaml or devel/py-yaml package"
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader, Dumper
from jinja2 import Template
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='# %(levelname)s: %(message)s' )
logger = logging.getLogger()
if os.environ.has_key('CONFIGROOT'):
NODE_DIR = os.environ['CONFIGROOT']
NODE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/../nodes'
__version__ = '$Id: gformat.py 10436 2012-04-12 09:26:28Z rick $'
files = [
# Global variables uses
OK = 10
DOWN = 20
def get_yaml(item):
""" Get configuration yaml for 'item'"""
gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml')
f = open(gfile, 'r')
datadump = yaml.load(f,Loader=Loader)
# Preformat certain needed variables for formatting and push those into special object
datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] = get_interface_keys(datadump)
for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
if datadump[key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']:
datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count
wlan_count += 1
datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = datadump[key]['interface'].split(':')[0]
dhcp_interfaces = [datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] if datadump[key]['dhcp'] != 'no']
datadump['autogen_dhcp_interfaces'] = ' '.join(dhcp_interfaces)
datadump['autogen_item'] = item
datadump['autogen_realname'] = get_realname(datadump)
datadump['autogen_domain'] = datadump['domain'] if datadump.has_key('domain') else 'wleiden.net.'
datadump['autogen_fqdn'] = datadump['autogen_realname'] + '.' + datadump['autogen_domain']
return datadump
def store_yaml(datadump, header=False):
""" Store configuration yaml for 'item'"""
item = datadump['autogen_item']
gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml')
f = open(gfile, 'w')
f.write(generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header))
def make_relations():
""" Process _ALL_ yaml files to get connection relations """
errors = ""
poel = defaultdict(list)
for host in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(host)
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
l = datadump[iface_key]['ip']
addr, mask = l.split('/')
# Not parsing of these folks please
if not valid_addr(addr):
addr = parseaddr(addr)
mask = int(mask)
network = addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
poel[network] += [(host,datadump[iface_key])]
except (KeyError, ValueError), e:
errors += "[FOUT] in '%s' interface '%s'" % (host,iface_key)
errors += e
return (poel, errors)
def get_proxylist():
"""Get all available proxies proxyX sorting based on X number"""
proxylist = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/proxy*" % NODE_DIR)],
key=lambda name: int(''.join([c for c in name if c in string.digits])),
cmp=lambda x,y: x - y) + sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/Proxy*" % NODE_DIR)])
return proxylist
def get_hybridlist():
"""Get all available proxies hybridX sorting based on X number"""
hybridlist = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/hybrid*" % NODE_DIR)],
key=lambda name: int(''.join([c for c in name if c in string.digits])),
cmp=lambda x,y: x - y)
return hybridlist
def valid_addr(addr):
""" Show which address is valid in which are not """
return str(addr).startswith('172.')
def get_nodelist():
""" Get all available nodes - sorted """
nodelist = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob("%s/CNode*" % NODE_DIR)])
return nodelist
def get_hostlist():
""" Combined hosts and proxy list"""
return get_nodelist() + get_proxylist() + get_hybridlist()
def angle_between_points(lat1,lat2,long1,long2):
Return Angle in radians between two GPS coordinates
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809179/angle-between-2-gps-coordinates
dy = lat2 - lat1
dx = math.cos(math.pi/180*lat1)*(long2 - long1)
angle = math.atan2(dy,dx)
return angle
def angle_to_cd(angle):
""" Return Dutch Cardinal Direction estimation in 'one digit' of radian angle """
# For easy conversion get positive degree
degrees = math.degrees(angle)
if degrees < 0:
360 - abs(degrees)
# Numbers can be confusing calculate from the 4 main directions
p = 22.5
if degrees < p:
return "n"
elif degrees < (90 - p):
return "no"
elif degrees < (90 + p):
return "o"
elif degrees < (180 - p):
return "zo"
elif degrees < (180 + p):
return "z"
elif degrees < (270 - p):
return "zw"
elif degrees < (270 + p):
return "w"
elif degrees < (360 - p):
return "nw"
return "n"
def generate_title(nodelist):
""" Main overview page """
items = {'root' : "." }
output = """
Wireless leiden Configurator - GFormat
Wireless Leiden Configurator
""" % items
for node in nodelist:
items['node'] = node
output += '%(node)s | ' % items
for config in files:
items['config'] = config
output += '%(config)s | ' % items
