1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | # (c) Copyright 2002, 2003 Stichting Wireless Leiden, all
3 | # rights reserved. More information can be found on
4 | # http://wwww.wirelessleiden.nl and the license is at:
5 | # http://wleiden.webweaving.org:8080/svn/node-config/LICENSE
6 | #
7 | # Marten Vijn 24-03-03
8 | # new version 14-11-2003
9 | # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
10 | #
11 |
12 |
13 | if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
14 | . /etc/defaults/rc.conf
15 | source_rc_confs
16 | elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
17 | . /etc/rc.conf
18 | fi
19 |
20 | PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
21 | TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}
22 | TMPPREFIX=${TMPDIR}/wl-tmp-$$
23 | WHOST=${WHOST:-rambo.wleiden.net}
24 | HTTP_PROXY=${HTTP_PROXY:-http://proxy.wleiden.net:3128}
25 | HTTP_USER_AGENT=${HTTP_USER_AGENT:-curl.faked.fetch/0.0}
26 | VERSION=1.00
27 |
28 | if [ -z ${QUIET} ]; then
29 | echo "Using..."
30 | echo "no proxy"
31 | echo "no dhclient"
32 | echo "config `hostname -s`"
33 | sleep 1
34 | fi
35 |
36 | echo "do we need a proxy ?"
37 | echo
38 | echo "just hit enter to go on without proxy settings"
39 | echo "otherwise type y for this proxy ${HTTP_PROXY} or enter your own proxy"
40 | echo "if don't want a proxy enter n "
41 |
42 | if [ -z ${QUIET} ]; then
43 | read proxyset
44 | else
45 | proxyset="n"
46 | fi
47 |
48 | case $proxyset in
49 |
50 | n)
51 | echo no proxy is set
52 | ;;
53 | y)
54 | echo this the proxy ${HTTP_PROXY}
55 | export HTTP_PROXY
56 | ;;
57 |
58 | *)
59 | ${HTTP_PROXY}=${proxyset}
60 | echo this the proxy $HTTP_PROXY
61 | export HTTP_PROXY
62 | ;;
63 | esac
64 |
65 | export HTTP_USER_AGENT
66 | export TMPDIR
67 |
68 | # Genesis master location.
69 | link=${GENESIS:-http://${WHOST}/cgi-bin/g_list.pl/}
70 | list=filelist
71 |
72 | # Location for private config
73 | lcd=${LCDIR:-/lcd}
74 |
75 | # True/false - logging.
76 | # quiet=true
77 |
78 | # Make sure we clean up our mess when needed.
79 | trap "rm -f ${TMPPREFIX}.?; echo Failed; exit 1;" 2 3
80 |
81 | # connection test function
82 | connset()
83 | {
84 |
85 | if [ `ps ax | grep -c dhclient` != "1" ] ; then
86 | killall dhclient
87 | fi
88 |
89 |
90 | echo "enter the ipadress to resolv dns"
91 | echo 1 for cope as dns on wirelessleiden
92 | echo 2 for xs4all dns server
93 | echo 3 if you are at LCPL
94 | echo or type your on dns
95 |
96 | read dns_list
97 |
98 | case $dns_list in
99 | 1)
100 | resolver=""
101 | ;;
102 | 2)
103 | resolver=""
104 | ;;
105 | 3)
106 | resolver=""
107 | ;;
108 | *)
109 | resolver=$dns_list
110 | ;;
111 | esac
112 |
113 |
114 | echo "/etc/resolv.conf has been changed from:"
115 | echo `cat /etc/resolv.conf`
116 | echo to
117 | echo $resolver
118 | echo "nameserver ${resolver}" > /etc/resolv.conf
119 |
120 | for nic in `ifconfig -l`
121 | do
122 | case ${nic} in
123 | lo0)
124 | echo
125 | ;;
126 | wi*)
127 | echo
128 | ;;
129 | *)
130 | if ping -qnoc ${WHOST}; then
131 | echo Connection on interface ${nic} ok
132 | else
133 | killall dhclient
134 | echo Trying to get a DHCP lease on ${nic}
135 | dhclient -1 ${nic}
136 | fi
137 | ;;
138 | esac
139 | done
140 | }
141 |
142 | echo "do we need network on a nic by dhcp ?"
143 | echo "enter n to not use dhclient for configuration ! "
144 |
145 | if [ -z ${QUIET} ]; then
146 | read nic_dhcp
147 | else
148 | nic_dhcp="n"
149 | fi
150 | if [ "x${nic_dhcp}" = "xn" ] ; then
151 | echo proceding...
152 | else
153 | echo running dhclient
154 | connset
155 | fi
156 | # Logging function
157 | #
158 | log()
159 | {
160 | ${quiet} || return
161 | echo $*
162 | }
163 |
164 | cleanse()
165 | {
166 | rm -f ${TMPPREFIX}.?
167 | }
168 |
169 | # Normal exit; but make sure
170 | # we also clean up any tmp files
171 | #
172 | cleanexit()
173 | {
174 | E=1
175 | if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
176 | E=$1
177 | fi
178 | cleanse
179 | log Exit
180 | exit $E
181 | # Trap any weird exit codes.