output += "
output += """
""" % __version__
return output
def generate_node(node):
""" Print overview of all files available for node """
return "\n".join(files)
def generate_node_overview(host):
""" Print overview of all files available for node """
datadump = get_yaml(host)
params = { 'host' : host }
output = "Back to overview
output += "Available files:
for cf in files:
params['cf'] = cf
output += '- %(cf)s
\n' % params
output += "
# Generate and connection listing
output += "Connected To:
(poel, errors) = make_relations()
for network, hosts in poel.iteritems():
if host in [x[0] for x in hosts]:
if len(hosts) == 1:
# Single not connected interface
for remote,ifacedump in hosts:
if remote == host:
# This side of the interface
params = { 'remote': remote, 'remote_ip' : ifacedump['ip'] }
output += '- %(remote)s -- %(remote_ip)s
\n' % params
output += "
output += "MOTD details:
" + generate_motd(datadump) + "
output += "
Back to overview"
return output
def generate_header(ctag="#"):
return """\
%(ctag)s DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat'
%(ctag)s Generated at %(date)s by %(host)s
""" % { 'ctag' : ctag, 'date' : time.ctime(), 'host' : socket.gethostname() }
def parseaddr(s):
""" Process IPv4 CIDR notation addr to a (binary) number """
f = s.split('.')
return (long(f[0]) << 24L) + \
(long(f[1]) << 16L) + \
(long(f[2]) << 8L) + \
def showaddr(a):
""" Display IPv4 addr in (dotted) CIDR notation """
return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((a >> 24) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, a & 0xff)
def is_member(ip, mask, canidate):
""" Return True if canidate is part of ip/mask block"""
ip_addr = gformat.parseaddr(ip)
ip_canidate = gformat.parseaddr(canidate)
mask = int(mask)
ip_addr = ip_addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
ip_canidate = ip_canidate & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
return ip_addr == ip_canidate
def cidr2netmask(netmask):
""" Given a 'netmask' return corresponding CIDR """
return showaddr(0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32 - int(netmask))))
def get_network(addr, mask):
return showaddr(parseaddr(addr) & ~((1 << (32 - int(mask))) - 1))
def generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump):
""" Generate config file '/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf """
output = generate_header()
output += Template("""\
# option definitions common to all supported networks...
option domain-name "dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }}";
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
# Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally.
#ddns-update-style none;
# If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local
# network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.
# Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also
# have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection).
log-facility local7;
# Interface definitions
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'):
datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = none
output += "## %(interface)s - %(desc)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]
(addr, mask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
datadump[iface_key]['addr'] = addr
datadump[iface_key]['netmask'] = cidr2netmask(mask)
datadump[iface_key]['subnet'] = get_network(addr, mask)
(dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
output += "subnet %(subnet)s netmask %(netmask)s {\n ### not autoritive\n}\n\n" % datadump[iface_key]
dhcp_part = ".".join(addr.split('.')[0:3])
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop
output += """\
subnet %(subnet)s netmask %(netmask)s {
range %(dhcp_start)s %(dhcp_stop)s;
option routers %(addr)s;
option domain-name-servers %(addr)s;
\n""" % datadump[iface_key]
return output
def generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf' """
output = generate_header()
output += Template("""\
# DHCP server options
domain=dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }}
# Low memory footprint
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'):
datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = none
output += "## %(interface)s - %(desc)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]
(dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
(ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
datadump[iface_key]['netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
output += "# not autoritive\n\n"
dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start
datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop
output += "dhcp-range=%(interface)s,%(dhcp_start)s,%(dhcp_stop)s,%(netmask)s,24h\n\n" % datadump[iface_key]
return output
def generate_rc_conf_local(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/rc.conf.local' """
datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = 'yes' if datadump['ileiden'] else 'no'
ileiden_proxies = []
normal_proxies = []
for proxy in get_proxylist():
proxydump = get_yaml(proxy)
if proxydump['ileiden']:
datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies'] = ','.join([x['masterip'] for x in ileiden_proxies])
datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies_names'] = ','.join([x['autogen_item'] for x in ileiden_proxies])
datadump['autogen_normal_proxies'] = ','.join([x['masterip'] for x in normal_proxies])
datadump['autogen_normal_proxies_names'] = ','.join([x['autogen_item'] for x in normal_proxies])
output = generate_header("#");
output += Template("""\
hostname='{{ autogen_fqdn }}'
location='{{ location }}'
nodetype="{{ nodetype }}"
{% if tproxy -%}
tproxy_range='{{ tproxy }}'
{% else -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if nodetype == "Proxy" or nodetype == "Hybrid" %}
# Edge Configuration
# Firewall and Routing Configuration
{% if gateway -%}
defaultrouter="{{ gateway }}"
{% else -%}
{% endif -%}
internalif="{{ internalif }}"
ileiden_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}"
gateway_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}"
{% if autogen_ileiden_enable == "yes" -%}
pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={80,443}"
lvrouted_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}"
lvrouted_flags="-u -s s00p3rs3kr3t -m 28"
{% else -%}
pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={0}"
{% endif -%}
{% if internalroute -%}
route_wleiden="-net {{ internalroute }}"
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if nodetype == "CNode" %}
# NODE iLeiden Configuration
# iLeiden Proxies {{ autogen_ileiden_proxies_names }}
list_ileiden_proxies="{{ autogen_ileiden_proxies }}"
# normal Proxies {{ autogen_normal_proxies_names }}
list_normal_proxies="{{ autogen_normal_proxies }}"
lvrouted_flags="-u -s s00p3rs3kr3t -m 28 -z $list_ileiden_proxies"
{% endif %}
{% if vpnif -%}
vpnif="{{ vpnif }}"
{% endif -%}
captive_portal_interfaces="{{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces }}"
# lo0 configuration:
# - is the proxy.wleiden.net deflector
# - masterip is special as it needs to be assigned to at
# least one interface, so if not used assign to lo0
addrs_list = { 'lo0' : [("", "LocalHost"), ("","Proxy IP")] }
iface_map = {'lo0' : 'lo0'}
dhclient_if = {'lo0' : False}
masterip_used = False
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
if datadump[iface_key]['ip'].startswith(datadump['masterip']):
masterip_used = True
if not masterip_used:
addrs_list['lo0'].append((datadump['masterip'] + "/32", 'Master IP Not used in interface'))
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
ifname = ifacedump['autogen_ifname']
# Flag dhclient is possible
dhclient_if[ifname] = ifacedump.has_key('dhcpclient') and ifacedump['dhcpclient']
# Add interface IP to list
item = (ifacedump['ip'], ifacedump['desc'])
if addrs_list.has_key(ifname):
addrs_list[ifname] = [item]
# Alias only needs IP assignment for now, this might change if we
# are going to use virtual accesspoints
if "alias" in iface_key:
# XXX: Might want to deduct type directly from interface name
if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']:
# Default to station (client) mode
ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "sta"
if ifacedump['mode'] in ['master', 'master-wds', 'ap', 'ap-wds']:
ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "ap"
# Default to 802.11b mode
ifacedump['mode'] = '11b'
if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b' '11g']:
ifacedump['mode'] = ifacedump['type']
if not ifacedump.has_key('channel'):
if ifacedump['type'] == '11a':
ifacedump['channel'] = 36
ifacedump['channel'] = 1
# Allow special hacks at the back like wds and stuff
if not ifacedump.has_key('extra'):
ifacedump['extra'] = 'regdomain ETSI country NL'
output += "wlans_%(interface)s='%(autogen_ifname)s'\n" % ifacedump
output += ("create_args_%(autogen_ifname)s='wlanmode %(wlanmode)s mode " +\
"%(mode)s ssid %(ssid)s %(extra)s channel %(channel)s'\n") % ifacedump
elif ifacedump['type'] in ['ethernet', 'eth']:
# No special config needed besides IP
assert False, "Unknown type " + ifacedump['type']
# Print IP address which needs to be assigned over here
output += "\n"
for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()):
for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])):
output += "# %s || %s || %s\n" % (iface, addr, comment)
# Write DHCLIENT entry
if dhclient_if[iface]:
output += "ifconfig_%s='SYNCDHCP'\n\n" % (iface)
output += "ipv4_addrs_%s='%s'\n\n" % (iface, " ".join([x[0] for x in addrs]))
return output
def get_all_configs():
""" Get dict with key 'host' with all configs present """