182 | exit 1
183 | }
184 |
185 | safefetch()
186 | {
187 | url=$1
188 | file=$2
189 | fetch -q -o - ${link}${nodename} > ${TMPPREFIX}.x \
190 | || cleanexit 1
191 | cp ${TMPPREFIX}.x ${dir}/${list} \
192 | || cleanexit 1
193 | rm -f ${TMPPREFIX}.x
194 |
195 | return 0
196 | }
197 |
198 | getvalidnodename()
199 | {
200 | log " "
201 | log " "
202 | log " "
203 | log Fetching list of nodes from ${link}
204 |
205 | fetch -q -o - ${link} > ${nlist} || cleanexit 1
206 |
207 | while ! grep -q "^${nodename}\$" ${nlist}
208 | do
209 | echo Nodes:
210 | cat ${nlist}
211 | echo
212 | echo -n enter nodename \[default: ${default}\]:
213 | if [ -z ${QUIET} ]; then
214 | read nodename
215 | else
216 | nodename=${default}
217 | fi
218 |
219 | if [ "x${nodename}" = "x" ]; then
220 | nodename=${default}
221 | fi
222 | done
223 |
224 | echo Node Selected: ${nodename}
225 | }
226 |
227 | # a function to move conf_file to admin_dir
228 | # and to make symlink on the old location to
229 | # the new location
230 |
231 | do_diff() {
232 | diff -uwbB ${symdir}/${i} ${dir}/${i}.new
233 | }
234 |
235 | do_move() {
236 | rm ${dir}/${i}.bak
237 | mv ${dir}/${i} ${dir}/${i}.bak \
238 | || cleanexit 1
239 | log backuped ${dir}/${i}
240 |
241 | mv ${dir}/${i}.new ${dir}/${i} \
242 | || cleanexit 1
243 | updated ${dir}/${i}
244 | }
245 |
246 | bink() {
247 | $CMD
248 | }
249 |
250 | dir=${lcd}
251 |
252 | echo Config Node -- Version: $VERSION
253 |
254 | #check config dir
255 | #
256 | if [ ! -d ${dir} ]; then
257 | mkdir -p ${dir} || cleanexit 1
258 | fi
259 |
260 | if [ -z ${HTTP_PROXY} ]; then
261 | # checking connection - and only fiddle
262 | # with interfaces if we need to.
263 | #
264 | (
265 | echo no proxy defined - checking connection.
266 | host ${WHOST} > /dev/null || exit 1
267 | ping -qnoc 1 ${WHOST} > /dev/null || exit 1
268 | exit 0
269 | ) || connset
270 | fi
271 |
272 | CMD=do_move
273 | if [ "x$1" = "x-d" ]; then
274 | CMD=do_diff
275 | dir=${TMPDIR}
276 | shift
277 | fi
278 |
279 | # Use the cmd line argument, of any
280 | #
281 | if [ $# = 1 ]; then
282 | nodename=$1
283 | else
284 | if [ -r ${lcd}/myname ]; then
285 | default=`cat ${lcd}/myname`
286 | else
287 | default=`hostname -s`
288 | test -z $default && default=none
289 | fi
290 | fi
291 |
292 | nlist=${TMPPREFIX}.l
293 |
294 | test -z $default && default=$nodename
295 |
296 | test -z $nodename && getvalidnodename
297 |
298 | log Fetching file list from $link for $nodename
299 |
300 | safefetch ${link}${nodename} ${dir}/${list}
301 |
302 | for i in `cat ${dir}/${list}`
303 | do
304 | log getting ${i} for ${nodename} from ${link}
305 | fetch -q -o - ${link}${nodename}/${i} > ${dir}/${i}.new \
306 | || cleanexit 1
307 | done
308 |
309 |
310 | for i in `cat ${dir}/${list}`
311 | do
312 | case ${i} in
313 | linux.sh | config)
314 | log obsolete file: ${i} - skipped
315 | ;;
316 | resolv.conf | rc.node.local | rc.local)
317 | symdir='/etc/'
318 | bink
319 | ;;
320 | snmpd.local.conf)
321 | symdir='/usr/local/share/snmp/'
322 | bink
323 | ;;
324 | named.conf)
325 | symdir='/etc/namedb/'
326 | bink
327 | ;;
328 | dhcpd.conf)
329 | symdir='/usr/local/etc/'
330 | bink
331 | ;;
332 | zebra.conf | ospfd.conf)
333 | symdir='/usr/local/etc/zebra/'
334 | bink
335 | ;;
336 | authorized_keys)
337 | symdir='/root/.ssh'
338 | bink
339 | ;;
340 | daemons.sh)
341 | symdir='/wl'
342 | bink
343 | ;;
344 | *)
345 | echo Script cannot cope with ${i} - ignoring..
346 | ;;
347 | esac
348 | done
349 |
350 |
351 | if [ -e /etc/rc.local ]; then
352 | # See if we are in rc.local
353 | if grep -q /config-node.sh /etc/rc.local; then
354 |
355 | echo As this node now has real configs - do enter a root password
356 | echo
357 | passwd \
358 | || cleanexit 1
359 |
360 | echo Removing /etc/rc.local
361 | rm -f /etc/rc.local
362 |
363 | echo Will drop write perms on the next reboot.
364 | fi
365 | fi
366 |
367 | # Record our name.
368 | echo ${nodename} > ${dir}/myname
369 |
370 | # Rebuild reverse lookups
371 | H=`cat /etc/rc.node.local | grep hostname | sed -e s/hostname=// | sed -e s/[\"\']//g`
372 | hostname $H
373 | if [ -r /etc/namedb/make-localhost ]; then
374 | (
375 | cd /etc/namedb || exit 1
376 | sh /etc/namedb/make-localhost || exit 1
377 | ) || exit 1
378 | fi
379 |
380 | cleanse
381 |
382 | if [ -e /etc/rc.empty.conf ] ; then
383 | rm /etc/rc.empty.conf || exit
384 | echo removed /etc/rc.empty.conf - and rebooting in 30 seconds \(or press ctrl-C to abort\)
385 | read -t 30 DUMMY
386 | reboot
387 | fi
388 |
389 | exit 0