configs = dict()
for host in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(host)
configs[host] = datadump
return configs
def get_interface_keys(config):
""" Quick hack to get all interface keys, later stage convert this to a iterator """
return sorted([elem for elem in config.keys() if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)])
def get_used_ips(configs):
""" Return array of all IPs used in config files"""
ip_list = []
for config in configs:
for iface_key in get_interface_keys(config):
l = config[iface_key]['ip']
addr, mask = l.split('/')
# Special case do not process
if valid_addr(addr):
logger.error("## IP '%s' in '%s' not valid" % (addr, config['nodename']))
return sorted(ip_list)
def generate_resolv_conf(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/resolv.conf' """
output = generate_header("#");
output += """\
search wleiden.net
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy':
output += """\
# Try local (cache) first
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
elif datadump['nodetype'] == 'Hybrid':
for proxy in get_proxylist():
proxy_ip = get_yaml(proxy)['masterip']
output += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (proxy_ip, proxy)
output += """\
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
nameserver # Google Public NameServer
output += """\
# Try local (cache) first
# Proxies are recursive nameservers
# needs to be in resolv.conf for dnsmasq as well
""" % datadump
for proxy in get_proxylist():
proxy_ip = get_yaml(proxy)['masterip']
output += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (proxy_ip, proxy)
return output
def generate_motd(datadump):
""" Generate configuration file '/etc/motd' """
output = """\
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE (kernel.wleiden) #0 r230587: Sun Jan 29 17:09:57 CET 2012
WWW: %(autogen_fqdn)s - http://www.wirelessleiden.nl
Loc: %(location)s
""" % datadump
# XXX: This is a hacky way to get the required data
for line in generate_rc_conf_local(datadump).split('\n'):
if '||' in line and not line[1:].split()[0] in ['lo0', 'ath0'] :
output += " - %s \n" % line[1:]
output += """\
Attached bridges:
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
if ifacedump.has_key('ns_ip'):
output += " - %(interface)s || %(mode)s || %(ns_ip)s\n" % ifacedump
return output
def format_yaml_value(value):
""" Get yaml value in right syntax for outputting """
if isinstance(value,str):
output = '"%s"' % value
output = value
return output
def format_wleiden_yaml(datadump):
""" Special formatting to ensure it is editable"""
output = "# Genesis config yaml style\n"
output += "# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai\n"
output += "#\n"
iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]
for key in sorted(set(datadump.keys()) - set(iface_keys)):
output += "%-10s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[key]))
output += "\n\n"
key_order = [ 'comment', 'interface', 'ip', 'desc', 'sdesc', 'mode', 'type',
'extra_type', 'channel', 'ssid', 'dhcp' ]
for iface_key in sorted(iface_keys):
output += "%s:\n" % iface_key
for key in key_order + list(sorted(set(datadump[iface_key].keys()) - set(key_order))):
if datadump[iface_key].has_key(key):
output += " %-11s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[iface_key][key]))
output += "\n\n"
return output
def generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header=True):
""" Generate (petty) version of wleiden.yaml"""
for key in datadump.keys():
if key.startswith('autogen_'):
del datadump[key]
# Interface autogen cleanups
elif type(datadump[key]) == dict:
for key2 in datadump[key].keys():
if key2.startswith('autogen_'):
del datadump[key][key2]
output = generate_header("#") if header else ''
output += format_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
return output
def generate_yaml(datadump):
return generate_config(datadump['nodename'], "wleiden.yaml", datadump)
def generate_config(node, config, datadump=None):
""" Print configuration file 'config' of 'node' """
output = ""
# Load config file
if datadump == None:
datadump = get_yaml(node)
if config == 'wleiden.yaml':
output += generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
elif config == 'authorized_keys':
f = open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,"global_keys"), 'r')
output += f.read()
elif config == 'dnsmasq.conf':
output += generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump)
elif config == 'dhcpd.conf':
output += generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump)
elif config == 'rc.conf.local':
output += generate_rc_conf_local(datadump)
elif config == 'resolv.conf':
output += generate_resolv_conf(datadump)
elif config == 'motd':
output += generate_motd(datadump)
assert False, "Config not found!"
except IOError, e:
output += "[ERROR] Config file not found"
return output
def process_cgi_request():
""" When calling from CGI """
# Update repository if requested
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if form.getvalue("action") == "update":
print "Refresh: 5; url=."
print "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n",
print "[INFO] Updating subverion, please wait..."
print subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'cleanup', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],
print subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'up', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],
print "[INFO] All done, redirecting in 5 seconds"
base_uri = os.environ['PATH_INFO']
uri = base_uri.strip('/').split('/')
output = ""
if base_uri.endswith('/create/network.kml'):
output += "Content-type:application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml\r\n\r\n"
output += make_network_kml.make_graph()
elif not uri[0]:
if is_text_request():
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += '\n'.join(get_hostlist())
output += "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_title(get_hostlist())
elif len(uri) == 1:
if is_text_request():
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_node(uri[0])
output += "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_node_overview(uri[0])
elif len(uri) == 2:
output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
output += generate_config(uri[0], uri[1])
assert False, "Invalid option"
print output
def get_realname(datadump):
# Proxy naming convention is special, as the proxy name is also included in
# the nodename, when it comes to the numbered proxies.
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy':
realname = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename'].replace('proxy','')
# By default the full name is listed and also a shortname CNAME for easy use.
realname = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename']
def make_dns(output_dir = 'dns', external = False):
items = dict()
# hostname is key, IP is value
wleiden_zone = dict()
wleiden_cname = dict()
pool = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
logger.info("Processing host %s", node)
datadump = get_yaml(node)
# Proxy naming convention is special
fqdn = datadump['autogen_realname']
if datadump['nodetype'] == 'CNode':
wleiden_cname[datadump['nodename']] = fqdn
wleiden_zone[fqdn] = datadump['masterip']
# Hacking to get proper DHCP IPs and hostnames
for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump):
iface_name = datadump[iface_key]['interface'].replace(':',"-alias-")
(ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
(dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
datadump[iface_key]['netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr)
dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
if ip != datadump['masterip']:
wleiden_zone["dhcp-gateway-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = ip
for i in range(int(dhcp_start), int(dhcp_stop) + 1):
wleiden_zone["dhcp-%s-%s.%s" % (i, iface_name, fqdn)] = "%s.%s" % (dhcp_part, i)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
# First push it into a pool, to indentify the counter-part later on
addr = parseaddr(ip)
netmask = int(netmask)
addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - netmask)) - 1)
if pool.has_key(addr):
pool[addr] += [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)]
pool[addr] = [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)]
def pool_to_name(node, pool_members):
"""Convert the joined name to a usable pool name"""
# Get rid of the own entry
pool_members = list(set(pool_members) - set([fqdn]))
target = oldname = ''
for node in sorted(pool_members):
(name, number) = re.match('^([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]*)$',node).group(1,2)
target += "-" + number if name == oldname else "-" + node if target else node
oldname = name
return target
# WL uses an /29 to configure an interface. IP's are ordered like this:
# MasterA (.1) -- DeviceA (.2) <<>> DeviceB (.3) --- SlaveB (.4)
sn = lambda x: re.sub(r'(?i)^cnode','',x)
# Automatic naming convention of interlinks namely 2 + remote.lower()
for (key,value) in pool.iteritems():
# Make sure they are sorted from low-ip to high-ip
value = sorted(value, key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[2]))
if len(value) == 1:
(iface_name, fqdn, ip) = value[0]
wleiden_zone["2unused-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = ip
# Device DNS names
if 'cnode' in fqdn.lower():
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(ip) + 1)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name,sn(fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)
elif len(value) == 2:
(a_iface_name, a_fqdn, a_ip) = value[0]
(b_iface_name, b_fqdn, b_ip) = value[1]
wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (b_fqdn,a_fqdn)] = a_ip
wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (a_fqdn,b_fqdn)] = b_ip
# Device DNS names
if 'cnode' in a_fqdn.lower() and 'cnode' in b_fqdn.lower():
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(a_ip) + 1)
wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)] = showaddr(parseaddr(b_ip) - 1)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name,sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name,sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(b_fqdn),sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)
wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(a_fqdn),sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)
pool_members = [k[1] for k in value]
for item in value:
(iface_name, fqdn, ip) = item
pool_name = "2pool-" + showaddr(key).replace('.','-') + "-" + pool_to_name(fqdn,pool_members)
wleiden_zone["%s.%s" % (pool_name, fqdn)] = ip
# Include static DNS entries
# XXX: Should they override the autogenerated results?
# XXX: Convert input to yaml more useable.
# Format:
##; this is a comment
## roomburgh=CNodeRoomburgh1
## apkerk1.CNodeVosko= ;this as well
dns = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,'../dns/staticDNS.yaml'),'r'))
# Hack to allow special entries, for development
wleiden_raw = dns['raw']
del dns['raw']
for comment, block in dns.iteritems():
for k,v in block.iteritems():
if valid_addr(v):
wleiden_zone[k] = v
wleiden_cname[k] = v
details = dict()
# 24 updates a day allowed
details['serial'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H')
if external:
dns_masters = ['siteview.wirelessleiden.nl', 'ns1.vanderzwet.net']
dns_masters = ['sunny.wleiden.net']
details['master'] = dns_masters[0]
details['ns_servers'] = '\n'.join(['\tNS\t%s.' % x for x in dns_masters])
dns_header = '''
$TTL 3h
%(zone)s. SOA %(master)s. beheer.lijst.wirelessleiden.nl. ( %(serial)s 1d 12h 1w 3h )
; Serial, Refresh, Retry, Expire, Neg. cache TTL
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
details['zone'] = 'wleiden.net'
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w")
f.write(dns_header % details)
for host,ip in wleiden_zone.iteritems():
if valid_addr(ip):
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN A %s \n" % (host.lower(), ip))
for source,dest in wleiden_cname.iteritems():
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN CNAME %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (source.lower(), dest.lower()))
for source, dest in wleiden_raw.iteritems():
f.write("%s.wleiden.net. %s\n" % (source, dest))
# Create whole bunch of specific sub arpa zones. To keep it compliant
for s in range(16,32):
details['zone'] = '%i.172.in-addr.arpa' % s
f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w")
f.write(dns_header % details)
#XXX: Not effient, fix to proper data structure and do checks at other
# stages
for host,ip in wleiden_zone.iteritems():
if valid_addr(ip):
if int(ip.split('.')[1]) == s:
rev_ip = '.'.join(reversed(ip.split('.')))
f.write("%s.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (rev_ip.lower(), host.lower()))
def usage():
print """Usage: %s
\tdns [outputdir] = Generate BIND compliant zone files in dns.
\tstandalone = Run configurator webserver [default port=8000]
\twind-export = Generate SQL import scripts for WIND database
\tfull-export = Generate yaml export script for heatmap.
\tstatic = Generate all config files and store on disk
\t with format ./static/%%NODE%%/%%FILE%%
\ttest CNodeRick dnsmasq.conf = Receive output of CGI script
\t for arguments CNodeRick/dnsmasq.conf
\tlist = List systems which marked up.
def is_text_request():
""" Find out whether we are calling from the CLI or any text based CLI utility """
return os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].split()[0] in ['curl', 'fetch', 'wget']
except KeyError:
return True
def main():
"""Hard working sub"""
# Allow easy hacking using the CLI
if not os.environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] == "standalone":
import SocketServer
import CGIHTTPServer
# Hop to the right working directory.
PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
except (IndexError,ValueError):
PORT = 8000
class MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
""" Serve this CGI from the root of the webserver """
def is_cgi(self):
if "favicon" in self.path:
return False
self.cgi_info = (os.path.basename(__file__), self.path)
self.path = ''
return True
handler = MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler
SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler)
httpd.server_name = 'localhost'
httpd.server_port = PORT
logger.info("serving at port %s", PORT)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.info("All done goodbye")
elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/".join(sys.argv[2:])
os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__
elif sys.argv[1] == "unit-test":
os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__
for host in get_hostlist():
for outfile in files:
os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/".join([host,outfile])
except Exception:
print "# ERROR: %s" % os.environ['PATH_INFO']
elif sys.argv[1] == "static":
items = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
items['node'] = node
items['wdir'] = "./static/%(node)s" % items
if not os.path.isdir(items['wdir']):
datadump = get_yaml(node)
for config in files:
items['config'] = config
logger.info("## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items)
f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w")
f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump))
elif sys.argv[1] == "wind-export":
items = dict()
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO nodes (name, name_ns, longitude, latitude)
VALUES ('%(nodename)s', '%(nodename)s', %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s);""" % datadump;
sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO users_nodes (user_id, node_id, owner)
(SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'rvdzwet'),
(SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'),
'Y');""" % datadump
#for config in files:
# items['config'] = config
# print "## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items
# f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w")
# f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump))
# f.close()
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
for iface_key in sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]):
ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
if ifacedump.has_key('mode') and ifacedump['mode'] == 'ap-wds':
ifacedump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename']
if not ifacedump.has_key('channel') or not ifacedump['channel']:
ifacedump['channel'] = 0
sql = """INSERT INTO links (node_id, type, ssid, protocol, channel, status)
VALUES ((SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'ap',
'%(ssid)s', 'IEEE 802.11b', %(channel)s, 'active');""" % ifacedump
elif sys.argv[1] == "full-export":
hosts = {}
for node in get_hostlist():
datadump = get_yaml(node)
hosts[datadump['nodename']] = datadump
print yaml.dump(hosts)
elif sys.argv[1] == "dns":
make_dns(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'dns', 'external' in sys.argv)
elif sys.argv[1] == "cleanup":
# First generate all datadumps
datadumps = dict()
for host in get_hostlist():
logger.info("# Processing: %s", host)
# Set some boring default values
datadump = { 'board' : 'UNKNOWN' }
datadumps[datadump['autogen_realname']] = datadump
for host,datadump in datadumps.iteritems():
if datadump['rdnap_x'] and datadump['rdnap_y']:
datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude'] = rdnap.rd2etrs(datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'])
elif datadump['latitude'] and datadump['longitude']:
datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'] = rdnap.etrs2rd(datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude'])
if datadump['nodename'].startswith('Proxy'):
datadump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename'].lower()
for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']:
# Wireless Leiden SSID have an consistent lowercase/uppercase
if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ssid'):
ssid = datadump[iface_key]['ssid']
prefix = 'ap-WirelessLeiden-'
if ssid.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()):
datadump[iface_key]['ssid'] = prefix + ssid[len(prefix)].upper() + ssid[len(prefix) + 1:]
if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ns_ip') and not datadump[iface_key].has_key('mode'):
datadump[iface_key]['mode'] = 'autogen-FIXME'
if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('desc'):
datadump[iface_key]['desc'] = 'autogen-FIXME'
elif sys.argv[1] == "list":
if sys.argv[2] == "nodes":
systems = get_nodelist()
elif sys.argv[2] == "proxies":
systems = get_proxylist()
elif sys.argv[2] == "all":
systems = get_hostlist()
for system in systems:
datadump = get_yaml(system)
if datadump['status'] == "up":
print system
elif sys.argv[1] == "create":
if sys.argv[2] == "network.kml":
print make_network_kml.make_graph()
# Do not enable debugging for config requests as it highly clutters the output
if not is_text_request():
if __name__ == "__main__":